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Now play the example above once more and arpeggiale each note of each barre chord. Youll probably find a few dead or buzzing strings here and there. Try adjusting your position to get them all to ring aut equally. ‘The next set of major barre chords is rooted on the fifth string. This time i's your third finger that does the bar- ring across three strings. Be sure to raise your finger a bit so you don't also allow the first (or high ) string to become part of the barre (it should be held mute) Song Prep: “Atlantis” This tune uses a sixteenth shut. Ths is just lke the shuttle indication we saw earlier in song 2, but applied at the level of sixteenth notes rather than eighths. Based in the key of G minor, it also uses lead licks drawn from the G minor pentatonic scale, both box 1 and its extension. Can't you just see the water coming everywhere? Or maybe it's just me. ATLANTIS ¢¢ Hino Moderate Rock =96 1s Sheth Shut E7T3 «F5) 4 Noes Atlantis 19

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