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Deep Note


12 Tweets • 2022-07-23 12:59:06 UTC •  See on Twitter 

10 Insightful Lessons From the Book”Zero to One”

Book Review
1. There are 2 types of progress: Vertical progress
and horizontal progress.

Vertical progress happens when you come up with

something new which takes society from 0 to 1.

Horizontal progress is improvisation on the vertical

progress that takes society from 1 to n.

2. Bad plan is better than no plan.

3. Sales matter just as much as the product and it

works best when sales are hidden.

4. If your product/service is 10x better than your

closest competitor, it’s Monopoly.

5. 0.1% of a successful company is better than 100%

of the failed company.

6. Believe that there are still many ideas to be

discovered, there are many world changing
companies yet to be started.
7. Work and hire people who are better than you
are, serve the mission of the organisation and fit in
the culture.

8. Advertising doesn’t necessarily mean people will

buy your product right away, it creates impressions
that will drive the sales in the long term.

9. Computers are complements for humans, the

most valuable businesses of upcoming decade will
be built by entrepreneurs who empower people
with technology.

10. Don’t invest in a CEO that wears suit. If the CEO

looks like a salesman, he is probably bad at sales
and worse at tech.
Hope you’ve enjoyed this book review. Let us know
if you’ve read this amazing book.

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Have a nice day

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