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Module 5

Learning Language Lab

The Questions
1. Donde deseas visitor?- Where do you wish to visit?
2. Cuando trabajas? -When do you work?
3. Cuanto te gusta tu universidad? - How much do you like your college?
4. Con quien eres amiga? - Who are you friends with?
5. Que te gusta hacer?- What do you like to do?
6. Como mascotas tienes?- How many pets do you have?
7. Por que elegiste tu Universidad?- Why did you choose your college?

Friends Response
1. New York City
2. I work at Starbucks at least 3 times a week.
3. I love my college it works out well for me and I love the atmosphere at IU.
4. I am friends with you, Paige, and Grace.
5. I like to watch movies and talk with my friends.
6. I have a fish but that’s all.
7. I choose it because during my visit I feel in love with it.
Spanish version of friends responses
1. Nueva York
2. Trabajo en Starbucks al menos 3 veces a la semana.
3. Me encanta mi universidad, me va bien y me encanta el ambiente en IU.
4. Soy amiga contigo, Paige y Grace.
5. Me gusta ver películas y hablar con mis amigas.
6. Tengo un pez, pero eso es todo.
7. Lo elijo porque durante mi visita me siento enamorado de él.

1. Intimate (0-18 inches), Personal (1.5-4 feet), Social(4-12 feet), and Public(12-25 feet)
2. With intimate I would often be in a situation with my family or a loved one. With
personal I would probably be talking to close friends of mine at any occasion. Social
would be with acquaintances in a social setting or my coworkers at my work place.
Lastly with public I probably wouldn’t use this with someone im talking to it would just
be strangers in the same area as me.
3. I think that for me when it comes to intimate and personal it would be my upbringing
but with everything else and more specific situations in the personal scenario it would
be just personal preference.
4. Yes often with one of my friends my “bubble” is a little bigger than hers but I kind of just
deal with because we are so close that it doesn’t bother me that much but sometimes I
just take a few steps away.
5. So that you don’t make other people uncomfortable and can keep every situation you’re
in comfortable with the people around you. It makes people want to be around you
more in my opinion when you respect their personal space.

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