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Apresentação de Inglês (2 semestre)

Multicultural societies : Advantages and Disadvantages

Multicultural society ( definition): Nowadays, due to the economy globalisation,

many people come from different countries with various cultural backgrounds living
in same city permanently or for a period of time, they live with local people together.
Eventually, the mixture of different cultures will lead to multiculturalism. The
multiculturalism refers to “a system of beliefs and behaviour that recognizes and
respects the presence of all diverse groups in an organization or society,
acknowledges and values their social-cultural differences, and encourages and
enables their continued contribution within an inclusive cultural context which
empowers all within the organization or society.

Causes of multiculturalismo:
International Labour Flow
The international labour flow is one of the important aspects causes
multiculturalism. As a part of the intensive globalization, the total number of
international labour migration increases continuously. They bring their working skill
into a foreign country along with convention and religion beliefs, and the long-term
co-existence make multiculturalism inevitable.
As worldwide economy uniformity, studying abroad becomes more and more
popular in all countries. Students expect to experience a high-quality education in
other countries and are eager to have an opportunity to touch exoticness as well. “In
2016, there were nearly 5.1 million international mobile students” (UIS. 2018 page
1). Besides learning academic knowledge, overseas students are affected by local
culture, meanwhile, they are showing off their colourful diverse culture to local folks.
The refugee refers to those people who has forced to leave their countries because
of war or other humanitarian reasons. It is a group of miserable people, mostly of
them are in very poor economic status. They have to move to other countries then
bring into their culture and convention

 The multiculturism adds colours to the monotonous modern life, and makes
city vibrant and fascinating.
 People coming from different countries with various habits and cultural
heritage will bring fresh exotic experience to local ones.
 ( Examples of multicultural societies and festivals) In Auckland, there are
dazzling Festival and activities almost every week, besides Christmas, there are
South pacific Pasifika Festival, Indian Diwali Festival, Irish St. Patrick’s
Day ,Chinese Spring Festival etc., The residents in Auckland would hardly feel
bored, they are enjoying  the food, music, dance from different countries. All of
these will give added weight to charming of city, and attract number of tourists.
Consequently, it will boost the tourism industry, increase employment and
income, raise local government revenue, hence multiculturalism is good for
economy. Many multicultural cities, such as New York, Singapore,
London,Sydney are perfect exemples.

 the co-existence is beneficial to mutual understanding and learning among

peoples from manifold ethnic groups, the better mutual understanding could
be great helpful to eliminate deep-rooted prejudice and racist issues.
 live with diverse cultures, they might recognize that the exiting elements in the
world could be viewed by various different ways, it is eventually enhance
openness and inspire creativity, they might blend different cultures together
and creature new unique food, architecture, music, and culture.
 Firstly. There is risk of Social Conflict, due to reasons of culture,
discrimination, injustice, inequality and religious beliefs.
 Secondly, for weak minority groups, consciously or unconsciously, there is
possibility that they will lose their original ethnic and cultural identity or
lifestyle in case the influence of dominated culture is too strong.
 Thirdly,  for an individual from minority group, it is a challenge to get used to a
new environment sometimes not so friendly, this status likely make them
marginal in mainstream society. And different language environment
is a hurdle to their children’s academic performance at beginning.
Conclusion: the multicultural societies surely have more benefits than its
disadvantages, as long as it is managed properly. In general, the multiculturalism is a
great opportunity with challenge, such a trend is unavoidable all over the world.
People are supposed to embrace it, with a kind positive comprehensive state
of mind.

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