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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

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Review of yield increase of solar panels through soiling prevention, and a

proposed water-free automated cleaning solution

Dipankar Deba, , Nisarg L. Brahmbhattb
Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Infrastructure, Technology, Research and Management, Ahmedabad 380026, Gujarat, India
Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Infrastructure, Technology, Research and Management, Ahmedabad 380026, Gujarat, India


Keywords: Solar Energy is available in abundance and can be easily extracted using solar cells along with regular main-
Solar panel cleaning tenance of solar panels. However, the efficiency of solar cells which is fairly low, is further affected by factors
Soiling such as orientation of the panel, shade, wind speed, ambient temperature, precipitation and dust deposition.
water-free Especially, the maintenance of solar panels is challenging on account of soiling. Presently, manual and water-
Surface roughness
based cleaning solutions are generally used to remove the debris accumulated on the panels. In this paper, a
Yield increase
detailed review of soiling prevention methods is presented with a view to increase the energy capture from solar
Cleaning robot
panels. The technical details of an indigenously developed automated water-free cleaning device to remove
soiling over the solar panels, is then discussed. The energy capture over the course of a month for PV panels
regularly cleaned using automated solar panel cleaning solution is compared with that of the energy capture
using soiled panels in a local solar panel installation, and the increased yield is measured.

1. Introduction of insolation and the resulting mean annual global irradiation data is
determined in energy units of kWh (1 kWh = 3.6 × 106 J) which is
Solar energy is an efficient renewable resource due to its wide highest in the Sahara Desert at 2685 kWh/m2/year, followed by the
availability and ease of generation, but due to soiling, the yield from Great Sandy Desert, and the Thar Desert. About 90% of present esti-
solar panels invariably reduce. Accumulation of dust on the surfaces of mated energy requirement, that is, 474 × 1018 J is contributed by fossil
photovoltaic modules decreases the incoming irradiance to the solar fuels. Assuming a world in future with about 10 billion people, each
cell, obscures solar flux and causes power loss. Studies in dry areas using an average of 10 kW, a total of 100 TW power would be needed.
show that these losses could reach up to 15% of total capacity of gen- The foreseeable global needs can be met by installing PV power panels
eration per day. In such cases, the common solution is to clean the of around 14% generation efficiency in a landmass of approximately
panels with water. In large-scale PV plants, water-based cleaning is 3.5 × 105 km2 which is a small fraction of total landmass in the seven
expensive, especially when there is limited water supply. Given that major deserts where vegetation cannot grow [3].
solar panel installations are expected to provide 25% of world's total Suspended dust (in atmosphere) in the direct optical path of in-
electrical power needs, the PV installations are more likely to be in non- cident irradiance of solar panels, and also the dust deposited on the
agricultural or semi-arid regions and deserts, which together cover a panels, both obscure the impending solar radiation, particularly in
third of the world's land mass. Projections indicate that even with in- dusty, arid or semi-arid regions, or near highways, and therefore greatly
stallations of PV plants in just 4% of the net viable arid regions, the total impacts the power capture capacity of solar panels. Goossens et al.
global energy requirement can be fully met with close to zero CO2 report that large amounts of dust generally get deposited on panels due
emissions when compared with the alarming levels of greenhouse gases to powerful westerly winds in the afternoons, and southwesterly winds
which lead to increased global warming [1]. in the evenings [4]. Remote measurements of suspended atmospheric
Almost half of solar irradiance is scattered away and absorbed in particulate matter from many different regions indicate higher levels of
atmosphere before striking the Earth's surface. Annual amount of solar light obstruction from particles of diameter 0.3–0.6 mm as these sizes
radiation is concentrated in arid regions near 25 ° N and also near 25 ° S are similar to the visible light wavelength. The rate of dust deposition
of equator, and falls off sharply close to equator or the poles [2]. In widely varies. For instance, some desert regions in the Middle East have
these regions, the cloud cover considerably contributes to the variation 0.36 g/m2 rate of dust deposition per day, whereas 0.5 g/m2 a day in

