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Sigismund Scholmo Freud was born on

Moravia, Czechia in 1856 to a jewish
family. When he was 17 years old,
freud entered the University of
Vienna as a medical student in an
eviroment of growing anti-semitism.
While studying, he became interested
in biology and worked in a laboratory where he became
friends with the doctor and future collaborator Joseph
Breuer. When he met his wife,
Martha Bernays, decided to start
working in medicine to have a
better salary and he specialized in
At the time it was believed that
mental illnesses had a organic
origin and he opened in 1886 a
doctor’s office where used
hypnosis and electrotherapy, he realized that his patients
began to talk about traumas they experienced. After he
abandoned this methods and created the new technique
called free association, in wich his patients talk about
whatever they thought, starting from this method, he
created a theory of functioning of the human mind: The
psychoanalysis theory. this was the forerunner of all types
of modern psychology.
He’s main works was: The Interpretation of Dreams,Three
Contributions to Sexual Theory and Introduction to the
He died on September 23 in London, England, exiled by the
Nazi Germany due to palate cancer

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