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AHMAD ANSARI (2110122110026)

IPANSYAH (2110122110024)
JEKI (2110122310043)

Supporting Lecturer:
Nor Jannah S.Pd.,M.A.



Abstract The sport is inseparable from the movement which in turn will involve a variety
of structures / tissues in the human body, such as joints, muscles, meniscus / disc, ligament
of capsule, and muscle. The Movement happened how ever when mobility and tissue
elasticity and strength and drive standard of joint. The more mobile a joint has the
consequence of the increasingly unstable joints. Instability of a joint will result in
surrounding structures easily injured, especially if the elasticity and strength of the
network and drive joints standard inadequate. The stability of the joints will be influenced
by: its constituent bones configuration, capsule of ligament circumstances, the state of
muscle force, pressure intra articuler, state disc/meniscus, degrees of freedom of
movement and the influence of gravity. Accident injury of sport if not have good
treatment that is can make akut injury.

There are two types of injuries that are often experienced by athletes, namely acute
trauma and overuse syndrome (Overuse Syndrome). Acute trauma is a serious injury that
happens suddenly, like a tear ligaments, muscles, tendons or sprains, or even fracture.
Acute injury usually need professional help. Overuse syndrome is common by athletes,
starting from the existence of a strength which is a little too much, but it lasts repeatedly
over a long period of time. This syndrome sometimes gives a good response with self-
Sports injuries are often responded to by body with signs of inflammation
consisting of rubor (red), tumor (swelling), calor (heat), dolor (pain) and functiolaesa
(decreased function).
The blood vessels at the site of injury will widen (vasodilatasi) with a view to
deliver more nutrients and oxygen to support healing. This dilation of blood vessels is
what causing the injury site to look more red (rubor). A lot of blood sent at the injury site
will seep out from the capillaries to the intercellular spaces and causes swelling (tumor).
With support lots of nutrients and oxygen, metabolism at the site of injury will increase
with metabolic waste in the form of heat. This condition causes the location the injury
will be hotter (heat) than with another location. Stack of leftovers metabolism and other
chemicals will stimulates nerve endings at the site of injury and cause pain (dolor). Pain
too triggered by compression of nerve endings due to swelling at the site of injury. Both
rubor, tumor, cal or dolor will decreased function of organs or joints at the site injury
known as functiolaesa (Micheli, 1995).
Injuries that often occur in athletes is a sprain, which is an injury to a joint that
causing a tear in the ligament. Sprain occurs due to excessive pressure and sudden in the
joints, or because repeated overuse. Mild sprains are usually accompanied by a hematoma
with some of the ligament fibers broken, while in the sprain there is an effusion fluid that

causes swelling. On severe sprain, all ligament fibers are broken so it can't be moved as
usual with severe pain, swelling and the presence of blood in the joints (Petersion, 1986).
Joint dislocations are also common in sportsman is slipping hump joint out of
place. When a joint have experienced a dislocation, then the ligament at the joint will be
loose, so that the joint is easily dislocated back (habitual dislocation). Handling what can
be done when it happens dislocation is immediately pulling the joint with the longitudinal
Frequent heavy sports injuries in sportsmen are fractures that can be divided into
open fractures and closed. An open fracture occurs when Fractures of bone injure the
skin, so that the bones looks out, whereas in fractures closed, bone fragments do not
penetrate skin surface. In the case of fractures, Athletes must quit the competition, and as
soon as possible must be brought to the professional because it has to be repositioned as
soon as possible. Repositioning done before fifteen minutes will pay off satisfying
because at that time it had not happened bone pain (neural shock). After repositioning can
be installed spalk for maintain position and at the same time stop bleeding (Kullun, 1988).
Causes of sports injuries can come from outside such as contact hard with
opponents in body sports contact, due to collision with tools sports such as stick hockey,
ball, rackets and others. It can also be caused by uneven field conditions increase the
potential of athletes to fall, sprain or even break a bone. Causes from within usually occur
because Poor muscle and joint coordination, unequal leg sizes long, antagonistic muscle
imbalance (Kullun, 1988).

Common causes of sports injuries result of direct trauma/impact or repeated
exercise in long time. These causes can be distinguished be:
1) External factors, namely:
a) football, boxing, karate.
b) Tool sports: stick hokey, racket, ball.
c) Condition field: slippery, uneven, muddy.
2) Factor of in, namely:
a) Anatomical factors. Long unequal limbs, flat foot arch, foot pinch, so that
when you run you will interfere with movement.
b) Movement exercises wrong punch eg: punch backhand.
c) The presence of muscle weakness.
d) Low fitness level 3) Usage excessive / overused.
Movement or excessive and repetitive exercise in a relatively long time / micro trauma
may cause injury.
The severity of the injury includes:
1) Minor injuries: injuries that are not followed significant tissue damage, swelling
does not affect appearance, for example: blisters, bruises.
2) Moderate injury: there is damage tissue, pain, swelling real, annoying appearance,
for example; sprain, strain grade 2.

