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Poem Draft #1

The oil trickles out of the bottle drop by drop into the diya, my soul feints empathizing with it’s
enticing movement
I think,
I myself am on my last drop
Scraping to get by
Begging and crying for Mother Laxmi to grant me peace just for tonight
As my broken old bones can not handle anymore

This light symbolizes -

The lightening of the mind,
Removing all darkness
To proceed toward divine
I bow my head and close my eyes as I proceed to pray and forget my plight
I utter
“Lead us from ignorance to truth
Lead us from darkness to light
Lead us from death to deathlessness”

For a moment, a brief moment I forget

Forget my perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.
And just like that in the pit of my stomach
I feel something that I assumed was long gone
I feel a sense of peace emanating inside
At last, I know the festival of light is here
Removing all meanness of mind

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