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Gaerborin Keep was struck down in the great war by mighty elemental magics and rock-

shattering bombardment in an effort to destroy the three Dwarven EarthShips that were
stationed there. It was targetted for such heavy assault because it was built and maintained
by the Gaerborin half-elf family – an extended family believed to be loyal servants of the
elven empire given the title of KaleFolk for their loyalty and long service.
The remains of the inner keep are a collection of scorched stone structures with shattered
upper walls encroached upon by several crater-like pools of shattered stone and stagnant
water. Between the two craters that are all that remains of the east wall of the inner keep is
a “causeway” that leads to a cave into the piled stone where the “palace” of the Gaerborin
once stood. These wet and unstable caves also lead to a few remaining chambers from the
palace that somewhat survived the assault.

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