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AGOKWE OBISTER ‘Wanwaate san award-winning actor, playwright, choreographer, dance, storyteller, and producer. A proud Anishnaabe from Grassy Narrows First Nation, heis a graduate of Humber College Theatre Peformance Program. After the access of Agokwe, Waawate’ second play, Meine ‘Boy premiered at Summerworks in 2012 He has performed in momer- ‘us pays including, but not limited to, The Rez Sisters, A Very Plite Genocide, White Buffalo Cafe Woman and Death ofa Chief and ated In the television series The Time Travelers He has collaborated with Native Barth Performing Arts, De-bab-jeb-muhsjig Theatre Group, and ‘he Centre for Indigenous Theatre His most recent projets inclade the production of his play Biwid-Stanger as part ofthe Idle No More ‘Wrecking Ball performance and asa dancer in I'm No he Indian You Had in Mind INTRODUCTION To AGOKWE BY FALEN JOHNSON “So are you really gay?" Those words echoed throughout the small ‘Moosonee High School gym as! sat beside Weawaat bist, jst ater 8 performance ofthe short play Savage by Vette Nolan In the script Waswaate played Gary, a young Indigenous twovsprted man who is balled, Waawaate was quick wth his response, "Ye, Lam relly gy” ‘besa oly and without any hesitation. The boy who asked had «ool ‘hat began with shock, then confason, then a smiles he nodded is bead in what seemed lke agreement or some sortof satiied approval Waswaat cons frm Grassy Narowsin northern Ontario apace ot unlike Moosone, where he probably went to school with « boy uch ike the one who asked if Waawast was realy gy” The pover ‘of Wawaat’s words slong with is unabahed aiming ofhiesenalty ‘resonated with those kids in that gym that day, After the talkback, the ‘ed fled out ofthe gym, excep for one gil who hung back snd ter ‘veryone had gone she approached us, Se told usthat she was gay She ‘id noone knew and she had told anyone because she was afraid ‘of being bullied. I was heartbreaking but slzo amazing tat she could finally vocalize it, Through storytling and witnessing Waawaate, she seemed to gain courage, which both amazed and moved ine, -Agokwe was based largely on Waawaate's own personal experiences growing up in Grassy Narrows The voice to suthentic and ich we ‘ithe bute transported, The word funny and hard and beaut, snd recognitabeto so many people. The story overlaps with and speaks ‘fo many communities. Yes itisatwo-spirited Indigenous ove story, but ‘tisso mach more than that, It is about love el Love between peopl, families, and communities. How tis ost, kept, and how iti learned Witnessing how the characters transform in Agokwe is on of the ‘most compelling parts ofthe show. The relationship between Jake and his cousin Goose always intrigues me, When I first watched the show I remember feling the sues out that rdatonship thread, The bonde of faly un deep and to see them strained or broken was tragc to witness. On the other hand tose the journey of Betty Moses and her transformation was so best To sce that change can and does happen ives us hope ‘One of my frvourite moments from Agokwe le when Jake ay to Mike, “There's no reason for uso be scared anymore" Those words stand ont forme. Its¢ moment of knowing and optimiam where decolonization ‘es place and traditional understanding is relsimed, This moment ‘extends beyond the word of the play and gives ur a glimpse of our otetia ature, to whatwe—and fm not peaking ofjus us Indigenous folks—can all understand if we et ourselves acknowledge the land we stand upon and ou responsi to it and its history simposible to quantiy the each of Agokwe to knove who thas touched, who it has taught, and maybe even who ithas saved. After ‘wo succesful national tour with sld-ot shows, Limagine it slot of people, nd maine I kep reaching even farther. 