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Pun aici doar ca referință în caz că temele se repetă cel puțin conținutul să nu se repete.

O să șterg mesajul ăsta când o să fie tot completat.

Recommend literary work written by an English-speaking writer or poet. Justify your

If I were to recommend to someone any kind of English literary work written in English I was
going to suggest, Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. Written and published in 1997. This
book has great success in educating the masses into the basics of money. Giving the
introductions to a lot of new terms and teaching you the absolute basics of how to build wealth.
My favorite and a lot of people’s favorite saying from the book is: “Most people work for money
– rich people have money to work for them”.

William Shakespeare (26 April 1564 – 23 April 1616) was an English playwright, poet and
actor. He is widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's
greatest dramatist. One of his most successful works is Romeo and Juliet. The primary lesson
from Romeo and Juliet that we need to learn is to be true in life rather like they are earnest to
each other. Secondly, there are values in life that we ought to not disregard and we need to
keep our guarantees as well.

A famous historic figure that lived in an English-speaking country

Winston Churchill (Born: November 30, 1874 Blenheim Palace, England. Died: January 24,
1965 (aged 90) London, England) was an inspirational statesman, writer, orator and leader who
led Britain to victory in the Second World War. He served as Conservative Prime Minister twice -
from 1940 to 1945. He shaped Allied strategy in the war, and in the war's later stages he alerted
the West to the expansionist threat of the Soviet Union.

A tourist attraction located in an English-speaking country that you would like to visit, for
example, a museum, a monument, a park, a building and a church. Explain why.

A monument:

Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument on Salisbury Plain in South England. Stonehenge was

produced by a culture that left no written records. Many aspects of Stonehenge, such as how it
was built and for what purposes it was used, remain subject to debate. Stonehenge is made up
of roughly 100 massive upright stones placed in a circular layout, each having 4 m in height and
2.1 in width. The people go visit this monument because of the mysteries surrounding it.
Secondly it is mind blowing to think that it was built during the transition of Neolithic and Bronze

A park:

Grand Canyon National Park is located in the northwest corner of Arizona. Reasons to Visit
the Grand canyon could be: Insane sightseeing of the Colorado River that stretches 277 miles
over the canyon. Secondly a lot of opportunities for hiking and for the passionate about stones
this is a rock layer heaven.

Other reasons: Sunrises and sunsets not seen anywhere else.

Suggest a city in Great Britain, besides London, that they should visit and explain what
they could see in it:

Manchester is a great city to visit besides London. A bit to the north on a 200 miles trip.
Besides the amazing and famous football team and their community. There are two famous
spots you can visit. One being the Central Library with over 100000(one hundred thousand, 100
thousand) volumes. Secondly there you can see St Peter's Square, it was built in the 17th
century on the site where the apostle Peter was killed and therefore named after him.

Which sports have a long history in Great Britain and are practiced with enthusiasm?
Describe at least one of them:

Few sports invented by England are: Rugby and Hockey in the 19th century, Golf 16th century
and cricket in the 18th century. England's national sport is cricket although to many people
football (soccer) is seen as our national sport. Football England is the most popular sport. Some
of England's football teams are world famous, the most famous being Manchester United,
Arsenal and Liverpool. The popularity of the sport could be caused by the following: English
invented the sport in 1170 and there are a ton of teams in England.

a personality from an English-speaking country that changed the political or economic

directions of the world. Describe his or her impact on the development of our civilization:

Thomas Woodrow Wilson created the League of Nations after World War I (1914–18). He
presided over ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment, giving women the right to vote, and
laws that prohibited child labour and that mandated an eight-hour workday for railroad workers.

An article about a tradition or holiday that is celebrated in an English-speaking country,

but not in your own country:

Today, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. But that was not
always the case. When Abraham Lincoln was president in 1863, he proclaimed the last
Thursday of November. Thanksgiving Day, annual national holiday in the United States and
Canada celebrating the harvest and other blessings of the past year. Americans generally
believe that their Thanksgiving is modeled on a 1621 harvest feast shared by the English
colonists (Pilgrims) of Plymouth and the Wampanoag people.

Why is language considered to be the treasure of a nation?

Every nation is defined by three main things: the national anthem, language and its flag.
Through language, people preserve their community's history, customs and traditions, memory,
unique modes of thinking, meaning and expression. They also use it to construct their future.
How do changes in society influence people’s culture? What can slow down or speed up
cultural development?

The basic elements of culture like language, religion, philosophy, literature, faith and values will
take a long time to change due to the influence of another culture, but it can be influenced by
social changes.

The biggest social change I see is due to social networking and the related technology. The
constant access to both of them is changing society in some good and not so good ways. We
can easily reach anyone, just about twenty-four hours a day. But at the same time the violence
we see can cause other actions of bigger violence. Bad language used on social networks can
slow down the culture of a whole nation.

Social projects developed by different organizations and clubs can speed up the development of
our culture and make the world better.
If you were offered to travel around the world, where would you go and why?
If you offer me any traveling possibilities around the globe I have at least 1 location or country in
each corner of the world. For example In europe I would like to visit Italy for the good quality
pasta and pizza, which Italy is famous for. In the USA I would like to visit the famous Miami
Beach, in Florida state, for an amazing time with the locals and travelers all over the world. As
for Asia I would like to visit Japan and Korea, both for their hundreds of years of tradition and
history. Alongside the delicious local food like japanese curry and soba.

Write some facts about the Higher Education Institutions in the USA.

In many countries, post-secondary institutions are called universities. However, in the US, the
words college and university are often used interchangeably. In the US unlike any other country,
not the federal government manages universities but each state individually does. Alternatively,
private colleges can operate on their own, without any direct control from state or national
governments. Tech Colleges and Community Colleges are higher educational institutions but
more based on job training. Like flight school or traffic control programs. There are two main
options: a two-year associate's degree and a four-year bachelor's degree. Generally,
associate's degrees are granted at two-year US community colleges, while bachelor's degrees
are awarded from four-year colleges and universities.

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