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Think of a person whose cultural background differs from your own and with whom you
have recently communicated. How many of the following questions can you answer with
respect to the person on your list? For those questions you cannot answer, take the
time to conduct research; then answer them.
I was in grade 8 when I met Helen. We have different religion; she is a Jehovah’s
Witness while I am a Catholic. She teaches me about their Bible (Bible Study) for a long
time, but we lost contact due to Covid-19.
1. How do the individual’s feelings about socialization differ from your own?
As a Jehovah’s Witness, Helen is told to limit social contact with non-Witnesses,
meaning she is not allowed to befriend non-Witnesses. This differs from me because I
can have a non-Catholic friend.
2. How does the individual’s concept of self, compare with yours?
Jehovah’s Witness base their moral code on their bible. Helen’s values, goals, social
life, and belief must be according to their bible. As a Catholic and a citizen of this
country my values, goals, social life, and belief are guided by the Catholic Bible and
country’s law.
3. To what extent do the individual’s values and attitudes differ from yours?
We know that values affect the way we act, our values serve as a guide to how we
will behave. Upon reflecting on this question, I realize how different we are from each
other. Because of our differences in terms of religion, our values and attitudes are far
different. For example, if we are going to watch a movie it should not be horror because
they are not allowed to watch a movie of that genre. As a person who loves to watch
horror movies, I have to adjust if I will to watch a horror movie with her.
4. Which of your behaviors did the individual have difficulty understanding or
accepting? Which of his or her behaviors did you have difficulty with?
They find my belief hard to understand or accept. For example, as a Catholic, it is
normal for me to pay respect to the saint statues. They often question me if I am still
doing or practicing it.
Jehovah’s Witnesses are told to limit social contact with non-Witnesses, meaning
they are allowed to befriend non-Witnesses. I find this behavior kind of hard to accept or
5. Which of the individuals you interacted with did you find most like you?
Most unlike you? Can you identify your points of similarity and difference?
In terms of beliefs and values, we are far different. Because of the difference in our
religion, we both have different beliefs. For example, as a Jehovah’s Witness, she is not
allowed to observe some holidays such as Christmas, Easter, and Birthday. As a
Catholic, my family and I enjoy celebrating those holidays. They also do not salute the
flag of the Philippines or sing the national anthem. These are just some of the
differences that we have.
6. In what ways did the individual’s nonverbal behavior differ from your own?
We all know that saluting our flag is a sign of respect and I am always practicing this
behavior, as a Jehovah’s Witness Helen is not allowed to salute our flag as well as sing
our national anthem. Another difference in our nonverbal behavior is the practice of the
sign of the cross. Helen doesn’t follow this gesture because her religion has different
beliefs meanwhile me, as a Catholic, I always do the sign of the cross whenever I am
7. In what ways did the individual’s use of verbal language differ from your
There are times when I can’t stop myself from saying some bad/swear words,
especially when I am angry or annoyed. This is our difference in terms of the use of
verbal language. I haven't heard a single swear or bad word from Helen since the day
we get to know each other.
8. In what ways did the individual’s nonverbal behavior differ from your own?
Aside from the difference in saluting to our flag and gestures we also have
differences in terms of how we dress. For Jehovah’s Witness, Helen as a woman is not
allowed to wear pants for their worship/meeting they are only allowed to wear loose
skirts and dress. This is different to a Catholic like me, our dress code is to wear clothes
that will cover our knees and upper arms.
9. How did the individual’s treatment of time and space differ from your own?
As a Jehovah’s Witness, Helen spends their free time doing Bible study, discussion,
and attending congregational meetings. They can also spend their time for relaxation as
long as it follows their Bible and as long as it does not violate the right principles. As for
me, I spend my free time attending mass every Sunday and doing things that I like as
long as it is not against our Bible and the law.
10. In what ways did the individual’s thinking processes differ from yours?
As a Jehovah’s Witness Helen base her moral code and action on their Bible,
because of this we have a different way of thinking. I based my moral code and action
on Catholic Bible and our country's law. Because of this, we have a different way of
thinking process, Jehovah's Witness Bible serves as their guide on how to think and act
while the Catholic bible and country’s law is my guide on how to think and act.

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