96 | Woawaate Fobister Asolo premiered st Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, Toronto, on September 23, 2008, from a script developed in Buddies n Bad Tes ‘Queer Youth Arts Program. The play feetured thefllowing cast and Wiriten and performed by Weswaate Fobister Directed by Ed Roy Music by Mare Nadjivan Lighting design by Kimbesly Purtet ‘Set design by Andy Moro (Costume design by Erika Iteroff ‘Sound design by Lyon Smith Stage management by Tracy Lynne Cann The play went onto win six Dora Mavor Moore Awards for Toronto ‘Theatre in 2009, including Outstanding New Ply, Outstanding Production ofa Play, Outstanding Direction, Outstanding Performance, Outstanding Costume Design, and Outstanding Lighting Desig, Following ts premiere in 2008, Agokwe went on tour throughout (Canad in 201, making stopsat the Yukon Arts Cente, Whitehorse; the University of Saskatoon Drama Department North Stadio, Saskatoon, and.t the Vancouver East Cukurl Centre, Vancouver. CHARACTERS Nansbush Jake Mike Betty Moses Shyanne NANABUSH INTRO Nawasusi enters during a lacout in bird half mask and wing. As the lights come up, wana nus is partially obscured by fog Nassau Hell! God evening. Can you see me? You can semi right (Ofcourse you en se me. Tam standing right infront of you, leh and bod, But the only reason you can see me is because I choose for you to see me, Before you came in ere (points to someone in the audience) 1 was the sithead who spilled eofe on you atthe ofc. Iwas the old ‘man with the hugest boner protruding through is pants on the sree, ‘Armoment go, wasthe itch onthe ring of your asthole kyo sat down ‘nd took your seat. Lam Nanabush. Lam atrikstr am the trickster, the trickster of trickster, The ings pull away as vaxaausn spins. So. Jet’ jst et straight to the point. 'm hereto tell you something something very important. Once you get it, want you tact on tand tellyor frends and tell our friends to tel thei friends, and tl hei fiends to tell the frends. That way we canal ive together like a ice bighappy family Do you living in. anc ig happy fai? Tknow do. mean, who wouldnt want olive in anie happy family Some of you ae disagreeing wth me, Why s tha? Maybe your family is disgusting? Maybe every ine when yur famly sis down to have ance big meal someone alas manages to fart of burp oF choke, argue untl you vant odie? Or is jst imply the fat that no one in your fumly gets sloag or understands you. or whatever the cases, the ruth snot everyone hasa nice big happy family. You know why? Because humans sce stupid, Stop, I tell ya~they maybe the smartest species onthe planet, bat they ar alo the stupidest, Not only that, theyre aio one of the most disgusting and despcabe species around: makes me sick to iy stomach, Sorry to give you the bad news but Lam jastbeing honest. “They you=yet you, youre gross. You dirty everything. Everything you get your filthy litle hands on, it gets dity—the land, the ai, the water, and yourselves. Lott people is shame. But should give you some credit you are trying to make thing beter. Everyone istrying to think green to save the plane, to sve yourselves, but its not easy being green, ‘or white, or yellow, or back, or Anishnssbe, red! That’ why Lamhereto tel you oat the Anishnaabe, mos people. Their uur is disappear ing, going fast, So many thing ave changed. So many things have been taken away from them: ther lad, their traditions, thelr freedom, and theirsense of who they were and wh they ae. Ob, know youhavebeard {hisalbefre Poor Ankshnasbe, why doit they just et ofthe bottle and ‘et overt ltl you why. Because once youve been screwed itshardto| ‘unscrew vouRstLel! Oh. am making you lite bit uncomfortable? (know Tam not being the apologetic litle Indian, Wel don't give a shit because Iam Nanabush The tt fant always pretty and itis ‘uy. took two hundred years for an apology snd all they have to say is"Tm soomrrrevre'tl And what do you want me to say? “Oh ob Me. Harpe its okay, [wil ust go and find my ite eile ising bones ‘hare now part ofthis condo that just got built hee” Well we all know what’ been done-—man's inhumanity to man tk tk tk... ike sad, you humans are stupid, All we got the present and the fare soles 100 | WawasteFoblster make ita fabulous one. Anyway before you folks thowed up backin the ey when you looked around and afar athe ees coud se everything wat availble tothe