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import binaryninjaui as binja

###inside same directory

fn = 'notepad.exe'
import binaryninjaui as binja
fn = 'rbot.exe'
rr = binaryninja.BinaryViewType.get_view_of_file(fn)
print rr

### bv bv = binja.BinaryViewType.get_view_of_file(bndbFN)
## with bv it gives no output .. so just random name rr by munir bhia

for func in rr.functions:

print func.start

###outFN = 'notepad.exe.txt'

with open(outFN,'w') as fw:

for func in rr.functions:

f_name =
f_type = -1
f_type_name = 'None'
if func.symbol is not None:
f_type = func.symbol.type
f_type_name =

rrs = func.basic_blocks

for bb in rrs:
fw.write('{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}\

### bv = binja.BinaryViewType.get_view_of_file(bndbFN)

fw = open('D:\\Users\\naveed\\Desktop\\testscript1.txt', 'a')
#f = open('C:\\Users\\naveed\\Desktop\\testscript.txt', 'a')
f.write( "dddddddddd" + '\n')

for func in rr.functions:

f_name =
f_type = -1
f_type_name = 'None'
if func.symbol is not None:
f_type = func.symbol.type
f_type_name =
rrs = func.basic_blocks
for bb in rrs:
fw.write('{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}\

execfile('') ### workedd

Sep 23,2o21
###run api call code from frond end
###after necessary changes in the extract_raw of deepreflect and removing networkx
code, now going to run it
execfile('') ### workedd

removed main function that was the error in the script.
###important above point.

execfile('') ### workedd


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