3) Serious injury: severe tissue damage, big swelling, unbearable pain, no can
perform / must stop exercising.
Causes of sports injuries is direct trauma / direct impact those who do sports
activities can suffered an injury due to trauma / impact directly causing sports injuries
acute or due to excessive exercise leading to chronic injury. Overuse injury is the result
of the accumulation process from repeated and new injuries or known after many years
do sports activities. Whereas factors that can increase the risk sports injuries include:
1) Athlete factors, the older you get the more influential on the physical condition of
the athlete and the duration injury healing. At the age of 30-40 years relative
muscle strength decreased, while Tendon elasticity decreases after age 30 years
and muscle strength declines with age 40 years. Maximum muscle strength at 25
years. Athletes with abusive behavior. Very emotional, high temper tend to suffer
injuries, both injuries that about himself or against his co-stars, they do not pay
attention to the risks that will occur. For example: losing in ball actions then do a
hard tekling against against. 1) Experience, senior athlete or many experience in
more aware of the risk of injury, so the risk of injury is less compared to novice
athletes. 2) lack of heating causes muscle not regular so not ready to receive the
burden, which in the end is easy to happen injury. 3) The practice stage, at the
training stage or the match is usually easy to happen injury because muscles are
ready or in late stages match because I was tired. 4) Wrong practice/punch
technique. For example backhand tenes. 5) Exercise program, dense training
program ahead of the competition or program is too heavy, without any rest time
or competition distance one another or too close. 6) Physical fitness level. The
physical condition not fit and easily tired, when collide with players who are
physically good it's easy injury occurs. 7) The state of malnutrition. 8) Not enough
2) Exercise facilities. 1) Field conditions: uneven pitch, muddy, slippery. 2)
Equipment: usage shoes that don't fit, shoe soles has thinned. 3) Protective:
goggles, helmet on bicycle racing. 4) Lighting: too bright, dim can affect the
estimated visibility of the ball/shot. 5) Weather: rainy weather makes it easier for
players to fall and slip.
3) Type sport. 1) Types of body contact sports: boxing, karate, football, basketball.
2) Sports that requires great strength: weightlifting, weight lifting, wrestling, judo.
3) Sports nature competitive, which requires passion high/high competition so
athletes try as much as possible.
4) Referee: referee who are less assertive / do not understand the rules of the game
and not fair play.
5) Coach: a coach who wants to win in any way regardless of the athlete injury.
6) Audience: spectators who fanatic/emotional, can't accept defeat.
7) Security officers: not ready.
The mechanism of injury Sports can be divided into:

1) Traction: the tissue experiences a strong pull strong enough to exceed the limit of
flexibility resulting in muscle tears or ligaments, for example: Achilles tendon
pull, can even break when jumping, running or jump.
2) Compression: network under pressure from overload, For example, often do
jumping movements, squat jump, will cause pressure loading on the knee joint or
suppressed by excess body weight. Torque: the network undergoes a twist
suddenly/suddenly during the network experiencing burden. For example, when
jump, when the network is experiencing loading. For example, when jumping
when you set foot on the ground rotating direction so as to cause tissue damage
around the knee. Or on football players when chasing the ball, means sudden and
accompanied by rotation body.
3) Bending network undergo excessive bending by force very strong. For example
in volleyball players when doing sms by jumping and down with the ankle
position bend, resulting in a tear talofibolare ligament or when running wrong one
foot stuck into the narrow hole so that knee joint as if straightened forcibly or the
calf bone is bent and results in fracture.
4) Shear stress: the presence of mutual forces shift in the opposite direction like cut
at the joint, so that it can damage the joint surface. For example, running fast to
catch the ball stops suddenly, the body leans forward and the knees bend.
5) Repeated loading even a small amount can cause injury. for example in long-
distance running tennis players and cyclist.
Presence on one network usually can result in local pathological changes in blood
vessels and tissues surroundings as an inflammatory reaction. Local action immediately
on injured tissue is reflex vasoconstriction for some moment, which is immediately
followed by reflex vasodilation which will increase the on-site flow injury. Blood vessels
become more permeable so that blood plasma flows into the surrounding network. In
addition, migration occurs leukocytes into the injured tissue. Change This causes
characteristic signs and symptoms inflammation, namely redness, heat and swollen. This
swelling when pressing nerves will cause pain. This stage This is called the ongoing
Hyperaemia stage 24-48 hours. Then enter the Stasis stage, blood flow becomes slow and
deep state of the state. Slowed blood flow and increase in vascular permeability allows
plasma fluid to occupy surrounding network. Liquid collection in the tissue causing
oedema. Swelling at the stage of hyperaemia in palpation feels tense and firm, but edema
with fingertip pressure on that part will take a long time to come back. When blood flow
has returned to normal enters the resolution stage where the liquid was on the network
earlier will come back through the veins and lymphatics. Increased blood flow will
accelerate healing and inflammation symptoms slowly disappears then make granulation
tissue for later continued with tissue healing each. While the constant fluid stay in the
network will become a network fibrous. Injuries caused by trauma can affect soft tissue
or bone that can result in injury between others:
1) Contusion: bruising, hematoma, presence blood clots in the tissues.

