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Presented to the Senior High School Department

Future Generation Philippine International School

Second Semester, A.Y. 2022-2022

Project proposal in partial fulfillment of the learning area


Preserving Coconut Milk Conditioner Anywhere: a Natural and Efficient way to

Condition our Hair.

Submitted by:

Nacorda, Dan Ashley, M.

Taraji, Mohammad Borhan, G.

12 -Nebres

Submitted to

Mr. Jon Paolo B. Homez

January 2022

First and foremost, we would like to greatly thank our instructors, Jon Pablo

B. Homez and Gerald E. Eborde for guiding us throughout the process and providing

us all the required knowledge for this subject. The completion of this research

wouldn’t be possible without the assistance and support of everyone who participated

in this study. Also, we are immensely pleased to say that we are very thankful to our

friends who are involved in our research journey.


Defense Sheet

Project Title: Preserving Coconut Milk Conditioner Anywhere: a Natural and

Efficient way to Condition our Hair.

Prepared by:

Nacorda, Dan Ashley M.

Taraji, Mohammad Borhan G.

Approved by:

Mr. Mark Anthony B. Leander

Senior High School Academic Coordinator

March 15, 2022

Final Grade: ___________________

Mr. Gerald E. Eborde & Mr. Jon Paolo B. Homez

Project Advisers

This is to recommend the approval of the Research Study of Nacorda, Dan

Ashley, M. and Taraji, Mohammad Borhan G. titled which is being submitted in

partial fulfillment of the requirements for completion.

Mr. Gerald E. Eborde & Mr. Jon Paolo B. Homez

Project Advisers

Noted: Approved:

Mrs. Zenaida C. Meren Mrs. Marie Con C. Caro

Assistant Principal Principal





Background of the Project 7

Statement of the Problem 8

Objectives of the Project 8

Significance of the Project 9

Scope and Delimitation 9

Definition of Terms 10


Introduction of a literature review 11

Conceptual Literature 11

Related studies 13

Synthesis 14

Conceptual Framework 15


Research Design 16

Context and Participants 16

Instruments 16

Data-Gathering Procedure 17

Data Analysis 18




Summary 23

Conclusion 24

Recommendation 24



Appendix A: Instrument 28

Appendix B: Raw Data 31

Appendix C: Figures 35

Appendix D: Critical Vitae 42 - 45



Background of the Project

Commercial hair conditioners are expensive and yet, too much usage may

contribute to the irritating scalp and cause more dandruff; as a result, not many people

use commercial hair conditioners (“Dangers of Commercial Conditioner,” 2020).

According to (ReHair, 2021), most hair products are made to give your hair

instant and very fast results. Toxic chemicals are used a lot during the manufacture of

the products. (ReHair, 2021) stated that chemicals are the most important of the

harmful ingredients in hair products, everyone is very pleased to see the final results

such as clean, shiny, plump, and smooth hair. However, this will also mean a quick

and short satisfaction, because after the side effects such as hair loss, especially

hormone imbalance and cancer risk can be observed. harmful chemicals for hair and

harmful ingredients in hair products can cause damage not only to the hair but also to

all bodily functions.

(Purewow, 2020) The main component in coconut milk that makes it

beneficial for hair health is that it has a high concentration of Lauric acid. “ Lauric

acid is a medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA), it converts to an antiviral and antibacterial

compound”, “the fatty acid can penetrate hair easily and has been suggested to help

strengthen the cuticle”. In short, (Purewow, 2020) stated that coconut milk may help

moisturize and strengthen existing hair ( which helps with overall retention) but may

not help with new growth.


Lastly, coconut milk spoils for around a week, a preservative like a lemon not

only extends the shelf life of the Coconut Milk Conditioner but also gives a freshly

pleasant smell (Novak, 2017). As an addition tea is added to nourish and strengthen

your hair strand and keep your hair firmly rooted to the scalp.

Statement of the Problem

35 million men and 21 million women suffer from hair loss all around the

world may be from dry scalps, dandruff, and prolonged exposure to sunlight

(Rosenberg, 2018). Hair problems are common nowadays in which people are looking

for alternatives and fast relief to their problems. Moreover, these alternatives may

help achieve what is a necessary treatment for their hair.

Objectives of the Project

● To determine that our Coconut Milk Conditioner is a viable alternative to

commercial conditioners.

● To determine the efficacy of our Coconut Milk Conditioner.

● To promote the use of the home remedy conditioner alternative to save money.

