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Brevet Oral OIB (10 minutes)

Structure for speech

Introduction: Theme chosen, and documents (30 seconds)

e.g. One of the main themes in ……………………….is _________________. The other

documents I have chosen to present are firstly ________________, and secondly
________________. All these documents show various aspects of the theme ______.

Part 1: Source text studied in class (3mins) Great Expectations

Background info: Author and something about their life, time when it was written, time
when the novel is set, historical context

Brief story outline and characters

Main events in the book that illustrate theme and the author’s opinion and arguments (use
quotes but keep them short)

Part 2: Document 2 (2- 3mins)

Background about document (dates, source, type, events etc.)

Reasons for choosing this document

Explain how it links to theme and events in source text. Can parallels be drawn? Are
certain situations similar? Is the theme treated differently?

Part 3: Document 3 (2 -3 mins)

Background about document (dates, source, type, events etc.)

Reasons for choosing this document

Explain how it links to theme and events in source text

Conclusion (1 min)

Summarize the theme common to all three documents and the different ways this theme
is presented. State your personal opinion about the theme and the three documents.

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