2) Sprain: partial or total tear of ligaments due to overstretching, usually affects joint
3) Subluxatio: part of both facies articularis / the joint surface shifts.
4) Dislocation: complete separation between the articular surfaces one with the
5) Strain: damage which occurs due to stretching excessive in muscle tissue, tendons.
6) Tendinitis: inflammation of the tendon due to excessive use.
7) Avulsion fracture: bone breakdown at the site tendon attachment due to sudden
contraction, pulling the origin of the hamstring on the runner goal.
8) Fracture of the part of the bone that forming joints: when it occurs faults in this
area will result in hemarthrosis (bleeding in joints).
9) Fracture near the joint: fracture near joints can cause stiffness joints.
The location of the sports injury occurred in several body parts, including:
1) Shoulders, (a) Clavicle fracture: usually falls with outstretched arm. (b) Joint
dislocation glenohumeral, due to falling with position shoulder abduction and
external rotation or on when throwing the ball is blocked (rugby). (c) Tendinitis
due to repeated use of swimmers. (d) Starin on tennis shoulders.
2) Elbow, (a) Contusions and fractures in volleyball players fall with outstretched
elbows. (b) Sprains are found in javelin throwing, fall with the elbow
hyperextended. (c) Dislocation falls elbow bent position, racing bicycle, jockey
football. d) Inflammatory tendinitis extensor carpiradialis/tenes elbow, golfers.
3) Wrist, (a) Colles fracture, fall with extension hand, football, racing bicycle, riding.
(b) Sprains on bicycle racing tenes player, badminton.
4) Spine. (a) Strains: beautiful jump, swimming, cycling, gymnastics volleyball. (b)
Sondylolisthesis, there is a shift of the vertebrae in gymnasts, the high jump.
5) Pelvic, (a) Subtrochanteric fracture in runners with increased exercise intensity
and surface uneven. (b) Strain: hurdling strain hamstring, goal jump.
6) Knees, (a) Damage to ligaments and meniscus, due to impact from outside/inside
or knee extension with twisting body on the player football. (b) Strain of the
patellar tendon in the jumper, bicycle racing, badminton, ball basketball, weight
lifting. Iliotiial fracture strain band, long-distance runner with pronated feet, bike
7) Ankle, (a) Sprain, almost all sports (b) Footballers ankle in football players with
ankle flexion hyperdorsi or hyperplantar flexion during kicking. (c) Tendisai
Achilles, runner. (d) Tibial strain posterior, skier, ice skating. (e) Plantar fasciitis
in long-distance runners.
8) Head, (a) Loss of consciousness due to boxer hit on the back of the head. (b)
Bruises on the face, lips from blows.
Sports injury prevention is better than treating it, if Athletes are injured, must
hurry get treatment. The faster recover faster to practice or compete. Prevention should
start from the start before athletes start training sport. As for the ways to prevent sports
injuries include:

1) Doing regular health checks before practice/compete or after.
2) Doing warm-up or stretching right before practicing individually or partner.
3) Choose the equipment that good: for example a suitable shoe size, not too narrow,
pay attention to the shoe sole which is already thin so that it is replaced or the base
The racquet handle is thin and needs to be replaced.
4) Protective or protective use: For example, the use of helmets in boxers, chest
protector in karate, pencak silat.
5) Emotional control: emotions that are not controlled can result in physical impact
and must be able to accept defeat, no easily provoked.
6) Mastering technique correct practice, for example in terms of a backhand stroke
on a tennis player, or a way holding a racket, how to throw a ball.
7) Checking field conditions: whether flat ground, lots of gravel or the field is
muddy, if the field is not flat, lots of gravel and slippery risk for slip or fall very
8) Strengthens large muscles, which widely used in sports certain things, for example
the muscles of the legs are strengthened for the sports of football and karate. While
strengthening the shoulder muscles intended for both tennis and badminton.
Muscle strengthening exercises can use load equipment and own body weight
when do push ups, you can also exercise strengthening the leg muscles by rising
down the stairs.
9) Choose a trainer who experienced means experienced in train to improve skills
athlete without injury or in the event of prevent sports injuries. For example in
great football match tiring, once a player is seen tired coach is quick to respond to
observe with other players.
10) Boost physical fitness; with fitness physically tall body ready to accept physical
loading, so it's not fast experience exhaustion that can finally result in injury
(Either, 1982).

Sports injuries require proper management for athletes to return achievers. To
achieve that goal sports injury management should be supported by various disciplines or
professions. Many kinds and varieties of sports injuries Thus, a therapeutic approach is
needed general or specific, in line The major roles of physiotherapy can be grouped into
two, namely the role in the relationship with first aid and role as a team member in
implementing definitive therapy. In giving the contribution of physiotherapy can use
various biophysical technologies and biomechanics, one of which is therapy internally.
Internal therapy, both cold and hot have sufficient contribution meaningful in the
management of sports injuries when integrated with other therapies. To be able to apply
internal therapy in sports injuries physiotherapists are prosecuted to understand the
pathology of various sports injuries, medical management, physiological effects, effects
therapeutic, indications include dosage.

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Indonesia 1.1 (2011).
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