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September 8, 2022


Guillermo D. Mendoza NHS
Guagua, Pampanga

S I R:

We, the undersigned members of the Guillermo D. Mendoza NHS faculty and administrators,
wish to congratulate you for having scored another unprecedented feat to kick-off the start of SY
2022-2023. We are extremely grateful for the stewardship and direction that you have given to \
our school from the first day you joined us three years ago. However, just like any normal,
evolving, and growing human organization, we are not exempted from challenges and struggles
that could at times undermine the human spirit.

It is for this reason that we would like to seek an audience with you to thresh out some issues and
concerns that have and continue to pester us as the days drag on and continue to affect the way
we conduct our affairs in school.

Some of these issues that we need clarifications for are as follow:

1. Transparency with LOADINGS per Department (You mention the THRESHOLD, but
why are not ALL within the threshold? Equity can only thrive with Justice and Fairness)

2. Assignments of Relieving Teachers (Why can we not assign teachers within the same
Dept. to handle relieving jobs. We are specialized teachers, so why can we not assign
HTs per department to relieve their teachers if NO other teacher is available? Why assign
a NON-MAJOR to relieve when all that can be done is BABYSIT the class? How is this
quality education and how can competencies be achieved?) Teachers are not BABY

3. Regular monitoring and visibility to identify and prevent disruptive behaviors of students
in unmanned classes so a relieving teacher may be assigned.

4. Humanitarian Consideration VS Requirements and Exigencies of the Service (The power

outage brought great stress and discomfort to us teachers and students but because you
did not shorten periods, we saw to the conduct of our classes down to the last period. (It
was IRONIC that you called our attention to the presence of the DO Nurse who came to
monitor our blood pressures. However, we do not need to be medical professionals to
know that yesterday’s condition would have rendered us HYPERTENSIVE. Would you
have shortened periods had our BPs registered higher than normal? If not, what would
have been the benefit? These are times when we yearn for your concern and care as our

5. Better and more OPEN lines of communication (We feel you do not hear and listen to our

6. A Clearer and More Defined Hierarchy in the Organization (You are the Principal but we
have a feeling that you listen and answer to a higher power in your office that when you
cascade orders, you do not see us anymore as living, thinking and breathing individuals,
but as mechanical entities that do not feel stress, burn-out and exhaustion. We can be
workaholics but we can never be ROBOTS).
7. Legal Bases/Memoranda requiring us teachers to CRAFT AIPs and other UNIQUE PPAs
(We have benchmarked with other schools and school heads and NONE require such
because they are never part of our and OTHER related works mandate) It would be better
if you can encourage those who will take interest, but not to the point that you will make
it mandatory because even the DEPED has not made it so.

8. A Comprehensive Calendar of Activities for the entire year to avoid LAST MINUTE
DISRUPTIVE activities that affect the seamless delivery of a teacher’s week-long lesson
plan. As teachers, we become frustrated when we do not achieve our weekly targets.

9. Effective Solutions to improve the state of unconducive classrooms. We do not ask for
air-conditioned rooms because we are a public school but we can probably work on
making our rooms more habitable for our learners who cannot concentrate due to several
challenging constraints.

10. Periodic dialogues to THRESH out brewing issues and concerns to ensure a SAFE,
PROFESSIONAL, AND HUMANE working environment. As a family, we may have
disputes once in a while, but they will serve to let off steam and create a better and more
cohesive organization, truly showcasing greatness in diversity.

11. Greater FOCUS on Instruction because our learners are coming off a two-year long
pandemic education that have tremendously lowered their comprehension skills ( Instead
of requiring us to produce AIPs that will not see the light of day, why not give us the time
to prepare better for our lessons?)

12. Conduct of SPUR of the moment SLACs that put in jeopardy CHOSEN speakers who are
not even briefed about what to do) These activities requires months of planning to be
focused and target oriented.

13. If TLE Teachers have canteen duties, can they NOT BE PULLED out to relieve absent
teachers? Don’t students deserve to have a teacher present in class than a canteen staff
who knows what to do and is paid for doing so?)

14. Respect for Space and Designation (You have approved the utilization of certain rooms
like the clinic and JHS Comlab without formally advising the designated
coordinators/caretakers. If equipment are lost or destroyed, will you be the one
accountable?) We know you are the school head and has jurisdiction over the campus and
all that exist within, but don’t your persons in charge deserve to be informed out of

Majority of us have lived through the worst time of GD but we are still here. This is proof
of our RESILIENCE as human beings creating indelible memories for our learners while
providing food for our families. Your coming to GD and becoming one of us has given us
the SILVER lining that brought us to a consistent three-year Outstanding Rating. Let us
NOT STOP here, let us continue to push forward and make it a FIVEPEAT that will spell
a unique and sterling accomplishment on your journey as a leader.

As our Leader, you set the direction, however, without US, your HUMAN resources, you
will never get to the destination no matter how much you try. We are optimistic that you
will see the wisdom of our arguments and find it in your heart to give us the precious
time we deserve. WE rest our case.

Your GDMNHS Teachers and Administrators,

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