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 Existentialism the atheistic variety which is made famous especially by jean-paul Sartre and

Simone de Beauvoir

according to existentialism that there are no God or heavens that we can go there after death so
there is nothing up there that gives meaning to our life here. Atheistic existentialism rejects the
religious view that there is a blueprint for what humans should be like. according to the
existentialist, we have to create our own essence. they think we as a human can't just receive
and accept what handed down to us as traditions unthinkingly our life is our responsibility so we
should abandon what religion, traditions, or society handed to us and create our essence.

 existentialism Simone de Beauvoir

Simone de Beauvoir is the person who asked who can say what women do or not do she
applies existentialism to what it means to be a woman 

 Dualistic metaphysics is the idea that there are two parts of reality there's the non-
physical reality and the other part the physical reality. in some thoughts from both East
and West, what is in the non-physical world is more real and important such as Plato for
him it's the forms that are most real or Hinduism where Brahman might be most real.

 according to them those things in the physical world is not eternal not as important as
what is in the non-physical world.

Karl Marx
 the existentialists responded to this what if there's nothing up there and nothing exists
there's no God there are no forms there's no Brahma and this is all we've got in our life so
when there is nothing up there it means there is no forms or essence to tell us what is
really mean to be human all we've got is our physical existence. 

 according to existentialists existence comes before essence we exist and then we've got to
create what it means to be human

 Simone de Beauvoir uses this to what it means to be a woman 

she believes in society we have been told that there is some kind of essence that how a
woman should be and women supposed to be different from the man they would say that
the man is strong, powerful they are leaders and women are opposite of all of those
things. she believes that's bad if society or tradition tells women this is what you are and
supposed to be she said women should have the freedom and the responsibility to create
their essence rather than just to be shaped by what society, religion, or tradition wants
women to be. women should define themselves maybe being a woman about being strong
and leader she thinks women can do that when they are free of what society forces on
them then they're truly going to be released.

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