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A tourism product can be defined as the sum of the physical and psychological satisfaction it
provides to tourist during their travelling.

A tourism service has characteristics such as intangibility, perishability, inseparability and variability.

Intangibility: The product cannot be seen or inspected before its purchase

Perishability: Unused capacity cannot be stored for future use or sale.

Inseparability: Services are unique because they are usually provided and consumed at the same the
in the same location. Because of inseparability customers have strong expectation about how a
service will be provided.

Variability: express the notion that a service may vary in standard or quality from one provider to
the next. Variables will affect the provision of the tourism product or service. For example: if the
provider is different, that will affect how the product/ service is provided .

c) Goals for better tourism development:

Enhanced visitor experience

Doxey’s Irridex (pg 214)

Using the Four stages: euphoria, apathy, irritability, antagonism. This displays the understanding of
local resident’s attitude as it change toward tourists and tourism development in different stages.
The model assumes that it is the whole community that becomes hostile to tourism, but often
communities are heterogeneous and different sections of the community have different reactions.
Reactions of the community influence the progression of stages by undermining the appeal of the
area to tourist and thus reducing its viability as a tourist destination.
d) Tourism Development

Role of the Private Sector

Role of the Non-government organizations


- Keeping the environment clean by picking up their own litter around their community
- Creating community watch group to enforce laws etc.

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