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Task: Assignment - Our shared


Siancas Portocarrero Angelly

Diego Alonso Morales López
Maria Eduarda
Hello! I am Angelly Siancas; this is my friend Diego Morales. He and I have studied
together at the UTP (Technological University of Peru) and since then we have become
very good friends because of the many things we have in common such as music,
movies, habits and many more, it is very fun to spend time with He, since a year ago
wanted to open my own restaurant but I didn't know how to start, so I decided to ask
Diego for help and he told me that he also wanted to do that for a while, so we decided
to open a small restaurant called "Morat" and so far we have done very well. We are
from Piura Peru. We both live in Spain. I am sixteen years old and he is 19. We have a
successful restaurant “Pollo a la Braza” because neither of us likes fish food. We
started this project because we both like other people to know more about Peruvian
food and thus contribute to the recognition of our culture.

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