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Revised 9/2018

Teacher : Katie Jessie

Grade Level: Kindergarten
Unit/Subject: Letter I
Instructional Plan
Classroom and student factors:
Micah- has trouble focusing and has an IEP for speech, Luca- has an IEP for speech, Hailey- English is her
2nd language , No IEP
Standard(s): Lesson Objective:
RF.K.2- Demonstrate understanding of spoken Students will be able to recognize the capital and
words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes). lowercase letter I in written text. Students will
understand and demonstrate how to write a capital
and lower-case letter i. Students will be able to
identify and differentiate the long and short vowel I
sound when given auditorily.

Anticipatory set:

Write the uppercase and lowercase letter I on the board. Ask students to name the letters and the two
sounds the letter makes. Say, “Right! This is the letter I! It makes two sounds. The short I makes the
sound, i like in the word igloo and the long I says its name I  like in the word icecream.

Tell the class that today they will get to learn even more words that begin with and contain the letter I!

First, we are going to watch a short video about the letter i.

Words written on board : pig, hit, lip, wide, like, Idaho, Indiana, icecream
Pull sticks to have students come up to the board to circle the I’s in the words. After the students circle the
I’s in the word. Say “ Great job guys! You were able to be detectives and find all of the I’s in the words on the
board! Now we are going to learn a little bit more about the two sounds that the I can make.

So we know that I can say two different sounds- the short sound for I is I like igloo or long sound is I like
icecream. Watch my mouth while I show you how to make the long and short sound.
Short i—see how my tongue is at the bottom of my mouth touching my teeth and my mouth is not opened
all the way.
Long i- see how my tongue is at the bottom of my mouth but not touching my teeth and my mouth is
opened much wider.
Repeat after me- short I – I I igloo. Long i- I,I, icecream.

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Writing :
Now that we know the short and long sound, we are going to learn how to write the letter I. The teacher
will be pulling popsicle sticks to ask someone to come up and help show the class how to write the letter I
both capital and lowercase on the board. I will give feedback to the class to show whether I think these
looks right or if we should adjust a little bit.
 Informal Assessment: With a thumbs up or a thumbs down, can you please show me if you think
you know how to write the capital I? lowercase i?

Evaluate: The teacher explains the directions for the I worksheet and the students take the paper to their
desks to test their knowledge.

I will give the students that need additional help more assistance during this time.

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