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Food Quality and Preference 18 (2007) 751–758

Sensory interaction of umami substances with model food matrices

and its hedonic effect
N. Baryłko-Pikielna *, E. Kostyra
Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, Department of Functional Food and Commodity Science,
Warsaw Agricultural University, Nowoursynowska 159C, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland

Received 6 April 2006; received in revised form 8 January 2007; accepted 10 January 2007
Available online 25 January 2007


Palatability changes in seven model foods (soups and mashed potato) evoked by various combinations of monosodium glutamate
(MSG) and disodium inosinate and guanylate (I + G) were studied. Flavour enhancers were added to each food matrix according to
the same factorial design. The magnitude, direction and regularity of hedonic responses were highly product-dependent. Contribution
of MSG and I + G to palatability-enhancement also varied for different model product: in chicken broth and vegetable soup MSG
played the leading role; in mushroom, red beets and asparagus soups contribution of I + G was considerable. In green peas cream soup
the supplementation by MSG/I + G evoked mostly negative hedonic effect. Analysis of naturally present free amino acids revealed con-
siderable differences in their amount and composition. The interaction of naturally present glutamates and added umami substances (and
probably other sensory-active compounds) might be at least partially responsible for observed diversity of hedonic responses.
Ó 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Keywords: Umami substances; Model foods; Palatability

1. Introduction However, this ability does not concern all foods. It is

generally recognized that umami substances are effective
An affective response to umami-supplemented foods, flavour enhancers in savoury foods, such as meat, fish, sea-
expressed as a degree of liking (palatability, pleasantness) food, vegetable foods and mixed products of above raw
is of particular interest as it contributes greatly to the materials – but they remain ineffective in sweet, fruity or
acceptance of large segment of foods, with all its nutri- bland foods (Yamaguchi, 1998; Yamaguchi & Takahashi,
tional and health-related (Bellisle, 1999; Schiffman, 2000; 1984).
Torii, 1998), as well as consumer satisfaction and market- Flavour- and palatability-enhancing effect of MSG in
ing consequences (Halpern, 2000; Prescott, 2004). food is remarkably strengthened by the simultaneous pres-
The peculiarity of umami substances, as monosodium ence of very small amounts of 50 -nucleotides. The ratio of
glutamate (MSG) and 50 -nucleotides is that while being MSG to the nucleotides is usually between 100:1 and 50:1
evaluated in water solution as neutral or even unpleasant (Yamaguchi, 1998), indicating a strong taste synergism
(Yamaguchi, 1987) they became effective flavour enhancers between MSG and IMP, GMP or AMP, or their mixture
and positive flavour modulators in food (Kemp & Beau- (Fuke & Ueda, 1996).
champ, 1994). Because of this unique ability they are used Soups belong to those foods in which added umami sub-
word-wide as additives to the variety of foods, both indus- stances resulted in positive palatability changes. For this
try-processed and home- and restaurant-made. reason soups are quite commonly used as test material in
the experimental studies on the effect of MSG or MSG
Corresponding author. Tel.: +48 22 5937052; fax: +48 22 5937040. and 50 -nucleotides on sensory hedonic aspects of food
E-mail address: (N. Baryłko-Pikielna). acceptance. Roininen, Lähteenmäki, and Tuorila (1996)

