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SafariLabs Professional Courses Description

12.1. Full Stack Base Development Courses

12.1.1. Beginner Level Courses Description

Course Name: HTML & CSS Code: FLSTCK-BS-BG01-i Duration: 9 hours

Title: Web Design for Beginners: Real World Coding in HTML & CSS


The easiest way to learn modern web design, HTML5 and CSS3 step-by-step from scratch. Design AND code a
huge project.
Launch a career as a web designer by learning HTML5, CSS3, responsive design, Sass, cross device compatibility
and more!
Course Outcome:
1. Create any website layout you can imagine
2. Support any device size with Responsive (mobile-friendly) Design
3. Add tasteful animations and effects with CSS3
4. Use common vocabulary from the design industry

Course Name: HTML5 & CSS3 Code: FLSTCK-BS-BG01-II Duration: 12 hours

Title: Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3


The easiest way to learn modern web design, HTML5 and CSS3 step-by-step from scratch. Design AND code a
huge project.

Course Outcome:
1. Real-world skills to build real-world websites: professional, beautiful and truly responsive websites
2. A huge project that will teach you everything you need to know to get started with HTML5 and CSS3
3. The proven 7 real-world steps from complete scratch to a fully functional and optimized website
4. Simple-to-use web design guidelines and tips to make your website stand out from the crowd
5. Learn super cool jQuery effects like animations, scroll effects and "sticky" navigation

12 SafariLabs Training Program
Course Name: Java Script Code: FLSTCK-BS-BG02-I Duration: 28 hours

Title: The Complete JavaScript Course 2020: Build Real Projects!


Master JavaScript with the most complete course! Projects, challenges, quizzes, JavaScript ES6+, OOP, AJAX,

Course Outcome:
1. Go from a total beginner to an advanced JavaScript developer
2. Code 3 beautiful real-world apps with both ES5 and ES6+ (no boring toy apps here)
3. JavaScript and programming fundamentals: variables, boolean logic, if/else, loops, functions, arrays, etc.
4. Complex features like the 'this' keyword, function constructors, prototypal inheritance, first-class functions,
5. Asynchronous JavaScript: The event loop, promises, async/await, AJAX and APIs
6. Modern JavaScript for 2020: NPM, Webpack, Babel and ES6 modules
7. A true understanding of how JavaScript works behind the scenes
8. What's new in ES6: arrow functions, classes, default and rest parameters, etc.
9. Practice your new skills with coding challenges (solutions included)
10. Organize and structure your code using JavaScript patterns like modules

Course Name: JavaScript 2 Code: FLSTCK-BS-BG02-II Duration: 11.5 hours

Title: Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3

URL: :

An advanced JavaScript course for everyone! Scope, closures, prototypes, 'this', build your own framework, and
Course Outcome:
1. Grasp how Javascript works and it's fundamental concepts
1. Write solid, good Javascript code
2. Understand advanced concepts such as closures, prototypal inheritance, IIFEs, and much more.
3. Drastically improve your ability to debug problems in Javascript.
4. Avoid common pitfalls and mistakes other Javascript coders make
5. Understand the source code of popular Javascript frameworks
6. Build your own Javascript framework or library

13 SafariLabs Training Program
Course Name: Database Code: FLSTCK-BS-BG03-I Duration: 2 hours

Title: Database Management


Learn Database Design the easy way. Go from simple to complex with a real life example: online store's
DB using MySQL.

Course Outcome:
1. Learn what a database is
2. Learn how databases work and why are they important
3. Learn data modeling and the 3 levels of relational database design
4. Learn what are the steps to create a sound database design
5. Learn what database normalization is and how to apply 1NF, 2NF and 3FN in database design
6. Learn how to build database relationships: one-to-one, many-to-one and many-to-many
7. Understand better every theoretical step by following several concrete examples
8. You will be able to design a relational database from scratch
9. You will be able to answer the most common interview questions about databases
10. You will have a concrete e-commerce database design schema to add to your portfolio

Course Name: SQL 2 Code: FLSTCK-BS-BG03-II Duration: 1.5 hours

Title: SQL Crash Course for beginners - Learn SQL with MySQL

URL: :
Duration: 1.5 hours
Master the SQL statements that every software developer or data analyst needs for designing and
developing databases

Course Outcome:
1. Dozens of targeted exercises with full explanations and solutions from beginner level right up too
2. Every SQL statement you need is covered thoroughly
3. Straight to the point, no time wasted
4. Every module contains information and activities that are relevant to real-life jobs or the kind of tasks you
may get on interview

14 SafariLabs Training Program
Course Name: Linux Code: FLSTCK-BS-BG04-I Duration: 5 hours

This is an introductory course to the Linux command Line. It's great for both Linux beginners and advanced Linux
URL: :

This is an introductory course to the Linux command Line. It's great for both Linux beginners and
advanced Linux users.

