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 theism and atheism 

theism is the view that God exists and atheism is the view that God does not exist.

 for god's existence, these arguments can be said interpreted as arguments for theism

saint Anselm's ontological arguments, the two versions of the ontological arguments, and then
saint Thomas Aquinas's five ways arguments from causation from motion, William Haley's
argument from design

 the arguments to show that God does not exist they provide reasons to believe that
God does not exist arguments in this category include arguments from divine hiddenness
the argument from scientific, the problem of evil this the most powerful argument
against the existence of god.

 Evils are those things that affect human beings and cause human suffering it can be
humans or natural evils.

 the problem of evil

the atheist argues said that the word God by definition is all-powerful, all-knowing, and
perfectly good.

the atheist reasons if god exists if there is a being with all-powerful, all-knowing, and
perfectly good there wouldn't be any evil in the world but as we look out around the
world look around us we see that it is evil in the world therefore we conclude that God
does not exist.

 one defender of the argument this problem of evil is David HUME 

 he says is god willing to prevent evil but not able then he is not omnipotent he's impotent
is he able but not willing then he is malevolent meaning he's not in fact a good being is he
both able and willing then why do we have evil in the world. David Hume's argument
basically claiming if god exists there shouldn't be any evil in the world but it seems
undeniable that there is evil in the world so we should conclude that God does not exist.
 the problem of evil: theists answer

theists will say God could have a good reason for permitting evil in the world for
example there might be some good things that require evil in order to get so God can use
evil to attain good things so good things cannot be obtained without allowing evil so that
good is worth permitting the evil in the world.

 the free will defense

 Saint Augustine is one of the defenders of the free will defense he provided free will
defense against the problem of evil.
According to saint when God created human beings he wants that human beings love him
freely with their choice so he gave humans free will to human use that free will to do
good things for the sake of loving God but human use free will and did evil instead but
that is a necessary risk that god had to take when creating human beings with the ability
to choose freely. So human free will allowing evil in the world.

 John Hick soul-making theodicy in his book Evil and the God of love

 on this view God wants human beings to undergo spiritual and moral growth but spiritual
and moral growth often require evil.

 to forgive someone there has to be another person that has done something evil to us and
only then we can learn to forgive the person who has done us some evil. so learning to
forgive is a good thing and the only way to make humans learn to forgive is by allowing
evil so in some sense evil is necessary to get this greater good and that's why God
allowed even in the world and let humans exercise moral virtues.

 G. W. Leibniz was a rationalist 1646-1716

to the problem of evil

Leibniz claims that God has created the best of all the possible worlds so at the moment
of creation when God created the world he chose the best of all the possible worlds and
that's the world that we live in right now it is the best of all possible worlds.

but we might think why did we have two world wars couldn't the world have been better
if there were no world wars Leibniz's response when we judge whether this world is the
best of all possible worlds we have to see the entire history of the world he believes that
the world is eternal and we only see and live in a small part of the world history human
beings only have a limited view of the world so we cannot make judgments about the
whole world based on that limited view that we have he said there might be evil at the
moment but it cannot conclude based on that view that the whole history of the world is
not the best of all possible worlds.

 what Christianity has to say about evil

the Christian view says that God is perfectly good and God is opposed to evil. sometimes
God uses evil to achieve his good purposes sometimes God allows human beings to do
evil things in order to achieve his good purposes. evil is only temporary and God is
working to restore the world and save it from evil.

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