0950-3293/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

752 N. Baryłko-Pikielna, E. Kostyra / Food Quality and Preference 18 (2007) 751–758

studied the effect of umami substances, MSG (0.2%), and Other studies have shown that palatability-enhancing
IMP and GMP (0.05%), on the acceptance of three low-salt effect of MSG is strongly related to the simultaneous pres-
soups (lentil and mushroom, leek-potato and minestrone) ence of NaCl. For example, addition of MSG alone to
in two groups of subjects with low-salt and high-salt pref- cooked rice resulted in decrease of its hedonic value (Yam-
erence. The experiment was performed during eight weeks aguchi, 1987; Yamaguchi & Takahashi, 1984); adding
of repeated testing. The amount of salt in the soups was both, MSG and NaCl to cooked rice eliminated the decre-
constant on the level of 0.3% and 0.5% respectively, for ment in hedonic values (for low concentration of MSG).
subjects with low- and high-salt preference. The pleasant- Addition of soy sauce (containing wide range of free amino
ness, taste intensity and ideal saltiness ratings of soups acids, including glutamic acid but no IMP or GMP) caused
appeared to be higher in soups with added MSG, in both further increase of palatability in cooked rice (Yoshida,
low- and high-salt groups. In soups without umami sub- 1998). The same effect was noted in palatability changes
stances, the pleasantness ratings were significantly lower of fried rice, but in this case a combination of MSG and
at the end of the study than at the beginning, while in NaCl was sufficient to produce enhanced palatability.
the soups with umami substances added, the hedonic rat- Above results have shown that MSG does not necessarily
ings remained unchanged. The change of ideal saltiness in have positive effect on palatability of each kind of foods
umami-supplemented soups was higher in the high-salt and that a combination of NaCl and MSG at the adequate
than in the low-salt group, being probably related to less concentrations and ratio to each other with endogenous
experience of high-salt group with low-salt products free amino acids and other sensory-active compounds
(Roininen et al., 1996). may result in enhanced palatability (Yoshida, 1998).
Sensory interactions between MSG and NaCl and its In the numerous literature sources on umami flavour
effect on saltiness and palatability of clear soups prepared enhancing and pleasantness-increasing effect in foods there
from dried skipjack were examined by Yamaguchi and is surprisingly few quantitative data, showing how much
Takahashi (1984). They have found that intensity of salti- the palatability is affected by rising MSG and 50 -nucleo-
ness and palatability was expressed by the second-order tides amount and their combination when added to real
polynomial equation of the concentration of added MSG food (or model food matrices), varying in type and compo-
and salt. The optimal level of MSG and NaCl in the soup sition. It is not clear, to which degree various composition
was 0.38% and 0.81%, respectively. According to the of food matrix affects the magnitude and the shape of
authors there was a compensative relation between the hedonic changes evoked by umami substances when
MSG and NaCl: more MSG was necessary when the NaCl applied separately and in combination.
concentration was reduced and vice versa. It was suggested The aim of this study was to elucidate above quantita-
that compensative relation between MSG and NaCl should tive relations between the level and ratio of supplementing
apply to all foods, not just to clear skipjack soup. The opti- umami substances in various food matrices of controlled
mal combination of above two additives in soups was con- composition and processing procedures.
firmed in another study on chicken broth: the highest
hedonic score was obtained by a very similar combination
of 0.33% MSG and 0.83% NaCl (Chi & Chen, 1992). 2. Materials and methods
Okiyama and Beauchamp (1998) studied another aspect
of MSG activity as palatability enhancer in three consecu- 2.1. Materials
tive experiments. They examined in a model chicken broth
whether the changes in taste dimensions (enhanced palat- Model products: Six soups popular in Polish cousine and
ability, altered quality) evoked by MSG are attributable one second course side-dish (mashed potato) were chosen
to the sodium or to the glutamate ion, or to both. The as model experimental food matrices. Soups differed in type
authors concluded that MSG enhanced palatability of (clear or cream) and main component (chicken meat, dry
salted soups and that both, the sodium and the glutamate mushrooms, single or mixed vegetables), thus – they also
ions independently contributed to this enhancement. may differ in natural content of free amino acids.
The compensative relation of MSG and NaCl might be For the purpose of the study model products were pre-
important in lowering sodium intake. It has been estab- pared in strictly controlled laboratory conditions according
lished in several studies that an addition of some MSG to to simplified formula (Table 1) (fixed amount of 0.6%
soups and other foods allows to reduce the amount of NaCl, no seasonings, no other additives) to avoid possible
added NaCl (Altug & Demirag, 1993; Chi & Chen, 1992; uncontrolled variability which might affect hedonic quality
Yamaguchi & Takahashi, 1984). Partial replacement of of the samples. The soups were cooked, cooled-down and
table salt by MSG allowed substantial reduction of Na stored at 4 °C until analyzed (usually, overnight). Mashed
intake, without compromising palatability. The reduction potato was prepared freshly, according to the formula:
of sodium content resulted from lowering of NaCl level, potato flakes 160 g, milk (2% fat) 300 ml, distilled water
in spite of the addition of some Na+ in MSG. It was esti- 540 ml, just before testing session.
mated that potential reduction of Na+ in soups is up to For better characterisation of experimental food matri-
approximately 40% (Altug & Demirag, 1993). ces, natural endogenous free amino acids content was
N. Baryłko-Pikielna, E. Kostyra / Food Quality and Preference 18 (2007) 751–758 753