Anishnaabe. Thee wat greed, There was wat. But there was no prejudice against umm... what do you people cl hem nowadays? Gay? Queer? Fuge? Hom? annus laughs Homo, that woederacks me up, There are many words used for two-spit- ited people in the Indian languages: Taman from the Zani, Gatxan {rom the Ting, Nadleeh the Navajo, Mobave the Alyahas, Winkte the Lakota Sioux, Meroge the Omaha. Oh lean goon andon and on andon, but my favourite, my absolut favourite of them all is the Anishnaabe word —Agokwe.Agokwel Come on, ayit with me—Agokwe, Agoke! | can'thear you! Agokwe! There you go! Doeen' that ust fel so amaz Ing coming out of your mouth? Agokwe! Ooch... when [say just, fee so glam glam! Agokwel Mmm ... ove tl It means within the ‘man there isa woman; not one spe, but two, Two-spirited—isnt that lovely? Yes, there was atime when the Anishnaabe had no prejudice against a boy who was Agokwe, Oh no, i was quite the opposite. The ‘Agokwe men would hold power and represent strength because they had maleness and femaleness totally entwined in one body. They were known tobe able to ee withthe eyes ofboth man and woman. If they did extraordinary things in ther lives that broke with tation twas sumed they had the spiritual authority and power todo so, therefore they werent questioned. They were shamans, healers, mediators, and Interpreters of dreams whose lives were devoted to the welfare of the {r0up. He would do both mens work and woman's work; he would teach children, chop the wood, make a basket, kill a moose, make clothes, paddle acros the great lake, protect the woman and children during war, eed «ceremony. he was prety much the timate auntie with high status within the commit. Also, he was si ‘a much-sought-after wife, because what husband wouldnt want a wife who was beautiful and glamorous an strong ashore and who could bea hunter (hast pes) anda gatherer (bends ove) in the bedroom. Atsocal occasions the Agokwe's dance card would always be fll Dram music begins. Starting at a very young og, Ifthe parents noted ther boy id was disinterested in boyish play and manly work, they would setup acer- mony to determine which way the boy would be brought up. Some communities would get the boy to stand in a cirle surrounded by hi fends and family and they would sing and pay the drum for im, and the danced inthe way of woman, because he could not help himself, they would rate him as an Agokns, Drum music onde (Other communities would put the young boy ina circle obras, where ‘he would Sind man's ow and a woman'sbasket. They would light the ‘brush on fire and he had to choose one ofthe items. fhe ran ot with the basket, he would erased asan Agokwe. The Anishnaabe knew that in ores for thereto beanie big happy family everybody had to have place. The Anishnaabe didnt waste people. They had enough wisdom torealiz tha there was enough room for more than two sexesin their ‘wot and so they welcomed every new Agokye born into ther com: ‘munity. But that was the good old day. The story tam about to tells not bout the god ald days I about ight now. Is about two Anishnasbe ‘boys named Jake and Mike, Let me introduce yout aks. 102 | Waawant Fobister JAKE INTRO axe: Oh my god! Iam so exe fr ths weekend. Ith All Nations Hockey Tournament in Kenora This where all the reserves in he area ‘come together for thishuge hockey tournament I get tose Mike, Heis ‘0ing tobe playing init. He son the Windigo Bay team, Yam gong to atch all ofhis games. I's exciting because my reserve, Red Beaver and his reserve, Windigo Bay. are the two top teams inthe tournament. All ‘my cousins, expecially Goose, are going to wonder why 1am ging to atch Windigo Bay py and no friggin stinky Rd Beaver. The reason Isbecause the guy on my rez ares plain wl. Greasy alr and pmply ‘boys just gross me out, Well, except for my cousin Powerful Lightning Bolt but he is my cousin. People jst don't go out with thee cousins, ‘ight? Evo. eat believe Goose went outwith Powerfl Lightning Bolt because they actully re cousins. think they are ike third cous. ins. how: is so weird and gross. But he was ik, oh well least