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (D. Deb), (N.L. Brahmbhatt).
Received 6 April 2017; Received in revised form 21 September 2017; Accepted 26 October 2017
1364-0321/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Deb, D., Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2017),
D. Deb, N.L. Brahmbhatt Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

the Negev Desert, and 0.17 g/m2 a day in Mojave Desert have been
reported [5].
Desert storms followed by light rains, is a common phenomena
which results in formation of a thin layer of mud on the exposed PV
panel surface. Efficient cleaning of the dust layer after the storm is
needed to remove this barrier to the incident irradiance. Many such PV
panels are cleaned with water, a costly labor intensive process espe- Fig. 1. Conceptual diagram of forced air flow based cleaning [10].
cially when clear water is scarcely available. Most PV panels are cov-
ered with tempered borosilicate glass which are easy to clean with
clean the loose dust on panel surface. This process usually leaves behind
water. In recent advances, textured glass is found to help trap light and
the dust that is stuck onto the panels due to moisture, and generally
have lower reflection losses, but such textured surfaces also attract
requires heavier rainfall to remove it. Reliability of such a method to
microscopic particles to deposit and therefore need efficient cleaning.
wash off the deposited soil is debatable when there is intense soiling
Existing solutions include manual and semi-automated cleaning
and inadequate rainfall. As stated by Kimber et al., 2006, sharp decline
methods that require water in excess amounts and are labor intensive,
in production was noticed following a light shower [11]. To avoid mud
thereby further decreasing their cost effectiveness and eco-friendliness.
formation on PV panel surface and optimal power generation, rain-
Some autonomous solutions wherein an electrodynamic screen (EDS),
water-based cleaning shall be avoided. However, wind can be of as-
placed atop a PV panel, removes dust with the help of an electric field
sistance to reduce dust deposition. Although rains are not accurately
that is generated from a high voltage supply to the electrodes of EDS, is
predictable, panel surface property can be improvised to increase the
discussed further [6]. These screens may not always be efficient due to
efficiency of this soiling prevention method. Such improvisations will
their heavy weights and uneconomical services, thereby reducing
increase capital costs, but would be effective in remote areas where
commercial feasibility. In general, cleaning of PV panel surface has only
maintenance is not always feasible.
been emphasized recently as rainfalls in regions of PV installations were
considered adequate to clean the PV panel surface. However, recent
studies prove that soiling can severely affect energy yield of PV panels 2.3. Water-based cleaning
even in regions receiving sufficient rainfalls.
Costa et al. have discussed many publications relating to soiling This method requires water in large amounts and under continuous
prevention, inspection and different ways to clean PV panels [7]. Sarver high pressure to ward off any soiling particulate matter stuck on the PV
et al. have suggested several steps for dust mitigation such as (1) pre- panel surface. The pressurized water is sometimes mixed with a special
ventive, durable and non-toxic coatings for different conditions of dusty cleansing agent that will help ward off dust and can also be useful for
environment may be applied (or reinforced) either during actual use or cooling down the PV panels installed in semi-arid regions and deserts.
at the time of manufacture, (2) automated mechanical cleaning systems This method can be considered as a significant improvisation of rainfall
(air, water, solution) for large collector fields: (a) waterless or water cleaning. There are many drawbacks of this method, such as lack of
conserving (recycling); and (b) mobile operated or attached to the ar- reliability when applied in water scarce regions, loss of water in huge
rays, (3) sensors to detect the critical point for cleaning of surfaces (that quantities, chances of chemical deposition on PV panel edges, reduced
is, to initiate automatic cleaning techniques or to alert for problems efficiency as the pressurized water system consumes significant amount
with loss of dust coating effectiveness) [8]. of power, risks of water clogging, refilling of water tanks (if any), a fear
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present a review of thermal shock in the hot PV panels because the water is cooler than
of different solar panel cleaning methods so as to determine a method the panel surface, and the attraction of more dust particles when the PV
that is most suitable for a particular geographical region, with the help panel surface is wet after cleaning. These drawbacks are avoided by
of a comparison table describing the requirements of different cleaning regulating the timing of cleaning to avoid thermal shocks and by using
methods, and the benefits and drawbacks of each of these methods. In power efficient pumps to facilitate pressurized water.
Section 3, we present an indigenously developed water-free solar panel
cleaning system, its working principle and technical specifications. In 2.4. Manual cleaning
Section 4, we have quantified and compared the yield with and without
the automated cleaning system, over a period of one month for a locally This method is analogous to the procedure one uses in the cleaning
installed set of solar panels. Section 5 presents the concluding remarks of high-rise building windows/glasses. Dust particles are scrubbed
and the possible future work. using special brushes equipped with bristles to avert any scratches.
Brushes connected with a direct water supply enable simultaneous
2. Methods of cleaning solutions scrubbing and washing. It is considerably more efficient in reinstating
the solar panel surface to cleaner condition than rainfall cleaning.
From review of literature like [8] and [9], PV module cleaning However, since the movement of brushes over panel surface is uneven,
methods are broadly categorized as: a risk is always there that the direct contact of brush with PV panel may
have an abrasive effect. It is also an expensive cleaning method as it
2.1. Forced flow from air conditioning systems requires skilled labor to clean off the soiling. Abrasion risk of PV panels
may be reduced by using soft cleaning cloth or brush with soft bristles.
A method proposed by Assi et al., mostly applied in the United Arab
Emirates (UAE), and could also be implemented in various other de- 2.5. Mechanized cleaning
veloped countries with wide availability of air conditioners, uses air
flow from the fan of air-conditioners to force the flow on solar panels A set of mechanical apparatus like motors or robot are required to
for dust removal [10]. Fig. 1 depicts a conceptual diagram of the operate the brushes or wipers and a water storage tank with sprinklers
system. is used to clean the PV panel surface [12]. Mani et al. advocated
cleaning the panel once a week in dry periods, and daily when rate of
2.2. Rainfall cleaning dust accumulation is intense [13]. This method uses automation where
the system is controlled by a micro-controller with the help of sensors.
In this method of natural cleaning, the rainwater incident on the It is a reduced labor system of cleaning panel surfaces. However, it
tilted (for optimal solar irradiance capture efficiency) solar panels to becomes very helpful under conditions when water-based cleaning is