Table 1 0.3%; 0.5%) and I + G (0%; 0.005%; 0.010%; 0.015%)

Composition of food matrices (model soups) used as an experimental and their combinations, according to the 4  4 factorial
design. Adequate amounts of umami substances according
Ingredients Quantity Ingredients Quantity to the design were mixed thoroughly with the portions of
Clear soups Cream soups soup (or mashed potato) and warmed-up to 70 °C.
Mushroom Vegetable
Mush. (caps), dried 30 g Carrot, frozen 200 g 2.3. Individual samples preparation
Onion, fresh 40 g Bean, frozen 50 g
Distilled water 1000 ml Brussels, frozen 50 g
Green pea, frozen 50 g
From each of 16 samples prepared according to experi-
Cauliflower, frozen 50 g mental design, individual samples (20 ml volume) were
Distilled water 600 ml made and put in the coded warmed-up glass bakers, cov-
Chicken broth Asparagus ered by Petri dishes and kept warm (68 °C) until tested.
Chicken breast 250 g Asparagus, fresh 500 g
Carrot, fresh 100 g Distilled water 500 ml
Celery, fresh 50 g
2.4. Method
Parsley, fresh 50 g
Leek, fresh 50 g For the assessment of relative degree of liking against
Distilled water 1000 ml the reference (umami unsupplemented matrix) the method
Red beet Green peas of hedonic ranking was applied.
Red beet, powder 60 g Green pea, frozen 1000 g
Sugar 4g Distilled water 600 ml
The method was chosen because the results of several
Citric acid 0.3 g comparisons of hedonic ranking with hedonic rating
Distilled water 940 ml revealed that in evaluation of hedonic differences both
methods are equally applicable as both deliver comparable
analysed in all model products. The results are presented in information; by slight differences ranking tends to be more
Table 2. disriminable (Baryłko-Pikielna, Matuszewska, Jeruszka,
Umami substances: Monosodium glutamate (MSG) and Kozłowska, & Brzozowska, 2004; Gay & Mead, 1992; Tep-
1:1 mixture of disodium inosinate and disodium guanylate per, Shaffer, & Shearer, 1994; Villanueva, Petenate, & da
(I + G) of food-additives purity grade were used as umami Silva, 2000).
additives. They were delivered by Ajinomoto Europe, Paris.
2.5. Tasting procedure
2.2. Experimental design
Since 16 samples it was too much to evaluate them
Before tasting session from each model soups 16 sam- simultaneously, the whole sample set was randomly divided
ples were prepared with rising level of MSG (0%; 0.1%; in two sub-sets. Each sub-set contained two references (the

