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So what is the cold war?

An uneducated gues might be: a war fought with corld wepons, but its not right.

In reality the cold war is a highly complicated war between the U.S.A its allys and the

Soviet Union and its allys (mostly consisting of comunist sountrys).

historyans are still not sure on the exact date on when the war started but they think

it started in march 12 1947 and ended in december 26 1991. the cold war was

2 superpowers making little countrys fighting with in each other in these countles wars that

hepped during this periud. some of them were the vietnam war, the korean war, the berlin blockade

the berlin wall

at that time berlin was devided in 2 parts, the west side and the east side.

the wast side was with the U.S.A, and the eastern side was with the USSR.

when the eastern citizen beging to see that the western side was better

they started fludding the western side. After some time the east block

barrikaded the border betwen west and east berlin. at the end of the cold war

when the USSR fell western berlin merged with the easter berlin and so did

the whole germany.

the vietnam war

the vietnam war begen with an civil war betwen the democratic side of vietman ( the southern part ) and
the komunist part
( the northen part ). The U.S.A was scared that if vietnam fell under komunist regime that it would create
a domino

effect and that the whole south east asia would follow the USSR. So they went and fought in the war to
stop the USSR from expanding.

the northen vietnamise were experts of the jungle not like the americans who had never seen a jungle
before. It was clear the

the north side was wining and american were losing alot of tropes and resourses fiting in this war. After
20 years of fighting

the americans retret back and go back in the U.S.A ( this was one of the biggest losses the U.S.A had had
till now.

So this was my kinda of an essay for the cold war.

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