we se third cousins and not secand o frst cousins because tht would be jst wrong, That made me so nervous because they were messing the ‘same gene poo. Can you imagine if she got knocked up? Who knows what thelr tadpoles would look lke? Anyway, couldn’ go out with Powerful Lightning Bolt even fe wae gay, and with a name ike that ‘cawo. That’ why Ihave to go somewhere ele fo find a boy lke from ‘indigo Bay. The frst time I saw Mike was atthe Kenora Shoppers Mall. I ememberitikeitwas yesterday. Tha driven nt town to buy ‘new pai ofjeans was indi’ my own business, making my way to the Warehouse One jeans store when suddenly got this repy fering tha someone was watching me, You know that feeling when the hairs ‘on the back of your neck stand on end I slowly did a glaze-ver of the ‘mall and there he was stnding opposite of Warehouse One the most beautifl Ojibwe boy Thave ever seen wae staring at me and couldnt belp but stare back He's nice and tl, Hehad nice, dat, lowing Indian Agokowe | 103 shin. Nice toned-muscle arms, Nice developed chest Nice air Nice eye Nicelips, Oo0o .. Nie basket Just sooooo00000000 nic... I fetlke we were staring at each other for eternity even though Iam sure ‘twas onl for few second, but in tha brie time the hes between us had become so intense I had to look away. When I gathered my cour. ge to look back, he was gone, In that moment I had these emotions, feelings, sensations Thad never fl before. Wasi love or lusts fist sight I did't know and I didnt care. AT knew was Ihad to know ‘everything I could about him. I couldnt tell anybody why. Lam not ‘ven sure Tknew myself So,1 described him to Goose and asked if he knew him, and she did, Ofcourse, she also wanted to know why Twas asking about him, I made up some le that hele some gel tht Iwas trying to pick up. Although she was pissed off hearing about thie she told me his mame was Mike- Oh... Mike, Mike. Mike, Because ofthe hokey tournament this weekend theres going tobe alot of parties and Jnoge Lineups to get inthe bars. 1am not really quit od enough, but 1 Ihave a fake 1. My cousin Goote made me a fake Indian Status Card It beter freakin work Because rome astboes don't ake status ads, But ‘hat does mate. justcan' wait. Thre are pretty much three bars in Kenora Theres the ghetto Native bar where all theo stinky Natives 0... and now tatIthinkofitthere ae some od stinky white people that go there too. Thea theres thi ool young hip white bar where all, ‘he cool whiteys go, which I probably wont o to jas because Iam not realy white enough, That means am going ogo to Mltown, the cool Native bat. There sin no question i my mind thats where I'm going to go because thats probably the bar where Mikes going tobe. (fear and exited) Bewcoeeceacceese 104 | Waswast Fobiter NANABUSH TALKS ABOUT THE HOCKEY TOURNAMENT AND HIS INTRO TO BETTY -eawanusi does a drunken whopping sound, ‘axanust: During the All Nations Hockey Tournament Kenora turns Into party town, Alte whiteys love itbut hate i a he same time ‘They love itbecause i gives them good busines, They hate it because they ae scared ofthe Natives, You know why because my people can be such wild party animal Mor dranken whopping noses, trae. The Anishnaabe always loved wget high, but nthe old days they found it naturally. Then booze arrived and my people discovered theyloveditand the whiteysloved sling itto them. Ando this day it’s ‘love-hate relationship, just eso many unhappy ma ge. Bat some peopl earn to lve themselves enough to lave an unhappy mariage, And that’ just what Bety Moses did BETTY MOSES INTRO erry mosts Hl! Boorhoo! My name s Betty Moses and Tm an aleo- bolic. 