Course Outcome:
1. realize the potential of the Linux command line.
2. navigating the Linux Filesystem.
3. explain the Linux Filesystem hierarchy .
4. use command options .
5. create hard and soft links.
6. use powerful Linux wild cards.
7. create view and manipulate files.
8. use different Linux text editors (nano,gedit).
9. find help while using the Linux command line.

Course Name: Nginix Code: FLSTCK-BS-BG04-II Duration: 4 hours

Nginx Fundamentals: High Performance Servers from Scratch
URL: :

Learn how to install & configure an Nginx web server from scratch

Course Outcome:
1. Learn to create custom Nginx web servers
2. Customize your Nginx install
3. Secure & optimize your server
4. Add an invaluable skill to your resume
5. Verifiable certificate of completion

15 SafariLabs Training Program
Course Name: PHP Code: FLSTCK-BS-BG05-I Duration: 38 hours

PHP for Beginners - Become a PHP Master - CMS Project


PHP for Beginners: learn everything you need to become a professional PHP developer with practical
exercises & projects.

Course Outcome:
1. You will learn to create a (CMS) Content Management System like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla
2. You will learn how to use Databases
3. You will learn MySQL
4. Object Oriented Programming
5. You will learn how to launch your application online
6. How to use forms to submit data to databases
7. How to use AJAX to submit data to the server without refreshing the page
8. You will learn about PHP security
9. You will learn about sessions
10. Password hashing
11. Email sending
12. You will learn to use composer (PHP package manager)
13. You will learn to create clean URL's and remove the .php from files
14. You will learn to use bootstrap by getting experience from the project
15. You will learn to debug your code
16. You will learn to create pagination
17. You will code refactoring
18. You will learn to debug (fix your code)
19. You will learn to use an API to bring data from a database to a graphical interface

16 SafariLabs Training Program
12.1.2. Medium Level Courses Description

Course Name: HTML & CSS Code: FLSTCK-BS-MD01-I Duration: 11.5 hours

Bootstrap 4 From Scratch With 5 Projects

Master Bootstrap 4 and build 5 real world themes while learning HTML5 semantics & CSS3

Course Outcome:
1. Learn and create amazing high quality Bootstrap 4 themes and UIs from scratch
2. Learn the Bootstrap 4 utilities, classes, components & JS widgets using a custom sandbox environment
3. Learn semantic HTML5 & modern CSS3 techniques
4. Learn to compile Sass in the easiest way possible using a GUI

Course Name Advanced CSS and Sass Code: FLSTCK-BS-MD01-II Duration: 28 hours

Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, Grid, Animations and More!
URL: :

The most advanced and modern CSS course on the internet: master flexbox, CSS Grid, responsive design,
and so much more.

Course Outcome:
1. Tons of modern CSS techniques to create stunning designs and effects
2. Advanced CSS animations with @keyframes, animation and transition
3. How CSS works behind the scenes: the cascade, specificity, inheritance, etc.
4. CSS architecture: component-based design, BEM, writing reusable code, etc.
5. Flexbox layouts: build a huge real-world project with flexbox
6. CSS Grid layouts: build a huge real-world project with CSS Grid
7. Using Sass in real-world projects: global variables, architecting CSS, managing media queries, etc.
8. Advanced responsive design: media queries, mobile-first vs desktop-first, em vs rem units, etc.
9. Responsive images in HTML and CSS for faster pageloads
10. SVG images and videos in HTML and CSS: build a background video effect
11. The NPM ecosystem: development workflows and building processes

17 SafariLabs Training Program
Course Name: Database Code: FLSTCK-BS-MD02-I Duration: 20 hours

The Ultimate MySQL Bootcamp: Go from SQL Beginner to Expert

Become an In-demand SQL Master by creating complex databases and building reports through
Course Outcome:
1. Create your own database or interact with existing databases
2. Write complex SQL queries across multiple tables
3. Build a web app using NodeJS and MySQL
4. Model real-world data and generate reports using SQL
5. Answer company performance or sales questions using data

Course Name: MongoDB Code: FLSTCK-BS-MD02-II Duration: 17 hours

MongoDB - The Complete Developer's Guide 2020


Master MongoDB Development for Web & Mobile Apps. CRUD Operations, Indexes,
Aggregation Framework - All about MongoDB!

