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Platinus Backstory

One dreadful night, an infirmary in a small halfling village born to the margins of _____ (insert
country we play in) a very happy halfling mother was giving birth. The birth was not an easy
one but after finally overcoming the harsh labor of her child the mother had finally given birth
and was waiting to cherish her baby’s first cry. Contrarily a heavy silence filled the room. At the
first the doctor was afraid he had given birth to a still born but upon closer inspection the baby
was steadily breathing but something was off ashen colored stains littered his skin like a rash, but
what stood out the most was his eyes black and white, they stood out like a dark wintery night.
Avoreen the halfling deity of protection who could not tolerate hurting the pain free and leisurely
life of her halflings stood watch over the peaceful race. One night she noticed a frightening case,
A mother in one of her worshiper’s villages was about to give birth to a still born, Avoreen could
not watch such sadness on the face of one of her own. She blessed the still born granting him a
chance at life, breathing air into his lungs. Kurell the god of petty jealousy hated the halflings, so
ignorant, so care-free sensing Avoreen intentions, he wanted to teach her a lesson. Even her pure
little halflings were still prone to corruption and evil. Although he could not revert the life that
Avoreen granted the child he placed upon him a great curse which would end his life at a young
age and mark him with demonic energies for all to see.
Early Childhood:
The cursed child was named Platinus since for some mysterious reason the shaman of the village
which was responsible for naming most children could not pronounce the letter P twice in the
same word. At least he was not named Poo, RIP. Unfortunately, it turned out that Kurell was
right. Ever since he was born, he was treated like patient zero of a deadly plague. At first the
parents could handle their child’s condition after all it mostly looked like a skin condition and if
he hid his eyes there was no way of noticing him being different and so the identity of the cursed
child stayed shrouded in mystery. but as the child grew up so did the curse.
Teenage Years:
At the age of 15 the ashen stains on Platinus’s skin covered most of his exposable areas, his teeth
had grown jagged and sharp and his eyes became so whitely bright no sunglasses could hide
them. At last, the truth was out and the immediate results were ruthless. The halflings wanting to
protect their peaceful life style could not tolerate having a being marked by the abyss live among
them. But they were too afraid to do anything about it, afraid that if they were to exile the child
the lords of the abyss themselves would come down to this earthly plane. The child lived on the
streets, his parents hid their identity from him and the villagers ignored him, he was not even
treated as a beggar for helping a cursed one surely made the curse spread.

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