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Handle Bar (Round bar)

-It is a steering mechanism in which it used for steering, ridden on and as such onto a machinery. It
provides a steering control for any machinery used, it helps the person’s weight to be distributed in able
for it to be efficiently used and for the machinery to work well with comfort especially for round bars
instead of flat bars.

2.Fabricated Base Jack (Acting as screw thread)

- it is a cylindrical shaped part of a machinery that contains a helical rib for the use of a fastener or a
motion modifier. It converts a rotary motion into a linear motion or it can give great force on any fixated
area having it to go back and forth depending on the position where it is fixated in. Threaded
connections that are connected part into a whole in which it produces force, torque and movement.

3.Fixed Threaded Support

- it acts as a guide or a support unto any machinery that involves screw thread function for it to be
fixated and focus on one linear movement. It helps a screw thread to be able to produce greater torque,
force and movement creating a crushing force that is able to flatten an object. It holds the machinery
together with the screw thread.

4.Metal Cover (Removable)

- it provides a great enclosure in which it minimizes the damage of the machinery being able to be
vulnerable to dust, moisture and chemicals that is able to harm any machinery. They can act as a shock
barrier separating a system component from one another. Sacrificial part of a machine that takes all the
harmful components that may affect internal parts of the machinery. Useful for it provides longevity.

5.Stainless Steel Crusher Welded

- steel metal provides greater strength, upholding greater forces to such extent than any normal metals
can do. It is efficient for it fastens the production of a machinery and its value for money is optimal. It
contains lesser weight but it provides robustness and ductility. Crushers being able to provide force to
an extent rather a force amplified by mechanical advantage, it is capable of diminishing the size of an
object which can be easily disposed of or recycled.

6.Metal Shaft

- it used for transmitting power from one point to another, the greater its strength the better it is to
absorb power making a machinery be able to produce more force and power making it very efficient. It
is an integral part for it holds the machinery into place, determining the machinery’s durability and
heavy usage basis makes it very capable.

7.Foot Pad (Base)

- it is a self-leveling machinery of an equipment that provides supports and frames. It gives a fixated
ability which gives stability onto a machinery which makes it efficient and contain easy usage with no
greater hassle. It provides a stable foundation to a machinery especially to a machinery that provides
accuracy and a strong demand for power and force usage.

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