D. Deb, N.L. Brahmbhatt Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

not feasible and when unmanned operation is essential. Due to its ro- but is blocked from adhering to the surface by this barrier. When a
bust structure, it can also be used to scare off birds. Although water can treated surface is tilted at an angle, the water rolls off the surface like “a
be used additionally to cool down the PV panels, the direct contact of sphere rolling down a slide”. Rain and water accumulated due to at-
such brushes and mechanized apparatus can prove to be abrasive for mospheric condensation settle in the micro depressions present in the
cleaning panel surfaces. More energy is consumed than any of the other glass surface where they attract particulate matter. The water quickly
above mentioned cleaning methods, and maintenance of the mechan- evaporates, leaving residues that need to be removed. Nano-hydro-
ical parts is also needed. Its efficiency is uncertain and may prove to be phobic layer fills in the micro-depressions, and provide a smooth glass
not quite efficient in case of high dust accumulation. These drawbacks surface that prevent the holding of water. However, it is needed to
can be improved by adapting few measures to regulate the timing of verify the applicability and feasibility of the use of super-hydrophobic
cleaning to avoid thermal shocks, by using power efficient motors to surface in diverse environmental conditions [16].
operate brushes or wipers, and by using softer cleaning materials to
avoid panel surface abrasion. 2.8. Super Hydrophilic plane (SHIP)