Course Outcome:
1. Use MongoDB to its full potential in future projects
2. Write efficient and well-performing queries to fetch data in the format you need it
3. Use all features MongoDB offers you to work with data efficiently

18 SafariLabs Training Program
Course Name: Source Version Control Code: FLSTCK-BS-MD03-I Duration: 6 hours

Git Complete: The definitive, step-by-step guide to Git

Go from zero to hero with Git source control step-by-step with easy to understand examples. Become the
next Git expert!

Course Outcome:
1. Learn the key concepts of the Git source control system
2. Step through the entire Git workflow
3. Compare the different states in Git and compare between branches and commits
4. Manage files with Git (move, rename, delete) and update files managed outside Git
5. Create and fork repositories on GitHub and push changes back after working after working on them locally
6. Create branches and resolve merge conflicts like a pro

Course Name: Node.JS Code: FLSTCK-BS-MD04-I Duration: 34.5 hours

The Complete Node.js Developer Course (3rd Edition)


Learn Node.js by building real-world applications with Node, Express, MongoDB, Jest, and more!

Course Outcome:
1. Completely refilmed for 2019
2. Build, test, and launch Node apps
3. Create Express web servers and APIs
4. Store data with Mongoose and MongoDB
5. Use cutting-edge ES6/ES7 JavaScript
6. Deploy your Node apps to production
7. Create real-time web apps with SocketIO

19 SafariLabs Training Program
Course Name: Linux Code: FLSTCK-BS-MD05-I Duration: 8 hours

Linux Administration Bootcamp: Go from Beginner to Advanced
URL: xxx

Learn Red Hat Linux & CentOS: Use the in-demand skills to start a career as a Linux Server Admin or
Linux Administrator!

Course Outcome:
1. By the end of this course you will understand the fundamentals of the Linux operating system and be able to
apply that knowledge in a practical and useful manner.

Course Name: Script Code: FLSTCK-BS-MD05-II Duration: 2.5 hours

Bash Scripting and Shell Programming (Linux Command Line)


Learn bash programming for Linux, Unix, & Mac. Learn how to write bash scripts like a pro & solve real-
world problems!

Course Outcome:
1. Write shell scripts that can be used on Linux, Mac, and Unix operating systems.
2. Automate tasks using shell scripts.
3. Create complex scripts that take advantage of advanced bash shell features.

20 SafariLabs Training Program
Course Name: UI/UX Code: FLSTCK-BS-MD06-I Duration: 11.5 hours

User Experience Design Essentials - Adobe XD UI UX Design


Use XD to get a job in UI Design, User Interface, User Experience design, UX design & Web Design

Course Outcome:
1. Become a UX/UI designer.
2. You will be able to start earning money from your XD Skills.
3. You will be able to add UX designer to your CV
4. Build a UX project from beginning to end.
5. Build & test a full mobile app and web design
6. You will have a project of your own to add to your portfolio.
7. 93 lectures of well-structured, step by step content.
8. Learn to design websites & mobile phone apps.
9. Work with fonts & colors.Prototype your designs with interactions.
10. You'll create realistic prototype complete with micro interactions.
11. Send your designs for feedback & commenting.
12. Export production ready assets.
13. Create your first UX brief & persona.
14. Create quick wireframes.
15. How to use pre-made UI kits.
16. Learn professional workflow tricks & shortcuts.
17. You will get the finished files so you never fall behind
18. All the techniques used by UX professionals
19. Build a mobile app prototype that responses to voice commands.
20. You will be able to talk correctly with other UX design professionals.
21. You'll learn how to choose colors.
22. You'll learn how to pick the correct fonts.

Course Name: JavaScript Code: FLSTCK-BS-MD07-I Duration: 44.5 hours

React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux)

Dive in and learn React.js from scratch! Learn Reactjs, Hooks, Redux, React Routing, Animations, Next.js
and way more!
Course Outcome:
1. Build powerful, fast, user-friendly and reactive web apps
2. Provide amazing user experiences by leveraging the power of JavaScript with ease
3. Apply for high-paid jobs or work as a freelancer in one the most-demanded sectors you can find in web
dev right now
4. Learn React Hooks & Class-based