Table 2
Free amino acids content in the investigated food matrices
Amino acidsa Model products
Chicken broth Mushroom soup Red beet Vegetable soup Asparagus soup Green peas soup Mashed potato
Amino acid content (mg/100 g)
CYS – 6.91 0.47 – 0.40 0.83 –
TAU 2.14 1.01 – – 0.23 9.76 –
ASP 6.38 5.74 11.27 37.54 9.55 2.76 35.55
THR 5.13 4.83 3.65 7.50 5.34 23.23 10.56
SER 5.74 4.78 8.94 5.63 12.05 0.97 8.81
GLU 10.40 9.22 9.68 12.33 45.37 41.12 19.27
GLN 5.85 2.01 20.95 19.35 9.77 5.53 27.81
GLY 3.36 2.30 0.94 0.38 3.75 12.43 2.01
ALA 10.29 9.49 7.22 11.05 12.36 33.42 11.51
VAL 4.74 3.02 2.33 5.97 5.80 9.68 20.27
MET 1.76 0.71 0.22 0.77 0.39 2.36 3.36
ILE 2.84 1.74 4.29 2.25 1.23 1.83 6.26
LEU 3.89 2.31 2.72 0.97 1.78 1.95 3.85
TYR 2.66 – – 1.28 0.22 – 13.28
PHE 2.71 0.29 0.29 1.48 1.43 2.36 8.37
ORN – 0.70 – – 0.17 2.44 0.75
LYS 4.23 3.29 0.55 1.26 2.82 4.22 13.46
HIS 2.46 1.74 0.93 2.07 3.02 1.57 6.01
ARG 4.38 9.54 2.72 20.68 7.60 67.45 29.55
– Not detectable.
(mg/100 g).
754 N. Baryłko-Pikielna, E. Kostyra / Food Quality and Preference 18 (2007) 751–758
‘‘0” sample and the sample with 0.5% MSG and 0.015 % Ri2 – rank sum of ‘‘i” sample evaluated within second
I + G), so consisted of 9 samples. sub-set
P of samples,
Subjects were asked to rank nine samples (the sub- Ri2(adj.) – adjusted rank sum of sample i2 to be incor-
set) according to the degree of liking, from the least to porated into the structure of first sub-set of samples to
the most liked. Samples were presented to the subjects in get combined whole set of the data (consisted of 16
isothermic nests to provide uniform temperature during samples).*
tasting (65 °C). Two sub-sets of the same matrix were
evaluated once on two sessions performed on the same *Therefore mean ranks scores on bar diagrams are
day, 1 h apart. expressed in the range of 1–9 but not in the range of 1–16.

2.6. Subjects and testing conditions 3. Results

20 subjects (2 males and 18 females) aged 20–50 years, The magnitude of hedonic response to the changes in
recruited from the faculty staff and post-graduate students, amount/ratio of added umami substances varied consider-
participated in the experiment. They were not trained in ably in various food matrices (model products). Individual
sensory methods, but they participated occasionally in differences are apparent among the products of the same
hedonic tests of other products. type (like clear- and cream-soups), as well as between them,
The tests were performed in the sensory laboratory ful- as one can see in Fig. 1a–f.
filling the requirements of ISO 8589 (1998) (individual No common pattern of hedonic response to rising
booths, standard light and temperature). MSG/I + G due to the type of soup was observed. Each
of three clear model soups represents different pattern of
palatability responses to raising umami additives. In the
2.7. Data analysis
chicken broth (Fig. 1a) the palatability rose quite sharply
with the increase of MSG amount. The matrix appeared
For each sample within the sub-set rank sum of 20 indi-
to be very sensitive in palatability response to MSG: even
vidual ranks was calculated.
its lowest amount (0.1%) evoked significant (a = 0.05)
To test whether and how much samples supplemented
increase of mean rank (in degree of liking) as compared
with umami substances differed from the control (the ‘‘0”
with the reference sample (without any additives). Further
sample, without any additives) multiple comparison proce-
increase of MSG quantity resulted in roughly regular con-
dure for analysis of ranked data based on Friedman’s rank
tinuation of palatability increment. The contribution of
sum test was applied (Hollander & Wolfe, 1973). For the
I + G to the increase of hedonic response seemed to be
purpose of analysis expanded tables of critical absolute
of secondary importance (Fig. 1a).
rank sum differences were used (Newell & MacFarlane,
In the mushroom soup (Fig. 1b) the changes in hedonic
1987), for one-sided comparisons ‘‘treatment versus
response were caused by joined contribution of MSG and
I + G. When I + G alone was added in growing concentra-
tion (with no MSG), it evoked slight (unsignificant) rise of
2.8. Combining the data for their graphical presentation palatability. By the addition of 0.015% I + G the palatabil-
ity became significantly higher (a = 0.05) than that of refer-
The connection (combining) of the results of both sub- ence sample. When the nucleotides mixture was combined
sets for the purpose of graphical presentation was made with low or moderate MSG amount (0.1% or 0.3%, respec-
on rank sums (based on 20 panelists) by ‘‘superimposing” tively), the palatability further rose, except for the combi-
results of the second sub-set over the results of the first nation of 0.5% MSG and 0.015% I + G, by which
one; the references were used as the ‘‘anchors” to bring dramatic decrease of liking was observed (Fig. 1b).
both sub-sets of data to the common scale according to Another pattern of the relationship of the amount/ratio
the formula: of umami with palatability changes might be observed in
0P P 1
R max red beet soup (Fig. 1c). Its characteristic features were: con-
P R01 þ P 1 siderable I + G impact to palatability rising and strong
X X B R02 R maxC
Ri2 ðadj:Þ ¼ Ri2 B
2 C
A interactive effect of MSG and I + G. By addition of
MSG on 0.1% level, increasing I + G amount resulted in
sharp increase of degree of liking: by 0.01% and 0.015%
where of I + G it was significantly higher (on a = 0.05 and
P P a = 0.01, respectively) than that of reference sample.
R01, R02 – rank sum of ‘‘0” reference from the first Exactly the same palatability effect was achieved by 0.3%
P secondPsub-set of samples, respectively, MSG, without any I + G added. Moderate I + G supple-
Rmax1, Rmax2 – rank sum of upper reference (with ment (0.010%) resulted in further (rather slight) palatability
maximal amount of added enhancers) in the first and increase; by the highest I + G amount (0.015%) the palat-
second sub-set of samples, respectively, ability went down remarkably. On the example of red beet
N. Baryłko-Pikielna, E. Kostyra / Food Quality and Preference 18 (2007) 751–758 755