● To determine whether the coconut milk will last longer after preserving it with

lemon juice.

Research Hypothesis

The Null hypothesis in this research states that our Coconut Milk

Conditioner failed to me the overall acceptance of our participants. And for the

Alternative Hypothesis, our Coconut Milk Conditioner passed the overall

acceptance of our participants.

Significance of the Project

To obtain luster and manageable hair extra moisture, restore dry hair and

scalp, and prevent hair damage (i.e. split ends, hair breakage, and dandruff.) With the

use of a preservative, which is a teaspoon of lemon, our Coconut Milk Conditioner

could be kept in any environment to reduce hassle.

Scope and Delimitation

This product was made with the comfort of common household materials with

a common problem: hair damage (Moore, 2022). Though time is limited, the

researchers’ goal was to attain freshness of the Coconut Milk Conditioner in the right

place beside the bathroom toiletries for a month. Nowadays, traditionally using

coconut milk for our hair seems like a hassle to many, and many strays away from

doing so; implementing a single ingredient, which is a tablespoon of lemon containing

a high amount of sulfites and citric acid, preserves the coconut milk without the use of

a refrigerator and at any temperature (Moncel, 2021).


Definition of Terms

Coconut Milk Conditioner - the product made for this capstone, consists of

coconut milk, lemon, and tea.

Hair Damage - an umbrella term that describes parts of the hair structure that

are altered, which weakens hair and sets off a domino effect of noticeable results and

further damage that looks and feels like unhealthy, dry hair (i.e. split ends, hair

breakage, and dandruff.)

Sulfites - are substances that are naturally found in some foods. They are used

as an additive to maintain shelf-life and prevent the growth of fungi or bacteria.



Introduction of Literature Review

This chapter presents the concepts regarding this capstone; the reviews of

related literature address the well-known common problem: hair damage, utilizing

coconut milk as a way to condition your hair, and preserving the coconut milk using

lemons in which they contain sulfites, and high amounts of citric acid.

Conceptual Literature

Review on Hair Problem and its Solution

The structure of the hair is simple, our hair is made up of a protein called keratin. Hair

cleansers are hair care items that are usually used to clean the hair, though, problems

in mistreating hair cleansers include androgenetic alopecia, lack of hair, dandruff, etc.

(Fallon, 2017). In addition, many hair styling products (chemicals / excessive heat)

can cause hair loss.

Hair is an important part of the human body. Hair is the highest glory of a

person who plays an important role in human life. You can determine which society

you belong to based on the color, type, and amount of hair. Hair also helps to give a

person confidence and pride, no matter what gender the person belongs to.

Maintaining and maintaining them, long or short, is one of all people's priorities.

Dry shampoos often cause dry hair. Clean, squeaky hair may be fine, but many

people over-wash their hair, sometimes once, sometimes twice, or once a day to

remove all the natural oils from the hair. Excessive brushing, excessive perming,

overheating, and lack of a good conditioner can lead to split ends. Sebum is produced

by the sebaceous glands and can work "overtime", leading to excess oil.

Preservation and storage of Lemon (Citrus Limon) Juice

Before extracting the juice, the lemon fruits were separated and washed.

Lemon juice was extracted and treated with potassium metabisulphite and sodium

benzoate. as well as thermal processing Samples that had been handled and those that

hadn't the juice was kept at room temperature and refrigerated. The temperature was

monitored for 90 days and a chemical analysis was performed. During storage,

properties are checked every 15 days. Total Increased sugars, decreasing sugars, and

browning of juice during the period of storage The tannin concentration of juice, on

the other hand, is high. Lowered as a result of storage Refrigeration storage The use

of temperature has been discovered to be more successful in the preservation of food.

and ensuring that the quality of the juice does not deteriorate. During preservation, the

chemical characteristics of juice differ from those at room temperature. temperature.

As a result of the findings, lemon juice was recommended as a follow-up treatment. It

is possible to store chemical and pasteurization treatments. For 90 days, store at room

temperature or in the refrigerator. (IJAERS, 2018).


Related Studies

How to use coconut milk for hair growth

Coconut milk contains fat, protein, sodium, calcium, and potassium. Together,

they can improve blood circulation in the scalp. Therefore, coconut milk in particular

is one of the easiest and most nutritious forms that can be used to get gorgeous hair.

Coconut milk for hair offers a wide range of benefits. It even promotes hair growth.

Coconut milk is available on the market, but it's easy to prepare at home.