21 SafariLabs Training Program
12.1.3. Advanced Level Courses

Course Name: Networking & Security Code: FLSTCK-BS-AD01-I Duration: 64 hours

The Complete Networking Fundamentals Course. Your CCNA start
URL: xxx

Learn about networking and start your journey to CCNA

Course Outcome:
1. This course is for anyone who wants to attain the Cisco CCENT or CCNA certification
2. This course will prepare you for the CCNA 200-125 certification exam; and CCENT / ICND1 100-105
certification exam; and ICND2 200-105 certification exam.
3. Describe network fundamentals and build simple LANs
4. Explain IP addressing and subnetting
5. Describe hubs, switches and routers
6. Explain the OSI model
7. Explain how addresses are allocated using DHCP
8. Explain name resolution using DNS
9. Explain Access Control Lists (ACLs)
10. Introduce OpenFlow and Software Defined Networking topics

Course Name: Cyber Security Course Code: FLSTCK-BS-AD01-II Duration: 13.5 hours

The Complete Cyber Security Course : Hackers Exposed!


Become a Cyber Security Specialist, Learn How to Stop Hackers, Prevent Hacking, Learn IT Security & INFOSEC

Course Outcome:
1. An advanced practical skillset in defeating all online threats - advanced hackers, trackers, malware and all
Internet nastiness including mitigating government spying and mass surveillance.
2. Become a cyber security specialist.
3. The very latest up-to-date information and methods.
4. We cover operating system security, privacy, and patching - On Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10,
MacOS and Linux.
5. Explore the threat landscape - Darknets, dark markets, zero day vulnerabilities, exploit kits, malware,
phishing and much more.
6. You will master encryption in an easy to follow crash course.
7. Go in-depth into security through physical and virtual isolation and compartmentalization. Covering
sandboxes, application isolation, virtual machines, Whonix and Qubes OS.
8. You will learn about nation state secret tracking and hacking infrastructure.
9. A certificate of completion is available signed by the instructor Nathan House so CPE credits can be
claimed. An off-site sign-up is required to provide your details for this optional certificate.

22 SafariLabs Training Program
Course Name: Java Code: FLSTCK-BS-AD02-I Duration: 80 hours

Java Programming Masterclass for Software Developers
URL: :

Learn Java In This Course And Become a Computer Programmer. Obtain valuable Core Java Skills And
Java Certification

Course Outcome:
1. Learn the core Java skills needed to apply for Java developer positions in just 14 hours.
2. Be able to sit for and pass the Oracle Java Certificate exam if you choose.
3. Be able to demonstrate your understanding of Java to future employers.
4. Learn industry "best practices" in Java software development from a professional Java developer who has
worked in the language for 18 years.
5. Acquire essential java basics for transitioning to the Spring Framework, Java EE, Android development and

Course Name: Wordpress Code: FLSTCK-BS-AD03-I Duration: hours

WordPress Theme Development with Bootstrap


Learn how to confidently develop custom & profitable Responsive WordPress Themes and
Websites with no prior experience.

Course Outcome:
1. Have the skills to start making money on the side, as a casual freelancer, or full time as a work-from-home
2. Easily create a beautiful HTML & CSS website with Bootstrap (that doesn't look like generic Bootstrap
3. Convert any static HTML & CSS website into a Custom WordPress Theme
4. Have a thorough understanding of utilizing PHP to create WordPress websites & themes
5. Feel comfortable with the process of turning static websites into dynamic WordPress websites
6. Fully understand how to use Custom Post Types and Advanced Custom Fields in WordPress
7. Allow your clients to update their websites by themselves by creating user accounts

23 SafariLabs Training Program
Course Name: Agile Project Management Code: FLSTCK-BS-AD04-I Duration: 2 hours

Agile Crash Course: Agile Project Management; Agile Delivery

URL: :

Get Agile Certified & Learn about the key and most important concepts and tools of Agile Project
Management (Scrum)

Course Outcome:
1. You will become Agile certified (you will receive a certificate upon completion).
2. You will learn the key concepts of Agile Development, Agile Project Delivery and Agile Project Management.
3. You will learn the meaning of user stories, daily stand-ups, retrospectives and kanban boards.
4. You will understand the differences between Agile and traditional project delivery (other methodologies).
5. Tools and tips that you will love.
6. Value for money. Guaranteed.
7. A high quality learning experience.
8. A guide/process to follow.
9. You will learn to launch products faster.
10. You will learn to launch apps faster.
11. You will learn to launch online courses faster.
12. You will learn to focus on an MVP (Minimum Viable Product).
13. You will learn about the importance of simplicity.

24 SafariLabs Training Program

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