a Chicken broth d Vegetable cream soup

9 9
8 8
mean rank scores

mean rank scores

7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
0.015 0.015
2 2
0.010 0.010

0.005 1 0.005



0.5 0 0.5
0.3 0.3 0.1
0.1 0
0 MSG [%]
MSG [%]

b Mushroom soup e Asparagus cream soup

9 9

8 8
mean rank scores

mean rank scores

7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
0.015 0.015
2 0.010 2

1 0.005 0.005


0.5 0 0.5 0
0.3 0.3
0.1 0.1
0 0
MSG [%] MSG [%]

c Red beet soup f Green peas cream soup

9 9

8 8
mean rank scores

mean rank scores

7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
0.015 0.015
2 2
0.010 0.010

1 0.005 1 0.005



0.5 0 0.5
0.3 0.3
0.1 0.1
0 0
MSG [%] MSG [%]

Fig. 1. Changes in the palatability of various food matrices (soups) supplemented by rising amounts of MSG and I + G (expressed as mean ranks: 1 – least
liked, 9 – most liked). Significance of palatability increment against the reference is shown as different shadow of grey colours: (j) reference sample (no
umami substances added); (h) not significantly different from the reference; ( ) significantly different on a = 0.05; ( ) significantly different on a = 0.01.

soup one can observe, that optimal level and combination compounds: when they were added on the highest level
of MSG and I + G lays within the moderate range of both (0.5% MSG and 0.015% I + G), palatability sharply
756 N. Baryłko-Pikielna, E. Kostyra / Food Quality and Preference 18 (2007) 751–758

