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Characters review:Silver Linings Playbook

Pat: Is the main character performed by Bradly Cooper.

Tiffany(Jennifer Lawrence): Tiffany is the girl that Pat friend‘s(Rony) and Veronica invite to
match her in a Dinner with Pat.

Pat Solitano senior(Robert de Niro): Is pat father and a addicted gambler and supersticius
gambler with compulsive and obsesive personality disorder and fanatic of the egales, an american
football team.

Nikki(Brea Bree): Pat’s ex wife that has a restriction order againt him.

Dolores Solitano(Jacki Weeber): The over protective Pat’s junior’s mother and submisive pat’s
senior wife.

Main character review

After expending eight months in a mental hospital acused for agression against by his wife lover.
Pat’s is determine to recover his wife’s Nikki with the help of Tiffany his friend that also has mental
issues. While he’s obsessed with losing weight running with a trash bag for sweating, Tifanny
follow him everytime. And in this running time, Pat faces by polar desorder with the help that of the
love that grows between them.

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