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Although my family’s atmosphere is very open and pleasant, there are still

some specific rules to follow. First, all family members must engage in doing
household chores. To be specific, while my mom is responsible for the daily
shopping and preparing meals, my dad takes care of heavy tasks such as lifting
and fixing and I will do the washing and laundry. Secondly, my mother asks
everyone to eat dinner at home together, except Sunday, we can go out for
dinner with friends or relatives. At first, I don’t feel comfortable with these
rules because I like to be free with my schedule. But after my parents’
explanation, I recognize that these rules will help us be close-knit and
supportive of one another. Thirdly,  I’m not allowed to watch TV, nearly any,
except when there is a good or interesting movie or when I have finished all my
homework and exercises. And my parents never let me stay up late at night.
Next, no yelling in the house. It might be difficult to speak softly when you are
angry, but don’t yell no matter what. Make a conscious effort to do so and
practice breathing exercises to calm down. Last, wait for your turn to talk while
in a conversation with your parents or a group.

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