decreased to the level not significantly different from that of affected the variability in hedonic responses in equally sup-
reference sample (Fig. 1c). plemented samples among the model products.
Among model soups of cream type, hedonic changes in
the vegetable cream (Fig. 1d) resembled somewhat the pat-
4. Discussion
tern of palatability response observed in the chicken broth
(Fig. 1a) – but only in the dominant role of MSG, but not
The study focused on quantitative aspects of the relation
in the magnitude of palatability increase (which was gener-
between the level of added umami substances and incre-
ally lower than in chicken broth). An interactive effect of
ment of degree of liking in different – although of the same
I + G/MSG was again observed: at null level of MSG, or
type – food matrices. In the numerous publications con-
at its low level (0.1%), rising amount of I + G resulted in
cerning umami this aspect was ignored or only marginally
a slight but regular increase of degree of liking. When
considered. In most studies the hedonic effect of MSG and
MSG was added in higher amount, simultaneous high level
50 -nucleotides when added to foods was evaluated in bimo-
of I + G caused opposite (;) effect. Similar compensation
dal situation (on umami-supplemented vs. unsupplemented
effect was observed in asparagus cream (Fig. 1e).
samples – e.g. Roininen et al., 1996; Schiffman, 2000). Such
An unusual and puzzling pattern of hedonic responses
design did not allow for observation of hedonic changes in
to varying combination of MSG/I + G represented green
foods when the level or ratio of umami substances is
peas cream (Fig. 1f). In comparison with the reference sam-
ple, most combinations of MSG and I + G resulted in con-
In contrast, the experimental design of this study made
sistent (although not significant) decrease of the
more detailed insight into above problem possible. Two
palatability. Only one single combination (0.3% MSG with
features of the design should be stressed: first, that seven
0.01% I + G) revealed significant (a = 0.01) elevation of
different food matrices of controlled composition and pro-
hedonic response over the level observed in the reference
cessing were used as an experimental material and second,
sample (Fig. 1f).
that umami substances (MSG and mixture of IMP and
Mashed potato as a food matrix appeared to be very
GMP) were added in four raising levels each and all ratio
insensitive to the supplementation in MSG and I + G.
in 4  4 factorial design. The same factorial pattern was
None of two enhancers in any (but one) level and combina-
evaluated in seven matrices, what allowed to observe
tion applied within the experiment caused remarkable
matrix/umami interaction effect and its variability due to
increase of hedonic value. The sole exception was combina-
various matrix composition.
tion of 0.1% MSG with 0.01% I + G, by which degree of
The results have shown, that the final hedonic effect of
liking of the mashed potato sample was slightly, but signif-
MSG/I + G application is highly dependent on the interac-
icantly (a = 0.05) higher than that of the reference (Fig. 2).
tion of matrix (product) with umami additives. It resulted
It should be noticed that palatability of reference sam-
in different level and combination MSG/I + G evoked
ples (without any MSG and I + G) of seven investigated
highest degree of liking in various matrices (Table 3). For
model products differed considerably. It might have
different matrices the dynamics of palatability increase var-
ied from very strong (in chicken broth and mushroom
soup), to very slight or even negative (in mashed potato
Mashed potato
and green peas soup). The remaining three soups revealed
8 Table 3
Maximal palatability increment due to MSG/I + G supplementation in
mean rank scores

various food matrices

6 Food Palatability (MRS)a MSG and I + G in
matrix most liked sample (%)
Reference Most Incrementb MSG I+G MSG/
sample liked I+G
3 sample ratio
2 0.010 Chicken 2.35 7.25 4.90 0.5 0.005 1:100

1 0.005
Mushroom 2.55 9.00 6.45 0.5 0.010 1:50

0.5 0
0.3 Red beet 3.30 6.35 3.05 0.3 0.010 1:30
0.1 0
MSG [%] Vegetable 3.45 6.65 3.20 0.5 0.010 1:50
Asparagus 3.25 7.05 3.80 0.3 0.005 1:60
Fig. 2. Changes in the palatability of mashed potato supplemented by Green peas 5.25 8.00 2.75 0.3 0.010 1:30
rising amounts of MSG and I + G (expressed as in Fig. 1). Significance of Mashed 4.05 6.30 2.25 0.1 0.010 1:10
palatability increase against the reference is shown as different shadow of potato
grey colours: (j) reference sample (no umami substances added); (h) not Mean rank score.
significantly different from the reference; ( ) significantly different on Palatability difference (in MRS) between most liked sample and the
a = 0.05. reference.
N. Baryłko-Pikielna, E. Kostyra / Food Quality and Preference 18 (2007) 751–758 757

a moderate, but individually different hedonic response 5.5

pattern. The increase of palatability was estimated as a
magnitude of hedonic changes against the respective refer- 5
ence (unsupplemented) sample. It means, that an interac-

