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1. Which basic consumer right was violated in the given case? Explain.

Right to Safety because Jollibee is responsible for providing safe, high-quality products and
services to their consumers. The most serious violation of trust comes when corporations
manufacture items that, when utilized correctly, damage customers.
2. Do you think the solution provided by the fast-food corporation is enough to address the
problem? Propose better ways of addressing customer concerns in light of the firm’s business
I believe Jollibee's actions are sufficient because such incidents are unavoidable, particularly at
quick food places. However, their employees must be more cautious in the future to avoid
similar situations.
3. What could have been done by Jollibee management to avoid the incident?
To avoid such situations, workers, particularly those in the kitchen, must verify the food before
preparing and serving it. They must also be cautious with their personal items and the
equipment they use so that the food does not deteriorate.
4. What do you think is the major cause of plastic pollution? Is it the corporations themselves or
the users of their products?
Users, in my opinion, are the source of plastic pollution since they continue to use it while
knowing it is harmful. If no one buys it, the corporation will not create it.
5. What do you think are the implications of this issue to other stakeholders of the corporations?
i.e., investors, community, etc.
Investors may lose money since there will be no way to generate money if plastics are
6. How can big corporations such as URC, Nestle, and Colgate-Palmolive contribute to addressing
plastic pollution?
Because they are the primary user of plastics, they are the largest contributor to the
aforementioned issue.

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