Super Hydrophilic plane or surface can be achieved by using nano-

2.6. Electrodynamic screens (EDS)
film of titanium oxide, chemical coating and nano-patterned fabrication
of glass surface. This method utilizes tailor-made hydrophillic surface
An electrodynamic screen (EDS) placed on a solar panel can ensure
or chemical coating/screen layer for soiling mitigation. In addition to
automated and continuous removal of deposited dry dust without the
the benefits like SHOP, this process can chemically break down the
use of water or any mechanical moving parts [14]. It is an active dust
organic dirt through the reaction to UV light (photocatalytic effect)
removal method that utilizes high voltage supplies to power electrodes
[17]. Thus, SHIP acts as a suspender material between dust and PV
(to generate an electric field) of a clear screen which helps remove the
panel surface. It is more durable as it does not make use of polymer
charged and uncharged dust particulate matter from the PV panel by
based coating, and so it can function for much longer periods than
shifting them over an edge of the panel surface. Over 90% of dust is
SHOP surface [18]. However, it accumulates more dust when the
detached within two minutes by this method which proves to be useful
coating deteriorates due to UV rays. It is moderately efficient in rains
in dry, arid and desert regions [3]. A typical schematic of EDS is shown
and regular washing is required to wash off dust in dry climates. He
in Fig. 2.
et al. found that the SHIP surface is inappropriate for solar cell array in
This cleaning method is distinctively faster than other methods;
the arid or dry regions [19]. However in [20], the usage of TiO2 film
consumes less power and the system is controlled by a micro-controller
(photocatalytic) has been described as chemically stable, durable [21],
with the help of sensors. However, there is a risk of screen degradation
non-toxic, economical, and transparent to visible light. Although, most
due to UV rays. Also, the system requires high voltage supply to gen-
studies suggest self-cleaning attribute of this surface in mitigating the
erate electric field, thus reducing the generation efficiency by 15%. It
dust deposition, most of those have failed to provide any quantitative
also proves to be not effective for wet or cemented dust particulates,
result on efficiency restoration of PV panels, except for Hu et al. [22].
and so it is less efficient for small sized particles. It is highly efficient for
Subsequently in Section 4, we compare the quantitative findings of Hu
dry conditions and can be more effective against degradation of screen
et al. with the actual energy yield increase obtained through our au-
by UV if weather proof polymer or glass is used instead of the clear
tomated soiling mitigation system.
screens for increased durability.

2.9. Comparative analysis

2.7. Super hydrophobic plane (SHOP)
Table 1 presents a summary of the comparison of the above dis-
This method utilizes tailor-made hydrophobic surface or chemical cussed methods of soiling prevention. This table indicates which soiling
coating/screen layer which does not require any power whatsoever, mitigation technique should be used with respect to capital costs,
and so it is a passive cleaning method. The risk of screen degradation benefit of installation, on-site condition, and so on, that may alter the
due to UV is also there but can be reduced by using a good weather- future PV plant or the generation efficiency of existing PV plants. It
proof glass or coating on it. SHOP is moderately efficient when it rains shows the requisites, benefits, drawbacks and efficiency of different
but inefficient when it is dry. The coating does not allow dust to stick to soiling mitigation methods. Apart from these, remarks to improve the
surface, but needs water for dust removal. Thus, it becomes necessary to existing methods have been made from a detailed review of published
have rainfall or water to make this cleaning method effective. Some literature in soiling mitigation methods.
studies have proved that these modified PV panel surfaces tend to There is a huge variation in soiling pattern from one location to
lessen the accumulation of soiling in atmospheric conditions [15]. another, which makes such a prediction difficult. To accurately predict
Various studies have been conducted to realize super-hydrophobic the soiling, broader database of each and every climatic zone is re-
surfaces by developing micro-structures or nano-structures. The prin- quired so as to design an algorithm which indicates appropriate type of
ciple behind a hydrophobic coating is that the layer forms a barrier and soiling mitigation which would be best for that particular location, and
hence water accumulates on the surface in an almost spherical shape, projections on increase in yield can be approximated. Also, predict the
break even in the case of an installed solar farm. In order to accurately
predict the location specific soiling pattern and PV generation losses,
the following areas need to be further investigated:

1. the physical properties and characteristics of dust;

2. a thorough study to minimize dust accumulation for different con-
figurations of PV module in consideration of wind patterns for
various regions of installations;
3. designing robust PV system maintenance cycle to respond to pre-
vailing climatic and environmental conditions.

Fig. 2. Schematic of electrodynamic screens [13].

D. Deb, N.L. Brahmbhatt Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Table 1
Comparison of soiling prevention methods in literature.

