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Activity: Describe a teacher’s daily rotuine: Use at least 5 specific verbs forme the mentimeter

activity and 5 comm9on verbs related to daily routine (Use present simple, include some negative
sentences )(3 at last ))

Sergio’s routine on tuesday

He is Sergio Leandro, he is 28 years old, he is a teacher of english, he works at Peumayen school

and he is from Curicó.

1. Always, Sergio Leandro gets up at 07:00 am and he arrives his school at 08:00 am. Sergio
doesn´t have breakfast at his home.
2. At 08:15am, he has classes with 2°medio and ends at 09:45. Later, generally, he has
breakfast with his colleagues.
3. At 10:00am, he has English classes with 3° medio. He listens to his students
4. At 11:30 am, he usually takes a break.
5. After that, he supports and helps his 1° medio students in the Orientation class. He is
always kind and understandable with his students. He doesn’t make boring classes to his
students. He then ends at 01:00 pm
6. Later, at 01:00pm, he takes a break and has lunch with his colleagues.
7. Sergio Leandro, at 02:00pm, teaches to 2° medio. He ends that class at 03:30pm.
8. Next, Sergio Leandro has office hours, when he plans and organizes for next days.
9. Finally, at 05:15pm, he arrives home, where he rests and watches television. He doens’t
plan at night.

Safices s, es, ies


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