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Grade: English Level 1

Teacher’s name: Camila Elena León Silva

Students will explain a fictional character´s medical history and a recent accident he/she has suffered using Present Perfect and
vocabulary related to health and medicine.

Expected learnings:
 Talks about past experiences using Present Perfect with Since, For and Never.
 Explains a recent accident using Present Perfect and other Past Tenses (Simple Past and Past Continuous).
 Identifies the parts of the body with their names in English.

Students will choose a fictional character from a movie, series, book, or videogame they like. They will
pretend their fictional characters have had an accident and injured themselves, and that they need medical
attention. Students will present their fictional characters´ cases to the class in a Power Point Presentation,
as if they were doctors. In the presentation they must explain their patients´ medical history (allergies,
chronic diseases, past experiences in hospitals, etc.) and narrate how they injured; they must use a picture
of the patients to explain their injuries. On the picture they must indicate the names of each part of their
patients´ bodies. Students will also write the story of their patients´ accidents in a 50-70 words paragraph.

Project deliverables:
Deliverable name Description Abilities assessed Weight
Story of fictional character Student must explain how his/her patient Writing skills
´s accident injured in a 50-70 words paragraph Use of English
Power Point Presentation The presentation must include the character´s Creativity
medical history, and a full body picture of Use of English
him/her with the parts of body indicated. Commitment
Short sentences must be added to the
presentation, as well as pictures, colors,
diagrams, etc.
Oral presentation Student will use his/her Power Point Pronunciation
Presentation to expose his/her patient´s Interactive communication
medical history and to explain how he injured 40%
himself or herself. The presentation must last
three minutes at least.
Self and Co Assessment Evaluation of the student and classmates´ Evaluation Criteria

Task Date
* Date indicated at Exams Calendar.
Delivery of the story of fictional character´s accident January 25th
Delivery of the Power Point Presentation January 28th
Oral Presentation January 30th –
February 4th *

Additional information:

Students must use Grammar and Vocabulary learnt during Unit 4.

* Date indicated at Exams Calendar.

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