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- Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass (Solid, Liquid, Gas)
- Mass is the particle that surrounds matter

Atom and Atomic Theory of Matter:

- Democritus the atom is an indivisible and indestructible building blocks of matter.
- Atom is smallest unit of matter
- Atom when combined is called Molecules
- Atom has 3 subatomic particles (protons, neurons, electrons) which are densely
concentrated at the nucleus.
- Electrons are orbiting around the central core
- John Dalton an English Scientist well known for his Atomic Theory
- Neutron is a subatomic particle that has no charge
- Proton positive
- Electron Negative

Atomic Theory
- Elements are made of extremely small particles called Atoms
- Atoms of a given element are identical in size, mass, and other properties; atoms of
different elements differ in size, mass, and other properties.
- Atoms cannot be subdivided, created, or destroyed.
- Atoms of different elements combine in simple whole number ratios to form chemical
- In chemical reactions, atoms are combined, separated, or rearranged.

Atom Subatomic Particles

- Protons is always equal to the atomic number of elements; if number of protons changed,
the atomic number changes then the property of element also changes.
- Neutrons + Protons = Atomic Mass Atoms of the same element (same protons, atomic
number) but differ in atomic mass are called isotopes.
- Protons and Electrons = Atomic Number
- Neutron is a neutral electrical charge found in nucleus = Mass no. – atomic number.
- Protons + Neutrons = Mass Number

The Space occupied matter is called Volume

- Particles that made up Matter are Molecules and Atoms
- If liquids have different Densities, the denser sinks the lighter stays at top. (Oil and
- D = m/V
Phases of Matter
- Solid low temperature energy (Compact molecules)
- Liquid medium temperature energy (Has space between molecules)
- Gas high temperature energy (Very far apart molecules)
- Plasma highest temperature energy
Kinetic Energy of Particles
Movement of Particles

Properties of Matter
- Physical Property (can be perceived by senses)
- Intensive – doesn’t depend in amount (Color, Taste, Odor, Density)
- Extensive – depends on the amount of matter in a sample (Volume, Mass, and Length)
- Chemical Property (Observable when it reacts with other chemicals that result to the
change in its composition)
Phases of Matter
- Gas to Solid deposition
- Solid to Gas Sublimation
- Solid to Liquid melting
- Liquid to Solid freezing
- Liquid to Gas Evaporation
- Gas to Liquid Condensation
- Physical and Chemical Change

Changes in Matter
- Physical Change
- Chemical Change

Classification of Elements
- Metal – an element that conducts electricity, has metallic luster, ductile and malleable;
forms cations and has basic oxides; located on the left side of the periodic table.
- Nonmetal – does not conduct electricity, not malleable and ductile and found on the right
side of the periodic table.
- Mettaloid – an element that has the physical appearance of a metal but behaves
chemically like a nonmetal; found along the zigzag line on the periodic table.
- Malleability – hammering into thin sheets
- Ductility - deforming

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