Hedonic value (MRS)

tion between the composition of food matrix and its
character and the umami additives (their level and mutual 4
ratio) played a key role in the final hedonic effect in the par-
ticular product. Thus, the optimal relationship obtained for 3.5
one product (e.g. the soup) not necessarily would appear ?
optimal for another one. Therefore the extrapolation of 3 soup)
supplementation results from one matrix to anothers
should be made with a great caution. 2.5
The contribution of MSG and I + G to the palatability
elevation was different for various food matrices, too. Gen-
0 10 20 30 40 50
erally, MSG played the priority role; I + G impact varied
GLU content (mg/100g)
greatly in various food matrices. It was quite strong in
some (e.g. mushroom soup), while only of marginal effect Fig. 3. Relationship between the endogenous free glutamic acid (GLU)
in other investigated food matrices (e.g. asparagus soup). and palatability of food matrices (reference samples).
No consistent synergistic effect between MSG and I + G
was observed. One may speculate, that the phenomenon natural glutamic acid content (e.g. green peas soup) final
of the synergy of above two umami substances (represent- hedonic effect might be affected by umami substances from
ing two different ‘‘families” of them), clearly demonstrated both sources (natural and added).
in the simple solution (Yamaguchi, 1998) become undis- One shall be aware that the speculation is of limited
tinct, vague, when umami substances interact with such value because: (a) not only glutamic acid but other endog-
complex matrix as food. enous free aminoacids may contribute to the palatability-
The experimental results of this study evoke the ques- enhancement effect, (b) natural content of 50 -nucleotides
tion, what are possible sources of the observed diversity in the matrices is unknown and (c) the impact of other than
and individuality of hedonic responses to the application MSG and 50 -nucleotides sensory-active substances on pal-
of exactly the same MSG/I + G pattern. One of them atability increment is possible (or even very probable).
might be the fact, that added umami substances are not The performed experiments and their results put some
the only source of them in the product. Free glutamic acid more light on the very complex phenomenon of umami
and glutamates – similarly as some other free aminoacids substances impact on degree of liking of various model
which may possess the umami properties – are common products representing one type of foods. Certainly, it raises
natural components of many foods of plant and animal also new questions. To address them, further systematic
origin in considerable amount (Ninomiya, 1998). Thus, research should follow.
the umami effect is resulted by joined stimulation of added
and natural umami substances. While the added part was 5. Conclusions
carefully quantitatively controlled within the experimental
design, about the ‘‘natural” part we know that it was com- 1. Hedonic effect of an amount/ratio of umami substances
plex and different in various food matrices, as concerns free (MSG and I + G) added to seven model food matrices
amino acids (Table 2). Probably similar differences would (6 soups and mashed potato) according to the same fac-
be observed in 50 -nucleotides (which were not analysed). torial pattern revealed great diversity in its magnitude
It should be noticed that the palatability of reference and dynamics; the effect was highly product-dependent.
samples (unsupplemented matrices) seem to be roughly It indicates, that extrapolation of the experimental
related to the natural free glutamic acid in the matrix results beyond the investigated material should be made
(Fig. 3) – with one exception (asparagus soup). with a great caution.
An interesting observation is quantitative relation 2. In most food matrices palatability of unsupplemented
between natural and added umami substances. The content food matrices differed considerably and was roughly
of natural (endogenic) free glutamic acid in investigated related to the endogenous content of free glutamic acid.
food matrices was varied within the range of 9.22– 3. An increment of the palatability due to rising umami
45.37 mg/100 g; it was much less than added MSG which agents supplementation tends to be adversely related
varied between 100 and 500 mg/100 g. Of course, one can- to the palatability of unsupplemented matrix.
not say that glutamic acid is the only source of natural 4. Differences in amount and composition of free amino
umami substances in the experimental food matrices. acids in the matrices might suggest their contribution
Above proportions indicate the prevalent quantity of to the diversity in final umami-induced hedonic effect
added MSG over the natural one – suggesting its main as a result of interaction matrix/added umami sub-
effect on hedonic changes. In the matrices of the highest stances.
758 N. Baryłko-Pikielna, E. Kostyra / Food Quality and Preference 18 (2007) 751–758

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