Method Requisites Benefit(s) Drawback(s) Efficiency; Remark(s)

Rainfall cleaning tilted panels no cleaning cost weather and location least efficient [27,28];
[23–25]; rain dependent; only large not predicable; surface
particles removed [26] property can be improvised
Manual cleaning labor; water; considerably efficient expensive cleaning cost effective in all conditions;
cleansing agents in reinstating panels [29]; can be abrasive need to find cheap labor;
and equipment to clean condition to panel surface surface abrasion
Water-based pressurized water; cool down PV system ineffective in dry areas; medium efficiency; need
cleaning surface active agent [31–35]; improvisation high water usage; to schedule cleaning action
[30] of rainfall cleaning chemical deposition; to avoid thermal damage;
water clogging; reduced need to use efficient
power output; needs pumps to minimize energy
water tank refilling [30]; losses during cleaning
dust magnet when wet;
fear of thermal shock
Mechanized Apparatus like cool panels with direct touch with panel uncertainty in efficiency;
cleaning motor to operate water; automated surface is abrasive; need to minimize
brush or wiper; operation by sensors dust accumulation on abrasiveness, and
[36–40]; robot and controller [40,44]; cleaning equipment; manage timing of
(if any) [41–43] scares birds [40]; less more energy consumed; cleaning to avoid thermal
labor cost; system higher capital cost; damage; use of high effici-
is independent when higher maintenance cost -ency motors can minimize
unmanned control is energy losses; needs
imperative [45]. periodic maintenance
Electrodynamic clear screen; high distinct fast cleaning degradation of plastic highly efficient in dry
Screens (EDS) voltage supply [49]; lower energy screen due to UV; 15% condition (low for wet);
[46–48] consumed; automated decrease in power weather proof polymer
operation by sensors output; not effective for or glass can be used to
and controller [48] wet dust [49]; less increase its durability
efficient for particles
(0–5 mm); expensive
Super tailor-made passive method; degradation of plastic medium efficiency (in rain)
hydrophobic hydrophobic surface does not require power screen due to UV [50]; [16]; needs weather-proof
plane (SHOP) or chemical coating dust accumulation in glass or coating to
or screen layer; long time intervals; improve its cooling;
water [18] cleaning can be done regular surface washing
only with water to avoid soiling
Super tailor-made passive method; doesn't more durability (not medium efficiency (in rain);
hydrophillic hydrophillic surface require power; dust polymer-based material) regular surface washing;
plane (SHIP) or chemical coating decomposes [51–53]; [21,20] accumulates need to avoid soiling in dry
or screen layer [20]; least adhesive to dust; more dust with conditions; reinstates ∼ 3.6
water more effective than deteriorating coating to 5.4% more energy efficien-
SHOP [54] cy than uncoated panels [22]

3. Proposed water-free automated solar panel cleaning system an automated solution based on 100% water-free solar panel cleaning
technology is needed to improve energy yield and to ensure a sustain-
Some autonomous solutions exist in global market which are in- able maintenance solution in a cost-effective manner. The proposed
efficient due to their heavy weight and uneconomical services, thus solution provides a sustainable cleaning system with minimal infra-
reducing commercial feasibility in actual practice. We have proposed structural and maintenance cost as it works automatically based on an
and designed a water-free cleaning solution of solar panels that is a optimized technique of managing the power delivered to the system
newly preprogrammed, efficient, economical and eco-friendly. It is a [56]. The indigenously developed automated cleaning apparatus is
combination of several mechanisms controlled through various elec- shown in Fig. 3.
tronic components, thus performing mitigated and optimized cleaning It provides high quality cleaning with the use of precipitators which
of solar panels. The proposed solution is service effective (optimized accumulates dust present on the brush. Fig. 4 shows the isometric view
cleaning), environment friendly (water-free), energy independent (no of the service unit where the cleaning brush is supported by a combi-
external power requirement), self-automated (labor free), long dur- nation of stainless steel rods and metallic boxes at each end of the
ability, and cost effective. brush. These boxes are positioned outside the upper and lower edges of
India has set a new solar target of 100 GW to be achieved by 2022. the solar row. The automated service unit is light weight and performs
The issue of tackling climate change is possible with solar power, but cleaning in lateral direction (parallel to panels) with the brushes placed
the increasing water scarcity is a major threat to solar expansion in in longitudinal direction, so as to perform the cleaning task in least
India. Seventy-nine percent of new energy capacity in India is expected possible time. With no usage of guide rails, water or any other liquid, it
to come up in areas with water scarcity. This issue only intensifies in the is easy to maintain and the functioning of apparatus requires minimal
case of solar panels in arid and desert regions. It is estimated that the establishment cost. The service unit gets automatically charged and also
water required for operation and maintenance of solar panels in India functions without use of water or liquid for an entire cleaning opera-
would lie between 7000 and 200,000 litres per MW per wash, if the tion. The system can also work by adjusting the angle with sensor for
panels are cleaned on a weekly basis [55]. If the water constraints are uninterrupted motion in situations where the solar panels are in-
factored in, the amount of power generated by India's solar plants will tegrated with solar tracking system.
be much lower than earlier estimated.
While other issues of solar infrastructure may need to be addressed,