1am from the Windigo Bay Fst Nation, I been anabolic for twenty years. havea teenaged son named Michael. Helivs with me on thereserve I decided a couple years ago that needed to quit drinking, went to treatment to go and cleanup, Alcohol has relly fected me in many ways. Ithas affected my health, my jb, and my topline. Ye, havea trapline Iwas my ni-ded' my father’, Nidede gave ittome ‘Agolowe 1105 before he did. Butoh je, before I started the program [hadn't been ‘therein ten years of so. missed those god a trapping days. was once thebest rapper on my reserve. Yes, beat al the gus from my reserve. ‘They called me tha tough ol! Betty Mots. It was actully the ime when {won the contest for bes trapper that Thad my frst drink, Everybody was offering to buy me rounds, and dida'thave any until thi big bck, Dovghs Big Canoe slid mea glasof whiskey. He was shandsome, how could refuse? That'show I met my ex husband Dovgle Big Canoe. We fallin love over abot of whiskey and his big canoe. Hes Mike's dad and a fucking asshole anda ling piece of shit. The basta chested on ‘me and took off and moved in with this younger pice of rash litle st, eh? I can give im credit fortwo things: he got me pregnant with ‘is big canoe and taught Mike how to play hockey. ‘Oh maa, my boy is such a good hockey player. Oh, this weekend i the All Nations Hockey Tournament in Kenora, My son Mike ein it. He isthe asistant captain ofthe hockey team from Windigo Bay. All the is aresiways coming over and tryingto get together with him. Hes Popular with dem ites. Hes too good for them though. He needs to get out of here and go somewhere that has more opportunity, This lace sas too small for such big talent. I worry about my Mikey ifhe stays here. Although he presents a siling face can se this nds inhiseyes and my heart senses there iam emptiness in him, longing for something Ica’ give im, and all wish fore his happiness. For sy Mikey stated the program and I went backto my tapline tase enough money to buy his hockey equipment and to pay fis hockey lessons. That’ the only time Ice the sacl in is eyes i when hes lying hockey.Heloves winning Tha’ why we re going to kck very: ‘one'sass even that chesting fggy-as tear Red Beaver, Oh, that tear sometimes makes meso angry. They ae just full ofcrost-checking nd boarding, They arejustawfulItmay bea close race between the two but tink we wil ome out ontop. You know why? jue told youbecause 106 | WaswnateFobister _ny son Mikey is on the team. The hockey tournament ithe only bg [Native event that happens around here. We etal the reserves fom the rea to come out to Kenora and take it over You know kinds ike the sound ofthat. Take over Take over. t sound good eh? But’ only for the weekend. Ihave tobe caefal. All my relatives are going to try to ‘et me to drink some booze, have to stay strong. I want my boy tobe ‘rod of me too. That is why I come ere today, ust to remind myself ‘that dont need the booze to keep me happy. NANABUSH INTRO TO GOOSE eawanusa does a dance tothe following prerecorded song. NANABUSH: Loose Goosey. Goose ilo, se? [Noone mestes wth the Goose. Eventhough she very lose—tee? ‘She don't take no bull- moose crap—see? (One false move youl get slap—se? Goose manhanales all her men—see? Shes the gossip in the tipi Her sweet tongue i alway loote—see? ‘Uses it more ways than one—see? ‘She gets ull moos in her bed—see? “Her lang beak gives them the goose—eee? ‘Agokwe | 107 GOOSE INTRO ‘2003s infront ofa mitror trying on diferent levels shirts, very time she doce like one she saye“anna™ ccoose: Shtaastashaaa... were going to party twp real ard thi week: ed, Me and my Icon Jkey ae geting shot! oom atthe Lakeside nn—holy-—just be el pimped out! Nee... I ging tbe so awesome cuz the hockey tourney sjust ght actos the street Icant walt to party ‘here, There are gong tobe so many ot Anishnaabe boys there. Yyiyit Si... ohhh. love mes hot Anishnaabe boy who can pay hockey 1 don't think can dat someone who doesnt play hockey cu, I meas, lay hockey. play the forward position on and of thee, Tats why 1 ‘eed aman; areal man, think our Anishnaabe men should always be Hehas todo something strong and manly ke lay hockey or hunt o do somthing powwow—like ing or dance. If can geta man who can do all thee and is good in the sac, then that's ‘tforme. am going to marry him and have his kids, olay. There ls thie guy always seat these hockey tournaments, Mike Moses. He is justo fine anda wicked hockey player. want to meet him this weekend, can bemy warrior. Haaaa Beer. thewartor Eee She laughs (Onsasas