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Mobile App Development Problem Statements

Problem Statement 1 (Live Streaming App)

Create a live streaming app where users can join the room watch the live video streamed by the
admin and chat with each other connected in the room.

● Design a custom video player with custom controls (like play, pause, skip, backward, quality,
sound, etc.).
● In your custom player all type of videos could be streamed (like mp4, youtube, vimeo, etc.).
● Live chat should be enabled whosever has joined the live stream room.

Problem Statement 2 (Notes Sharing App)

Create a notes sharing app where students can share their notes, assignments, files, video etc. with
fellow students specific to there insititute.

● Student should be able to signin and signup using his institute id.
● Student can attach any type of file format to share notes to specific students or share it
● If any notes is shared publicly it should be visible to everyone on the public wall of an

Problem Statement 3 (Photo Filtering App)

Create a app to apply filters on a photo uploaded or chosen from gallery by user.

● Add different type of filters on a uploaded photo (like change background, AR filters, contrast,
color pop, etc.).
● Give option for saving photo in different social media (instagram, facebook, twitter etc.)
image sizes.
● User can share the image on different social media.

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