D. Deb, N.L. Brahmbhatt Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

The brush is positioned such that maximum cleaning efficiency is

achieved and there is no damage to surface of the solar panels and
cleaning brush due to friction. For better maintenance of the cleaning
brush, characteristic feature such as longitudinal extension for changing
the brush position is also available. The metallic boxes mainly protect
all the electronics including micro-controller, battery housing, battery,
motor drivers and so on, from the external disturbances such as sudden
jerks and unfavorable weather conditions, if any.

3.2. Technical specifications of service unit

Important items used in the automated service unit and their con-
figurations are given herewith:

3.2.1. Microcontroller
Arduino UNO is a multipurpose and user friendly board that hosts
Fig. 3. Automated solar panel cleaning service unit.
the microcontroller ATmega328P (Input voltage: 6–20 V; Length
(68.6 mm), Width(53.4 mm), Clock speed: 16 MHz) and is used for
3.1. Working of the proposed water-free automated solar cleaning service intelligent control. It contains 6 analog inputs, 14 digital input/output
unit pins (6 are usable as Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) outputs), a USB
connector, a power jack, an in-circuit serial programming (ICSP) header
The cleaning apparatus senses its current status and manages the and a reset button [57].
degree of cleaning of the panels as per the user defined data. The solar
rows each have a length and a width, and are inclined in such a way
3.2.2. Dual DC Motor Drivers and motors
that the upper end is positioned at a specific angle (to achieve max-
Dual DC Motor Driver (RKI-1341) is ideal for this application with
imum solar irradiance) with respect to horizontal. This cleaning system
an ability to deliver up to 7.5A current. It comes with a simple TTL/
consists of a frame structure including the cleaning apparatus, and
CMOS based interface that can connect directly to the inputs/outputs of
driving apparatus which selectively operates in the lateral direction
the microcontroller (ATmega328P). It has a braking feature that guar-
(parallel to panels) along with the brush in longitudinal direction. The
antees an immediate halt on the shaft of motors in higher-power ap-
complete system can move in either direction, depending on the in-
plications [58]. This motor driver drives a DC geared motor (Model no.
itiation of cleaning operation. The ends of the solar rows consist of two
RKI-1418 60 RPM) [59].
engagement systems. One of the engagement system includes the
L298N Dual Motor Driver: It is a high voltage and high current dual
locking and docking of the system, and also manages the charging
motor driver designed to accept logic commands to drive relays, sole-
process. The second engagement system is mainly for cleaning and
noids, DC motors, stepper motors and so on. The two enable inputs
resting of the apparatus. More specifically, the movement is controlled
function as enable/disable switch of the device [60]. This motor driver
by user defined data which helps punctuate the system's direction and
drives a DC geared motor (Model no. RKI-1188 300 RPM) [61].
range. The system works on the edge of the panels, thereby eliminating
the possibility of constructing any guide rails and its subsequent es-
3.2.3. Bluetooth modem
tablishment cost.
HC-05 Bluetooth Module is an additional feature that provides
The unit moves in the direction normal to the cleaning brush and
wireless operation of the service unit (includes Start/Pause/Stop op-
along the solar row through a crawler system which consists mainly of
erations) using an android application. This module can be configured
the three wheels positioned in appropriate triangular pattern where the
for baud rates ranging from 1200 to 115200 bps in order to avoid mi-
wheel at apex is fixed to a motor so as to rotate the wheels through
crowave interferences, if any.
conveyor belt. The conveyor belt acts as an interface between the ser-
vice unit and the solar panel surface, on edge where solar cells are not
blocked by it. The friction due to the conveyor belt with the glass 3.3. Process command flow of operations in micro-controller
surface results in displacement of the service unit in either direction.
Fig. 5 shows the flow of process commands of the water-free