but my IT cousin Jey does’ even play hockey end he doesnt even know how to hunt. But he ean powwow dance. He sa pretty good Grate dancer. At east that's something, I even tle to get him to play hockey with me when we were itl bt he just did ike it jst wast in is Blood, Breer. People always think he's fag ‘kinda questioned it oo, Finally just had to ask him, "okey, are youa fag?” and he sald “No, why would you ak me tha “Girls on the ez 108 | Woswaate Fobiter sre interested in you but you dont bite the bait” "Wall, Tam just hy, that's all” I wae so relieved because who want fag in thelr fly Err... gross, especially around here Sol grabbed him bythe weenog and said, "Well you are going to have to get over it ifyou wanna get Jai” He ast need o find a gir. He just young, stupid, and horny snd needs someone to teach him how to we hit ween. 1am going hoolchim up though There fethie il Shysnne onthe ee that really Interested in him. She keeps asking about him, Shes very pretty and a litle dumb but he asa good heart and thats why thnk she is good for my Jake. Because wanthsisttime tobe special thnk hell ike ber, He better. Awww. ny akey is going to get ld forthe Get {me this weekend and Tam wo excited for him, eventhough he doesnt even know yet. Lam going to make sue everyone knows that he ota ‘0 they can just shut up about him being fag, Puck, That just really snnoys me sometimes. am always having to stick up for him. Well gota hes ike ny i'l brother. NANABUSH INTRO TO MIKE waxasuste: Pump those arms! Pump thoee es! Pump that are! Come on, Mike! You gotta get peched! You gotta get ready for the big game tonight You goto get ready forthe gle and guys. You gota look manly for their googly eyes, You the Indian tha’ going to go fr, local Native superstar, ‘Agokowe | 108 ‘MIKE INTRO, PUMPING HIMSELF FOR THE GAME ae: Here we go, Mike. Te big game! You can kl this game. Kil those Beavers, We'llhow them. Remember, Windigo can ill beaver any day because beavers are creatures of habit. They always pay too hard atthe ‘beginning nd wear themselves out. Tha’ their weakness. dont gotta do much atthe beginning Juste them wear themselves out and go in forthe ill That's why youre the hunter ju ike mom. The beaver your prey tonight PL. That the difeence between you and Douglas Big Canoe. You‘e the hunter and he's a drunk. If mom wasn't such 00d trapper we woul have starved. What use ia big canoe when i snkat the bottom ofa bot? Uses fucker—me and Mom are better off without you. Well se who's the man around here. 'm the man.'m ‘thesman. im the man. Tim the man. am the Fuckin man. He breaks and erie, cing pussy NANABUSH INTRODUCES THE HOCKEY GAME xawapusn: Welcome, ladies and gentleman, to the eve- log we have all been seating for, the gold medal gsine for the ALL NATIONS Hock ToURNass7! Windigo Bay vs. Red Besver! Wow! ‘hiss gong tobe all of game. So, how are the Indians tonight? We have all ations fom the area under one roof. We have the Obes! ‘We have the Crees! We even have the Oji-Crees! This ie a beautiful sight Look at all these brown faces that came to support thei fellow Indians. So, who went onthe snaggi’ trail? Did you find the person ‘10 | WanwaateFobister you been cruthin’ on? Did you wave and say hell? Did you give them wink or blow thema kiss Ifyou are geting cky on the all make sure you use arubberand wrap your weenugin tO, Ihave jst been ive the signal. Thee ae plenty ofthese fine young hockey players coming out in a matte of minstes, Are you excited? Are you ready? 1 said, ans you nsApY? Okay let the game begin. The sound ofa whist THE HOCKEY GAME erry Moss: Come on, Windigo Bay! Howsansa! Witp! Daa! Wi ‘pt Witsp-sanal axe: Come on, Red Beaver You can doit! ‘20088: Yes! Beaver, come on! srry moses: Windigo Bay! Shoot Shoot You were sepposed to shoot, youstupd sox! asc: Yea, come on, Windigo Bay! Windig Bay ‘Goose: Hey, what the hell, man? Why the hell you cheering forthe Windigos? ras: Ob, meant to say the Beavers. Go Beavers got ‘200s: Oh my god! Look, lok, look, there hei, He isto hot, so

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