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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Facultad de Psicología

Nombre del trabajo:

Next vacations

Unidad de aprendizaje:

Competencia comunicativa en inglés

Nombre del maestro:

Amelia del Pilar Bravo Garza


Irving Carlos Cabrera Ledezma

Fecha: 21-09-22
My next vacations…

I think I would like to spend my next vacations en Michoacán, specifically in the city
of Zamora. It’s a little town where the biggest sanctuary of Latin America is located,
plus my grandmother’s ashes are in there, so that is one of the reasons we want to
go. I want to go too because in Zamora do “Chongos Zamorano’s”, it’s a vanila candy
with cajeta, delicious. Some family of mine lives in a city near by Zamora, and with
my cousins I go to other little towns close to there. In the town of Paracho is where
many guitars are made, of any kind, every color, even very famous artists have gone
there to buy a guitar. I bought 3 years ago my first guitar there, I learned play music
with this artisanal guitar. This year I’m thinking of going to Patzcuaro, in the day of
the dead is very colorful, and in December I just go to visit the island near and eat
"carnitas Michoacanas".

It's possible I would like go to Mexico City too. My aunt and her family is living in the
capital, she has 75 years and I love so much visit their house and of course visit the
big city of Mexico. I would like to walk in Reforma avenue and see all high rises with
a “torta de tamal”.

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