Fig. 4. Isometric view of water-free automated cleaning service


D. Deb, N.L. Brahmbhatt Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 5. Process command flow of service unit's micro-controller


automated cleaning system. The service unit hosts independent circuits 4. Quantitative measurement of the effect of cleaning
which controls the primary movement of the service unit along the
solar row in either direction, normal to the longitudinal axis of the unit. A minimum viable product (prototype) as described in Section 3 and
The main function of the circuit is to define the start and end po- shown in Figs. 3 and 4, was built indigenously, and costs about
sition of the unit using multiple sensors to sense the distance covered $450.00. With mass production, the cost of this automated service unit
which is fed as a control input to process the status in terms of further is expected to go down steadily. This solar panel cleaning solution was
movement of the unit. The RKI-1418 DC geared motor is responsible for applied at the rooftop installation of solar panels at Institute of Infra-
movement of the service unit along the array of solar panels, and its structure Technology Research and Management, Ahmedabad, India.
driver (L298N) gets feedback from the micro-controller. The circuit Each of two 60 kW inverters from KACO Inc., connected to 820 solar
contains a detector (Sensor-1) to measure the battery state of charge modules, were used for this study. It is assumed that the solar irradiance
which controls the further movement of the service unit. The required received by the two sets of modules is same over the course of a month.
battery level for efficient functioning of the service unit is pre- This assumption is reasonable because the panels connected to Inverter-
determined as per initial user defined inputs. Battery level and distance 1 and Inverter-2 respectively, are on top of the same building. The first
covered by the unit are further compared with the user-defined data (as set of soiled panels are connected to Inverter-1, and the second set of
per the demand) to ensure further cleaning of the solar row. The circuit panels connected to Inverter-2 are cleaned once daily starting at 8 A.M.
may also be configured to work on the net metering method which may (before peak solar irradiance). The total energy supplied by these solar
dump the excess amount of electricity onto the grid if the battery is panels in May 2017 (before the arrival monsoonal rains, and in dry
already charged up to the required level. conditions), provides the yield (kWh) data as shown in Fig. 6.
The circuit of Sensor-2 assembly measures dust accumulation in It is observed from Fig. 6 that the energy capture is consistently
terms of the layer thickness so as to decide the speed variation of the higher as measured through Inverter-2 with daily cleaning when com-
unit, or the input to L298N motor driver driving RKI-1418 DC geared pared with the readings observed through Inverter-1 with no cleaning,
motors. If the dust layer thickness is greater than the user-defined data, thereby indicating the effectiveness of the system applied. There is an
the micro-controller may decrease the speed of unit compared to its increase of 35.4 kWh on May 29th which could be an aberration. In the
normal speed by varying the speed of timing belt for increased re- mean sense, however, over the entire course of the month, there is an
volutions of brush at a controlled area. The RKI-1188 DC geared motor increase of 9.05% in kWh with cleaning, as shown in Table 2 along with
is responsible for rotation of cleaning brush, and its driver (RKI-1341) other vital statistics.
gets feedback from the micro-controller stating the level of dust accu- If we assume that the life of the service unit is about 10 years, and
mulation. that it incurs a daily cost of $0.5 (equivalent of energy) to complete the
The unit travels its first cycle along the solar panels and the instant entire cleaning operation, then there is an effective cost of $0.62 daily
it reaches the second engagement section connected to the other end of
solar row, is detected by edge detection sensor (HC-SR04 Ultrasonic 260
ranging module allows 2–400 cm non-contact measurement function 240
with a ranging accuracy of 3 mm) when an obstacle berates the sensor
Yield (kWh)

[62]. Brushes are then cleaned by rubbing against the electrostatic
precipitators to collect the accumulated particles. Once cleaned, the 200

unit retraces the same track under the control of edge detection sensor. 180
The data acquired by Sensor-2 is compared with the user-defined data
160 Without Cleaning
which accordingly sets the speed of service unit. The brush position can With Cleaning

also be altered suitably as per dust layer thickness and also to reduce 140
5 10 15 20 25 30
brush maintenance. The brush can be adjusted in a vertical sway with a
Dates of Month (May 2017)
possible translation of 1–2 cm.
Fig. 6. Comparison of Yield from root-top solar panels, with and without automated
cleaning system.

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