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  Lactation MCQ   Total points 11/12

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Ng De Rong Tony

Qn 1: What is the best response to a mother who asks if her 1 month old *0/1
breastfeeding infant is getting enough breast milk?

C- All of the above

B- Audible swallow during feeding

A- 6 to 8 wet diapers and 3 to 4 stools per day

Correct answer

C- All of the above

Qn 2 : In advising mothers on breastfeeding, health professional should adopt *1/1
the following, EXCEPT :

A- Provide parents with complete, current information on the benefits and

techniques of breastfeeding to ensure that their feeding decision is a fully informed

B- When mastitis is identified, advise mother to stop breastfeeding immediately

C- Before recommending premature weaning, weigh the benefits of breastfeeding

against the risks of not receiving breastmilk

Qn 3: What is the expected weigh loss and gain in the breastfeeding newborn? * 1/1

A- Loss 5 to 7 % of birth weight during fist week and regain birth weight by 2nd week.

B- Loss 15% of birth weight during first week and regain birth weight after 2nd week

C- Loss 10% of birth weight during first 3 days and regain birth weight by 3rd week

Qn 4: In preventing sore nipples during the immediate postpartum period, the *1/1
important measure is related to:

A- Infant attachment technique

B- Limiting feedings to 3 minutes for each feed on the first day

C- Cleansing breasts with soap and water regularly before feeding

Qn 5: Is there a need to limit the sucking duration for a newborn baby who is *1/1
breastfeeding well during a feed?

A- Yes, it should not be more than 15 minutes

B- Yes, 5 minutes each breast

C- No, as long as the baby's desire

Qn 6 : Milk stored in the refrigerator at 4 degrees Celsius can be kept for * 1/1

A- 12 hours

B- 48 hours

C- 2 weeks

Qn 7: The mother of a 3 days old infant complains of severe nipple soreness. *1/1
The mother should:

A- Decease the frequency of the feedings

B- Discontinue breastfeeding until the nipple heals

C- Have a breastfeeding observation and a latch assessment done

Qn 8: Thawing of frozen breastmilk is best done in: * 1/1

A- Room temperature

B- Refrigerator

C- Microwave

Qn 9: Use of pacifier in term infants during the newborn period is associated *1/1

A- Risk of early weaning

B- Reduced risk of sore nipple

C- Better latch- on

Qn 10: Can a Hepatitis B positive mother breastfeed her infant? * 1/1

A- No, it is not recommended

B- No, as the virus has been isolated in breastmilk

C- Yes, breastfeeding is recommended and baby should be vaccinated

Qn 11: Which statement is true with regards to smoking and breastfeeding? * 1/1

A- Tobacco smoking by mothers is a contraindication

B- Mother who smoke more than 5 sticks a day are advised not to breastfeed

C- Tobacco smoking by mother is discouraged but not a contraindication

Qn 12: Which statement is NOT TRUE with regards to the use of alcoholic *1/1
beverages and breastfeeding?
A- An occasional celebratory single, small alcoholic drink is acceptable

B- There is no restriction on the number of drinks as long as mother avoid feeding

for 1 hour after the drink

C- Excessive consumption may inhibit milk production

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