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Erick José Delgado Arratea

Project Draft

Good evening teacher and classmates. Today I will present my project: "My favorite
kind of Transport":
My favorite kind of Transport is a car, especially the Ford Mustang. I may begin with its
background information: The Ford Mustang is a sports car manufactured by the Ford
Motor Company since 1964 in the United States. In the first year, one hundred
thousand cars were sold. It currently has six generations, also with many models with
different technologies.
I particularly liked the "Shelby Mustang GT500" model in color dark blue. Now, I will
talk about its characteristics: It has a V8 engine In addition to a seven-speed automatic
transmission, it is also one of the fastest Mustangs, reaching a maximum speed of 288
km/h. h. In addition, its price is around $79,155. Also In the movie "I Am Legend" the
protagonist Will Smith drives a red with white Shelby GT500.
I’ll present to you its advantages and disadvantages: First, its body is aerodynamic. It
also has air intakes on the sides, which keep the engine cool. One of its disadvantages
is that it has a clutch and this makes it difficult for people with short legs. In addition, its
price is very high for the public and its few units are for sale.
I will conclude with some reasons I consider the Ford Mustang Shelby being my
favorite kind of Transport: Firstly, because it is a very nice and fast sports car,
Secondly, because it is an aerodynamic vehicle Thirdly, because when traveling In my
own car, there is less risk of contagion from this current pandemic. I can also travel
with my family avoiding using public transport.
Thanks for your attention.

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