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I shall proof the existence of God (the one all mighty).

First, I
congratulate all people who have denied the existence of God
because you all have accepted the first part of the Shahadah
which is "there is no God". And my job is to proof the second
part of the Shahadah which is "only Allah".

Suppose there is an unidentified object which no one in the

world has seen. If it was brought in front of you and if you
asked. Then who will be the first person to tell you the
mechanism of this new unidentified object which no one in the
world has seen? The person who will be able to tell you the
mechanism is the creator of this object.

How did humans come to existence? Some may say by the big
bang theory. The Qur'an mentions, in Surah Anbiya Chapter 21:
Verse 30, about the big bang theory. Who could have mentioned
this in the Qur'an 1400 years ago?  Bear in mind that Quran was
revealed 1400 years ago. It was for the people at that time and it
is for the people today and for the people yet to come. So of
course, the revelations are simplistically put for everyone to
understand! “Quran is not a book of SCIENCE rather it’s a book
of SIGNS!”
We didn't not know that the surface of the moon reflected light.
We gave no reason. The Qur'an mentions 1400 years ago that
the surface of the moon reflected light. Who could have
mentioned that?

We know that the Earth is rotating and evolving. The Qur'an

mentions that 1400 years ago. Who could have mentioned that?

The Qur'an mentions that every human being is made of water.

Who could have mentioned that 1400 years ago?

The Qur'an speaks about scientific things more than a thousand

verses. Who could have ever done this? To claim that scientific
facts in the Quran are due to coincidence would be irrational.
The best explanation is that God revealed this knowledge to a
Prophet. Just like the Quran contains knowledge about the
natural world, it also contains information about the inner
dimensions of our souls. It relates to our feelings, wants and
needs. The only answer is the creator, the person who has
produced it. That's the only answer. There is no other answer.
Therefore, it's the creator (Allah).  “He is Allah—One ˹and
Indivisible˺ Allah—the Sustainer ˹needed by all˺. He has never
had offspring, nor was He born. And there is none comparable
to Him. When I put signs of bible and other scriptures to
science, they all fail except the Quran. Thousands of verses in
the Quran speak about science and not a single verse of the
Quran is going against established science. And if you compare
Islam with modern science, Islam is far more superior. In
addition, science is still developing where some verses are still
not confirmed as they are neither wrong. In the near future,
science might confirm these verses. Thus, Quran is far superior
to science. All the other scriptures of religious books except the
Quran will fail the test to science. But mind that the Quran is not
a book of science rather a book of signs.

The Quran informs us that we have a purpose in life, and

that following Allah’s guidance will lead us to inner peace
in this life, and Paradise. This life is a test. If God would
show Himself, this life won't be a test.
Allah tells us in the Quran that this life is a test for the
believers and from time to time it will be difficult. The
outcome is the important thing and we are not to worry
about the discomforts of this life, rather look forward to the
Next Life. We see from this that indeed, our whole
existence here on earth is all for one and only one, purpose:
to be tested by Allah. The test is to see if we will worship
Allah. If we do, we pass the test. Allah doesn’t need us
rather we need him. Whether you worship Him or not, He
will always be the greatest. Why does he ask us to admire
and worship Him? Allah knows the human psychology as
He is the one that created us. Allah orders us to do so to
benefit ourselves. So, when we worship him, it doesn’t
benefit him, it benefits you. But will he want to punish us if
we don’t, it is to give us a fear to prevent people from
committing these sins. Some are convinced by logic,
reward, or punishment.
Now to be a Muslim, you have to believe that the Quran was
revealed to a prophet called Muhammad. Since the Quran is
flawless and are the words of God and mentions the prophets,
you have to believe in them and the commandments that we
have to accomplish in this test. The Quran was revealed to
whole of humanity. It all depends how well you live. Allah has
left the world to us, controlled by humans but sent us guidance.
The world is now controlled by us imperfect humans but he
watches us. God tests us all differently depending on our
hardships, situations, member and Allah is the best judge. Our
life is not destined by Allah, we have the freewill to do what we
want and choose which path to walk. If you obey what God has
commanded us, you will pass the test and be granted heaven in
afterlife. The heaven that awaits us is all worth it; full of
AMAZEMENT (can’t describe it) but there are some verses that

Why God allows suffering? Many people are becoming atheists

due to the hardship and misguidance in this world. In fact,
studies show that more than 75% of population in Europe and
America are now atheists. One of the most common questions
that atheists ask is if God is Good how does He allow evil and
suffering? We will never have a full answer to that question
because Allah himself said to the angels you will have to trust
me. However, an explanation could be: without the hardships,
life wouldn’t be a test. The pain causes us to rediscover the
importance of Allah. The grief from the pain creates a stronger
connection to Allah. Allah loves to see the good that generates
to counteract evil. Allah’s knowledge is greater than ours; thus,
we can’t question his wisdom. We have a higher purpose in life
than just choosing joy in life, we must help ourselves and also
help others who are in pain and suffering and achieve the pillars
that God commands. Without the evil, how could a person be
tested with his or her actions? This life is only a mere test as it is
not the end. Once we die, the true living begins in the afterlife
where God will give us a world where there is no hunger, harm,
pain, and evils if we did what He commanded.
And again, Allah has left the world to us, controlled by us
imperfect humans but sent us guidance. The reason why they are
so many religions is because when God sent messengers (from
prophet Adam, Jesus; a total of 124,000 messengers...) to preach
only about Islam (which means submitting your will to God),
the passage of time caused the message to get corrupted. Most of
the scriptures that came before the Quran got changed resulting
in many different religions. That is the reason why Allah sent
the final messenger prophet Muhammad and brought the Quran
which is meant for all of humanity. So, what we realize is that
God sent the messengers to preach people to submit their will to
God which means Islam. For instance, Jesus Christ never came
to preach Christianity. The word Christianity doesn’t even exist
in the bible. Jesus Christ preached Islam. God tests us all
differently depending on our hardships, situations. Our life is not
destined by Allah, we have the freewill to do what we want and
choose which path to walk. With unity and aiding one another, a
great power can be born. We must be the change we wish to see
in th

The Qura’n was revealed to prophet Muhammad over 23 years

of His age. (from the age of 40 till 63). It was conveyed by
Angel Gabriel, through his dreams, and it even came directly
from God.

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