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Full Name: Erick José Delgado Arratea

Course code: 22INI0915N N° of Students: Date: 05 / 10 / 2022
Topic /
Unit 3B: Job-hunting.
Write an update email when planning a campaign for charity. Use the Present Perfect and the Past
Simple plus the new vocabulary from the unit. (100 words)


From: Follwers

To: Erick (and Team)

Subject: Gratitude


Hello everyone,

We thank all our dear followers for the money donated for the "Patita Feliz" dog shelter, we

have raised more than $1000. This would not have been possible without everyone's help, for

the donations they made to us, for the raffles we sold, for the ones we sold at $1 each, the pet

food and the toys they bought us.

Patita Feliz, will use the money to feed our pets, keep the shelter in good condition, also for

medicines for all the pets that are sick.

Thanks again for all your help. Please look for our next event. Now they will be able to access

our new facilities to be able to adopt our pets and see that they are in very good health and

above all very happy.

Thanks to our million followers on social networks and stay tuned for our new updates.

Eric (and team)

Mr. Rogelio Mateo V.

English teacher

Centro de Idiomas Continental

Calle Real N° 123 | Av. San Carlos N° 1980 |

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