Coconut Milk and Coconut Oil: Their Manufacture Associated with Protein


Coconut milk can be readily made in the comfort of our home, it can be done

by squeezing the grated meat of the coconut by hand. Coconut milk is an oil-in-water

emulsion, in which the continuous phase is essentially water and oil, dispersed. The

composition of coconut milk generally depends on the coconut meat used for

extraction. The composition of coconut milk depends on the coconut meat used for

extraction; the extraction efficiency and composition of the coconut milk from the

coconut meat are determined by the factors such as the temperature of the added water

and the state of squeezing out the contents of the coconut meat.

Differences in the ratio of water to coconut meat ranged from 1:1 to 20:1 and

did not affect the extraction of oil and protein into coconut milk (Dendy & Timmins,

1973). Thungkao (1988) also documented that protein contents were not affected by

temperatures (30 °C, 55 °C, and 80 °C) used for coconut milk extraction when the

grated coconut meat and water ratio of 1:1 were employed. However, the fat content

of coconut milk extracted at 55°C was the highest, while the fat content of coconut

milk extracted at 30°C and 80°C was not significantly different. Grisingha (1991)

compared the oil and protein extractability in coconut milk prepared using three

different methods including (1) twice pressing with water adding in the second time,

(2) twice pressing with water adding in both times, and (3) once pressing with water

adding. The protein and fat contents of extracted coconut milk were not significantly

different. Coconut milk extraction from a fresh coconut is the most important step in

wet or aqueous processing.

Food Preservatives, Second edition (2nd ed., Vol. 5)

Its antibacterial and antimycotic actions, including the inhibition of bacterial

sporulation (Oloyede and Abalaka, 1989), sulfite has a variety of other uses as a food

additive. Thus, it is variously employed to prevent oxidative rancidity and other

oxidative reactions, to prevent enzymic and non-enzymatic browning reactions, as a

bleaching agent, as a color stabilizer for meats, vegetables, and fruits, to stabilize

ascorbic acid (vitamin C), and delays onset of oxidative rancidity and other oxidative

deterioration reactions in foods during storage (Roberts and McWeeney, 1972;

Wedzicha, 1984; Taylor et al., 1986; Ough, 1993; Sapers, 1993; Gould, 2000).


Taking care of our hair should not be neglected as it is part of how we look,

using commercial products to promote hair care is perfectly normal when used

correctly; though it could get expensive. A remedy that is used for this capstone,

utilizes the contents of coconut milk to promote hair care, which is used commonly in

meals and can be found in many households as it is cheap. Sulfite, which is found in

lemon juice, works as a preservative to prevent bacteria from growing in coconut milk

and reduces oxidation.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1.1: Conceptual framework

Figure 1.1 presented that it is mainly focused on the preservation of coconut

milk, the concept researchers have developed is the effects of preservation with the

use of lemon and tea. This will also determine if the lemon and tea that contains

sulfide will preserve the coconut milk and have the same life span of a hair

conditioner without affecting the efficacy of coconut milk as stated by (Femina,

2019), that coconut milk is packed with some essential nutrients that are vital for the



Research Design

The project that the researchers are pursuing makes use of quantitative design

as it is experimental. The quantitative aspect of the research will be utilizing the

hedonic scale and preparing questionnaires and handing out the products to the

participants which will also involve statistical tests and analysis of the product.

Context and Participants

The researchers had made batches of 7 cups of the Coconut Milk Conditioner

out of 5 total coconuts by squeezing the contents of the coconut meat by hand. Also,

the researchers did not use any sampling method because the ratio of water to coconut

meat is too random when done homemade as well as pointing to the fact that

store-bought coconut milk is achievable as well.

Upon testing the viability of the Coconut Milk Conditioner the researchers

opted out for sensory evaluation, more on that in Instruments. The 5 participants who

will be tested by sensory evaluation are the researchers’ parents’ colleagues, hence the

convenient sampling method is utilized.


The panelists were asked to assign the appropriate numerical score to each

product for characteristics of color, flavor, and overall acceptability of coconut milk.

The hedonic scale was used, then getting the median of the variables.

The Coconut Milk Conditioner samples were periodically (at 7-day intervals

from processing day up to 21 days) observed during storage for color, smell, texture,

and overall acceptance. Sensory evaluation of coconut milk was performed through

Google Forms consisting of 5 members using 9 points hedonic scale.

Data-gathering Procedure

Figure 2.1: Data-gathering Procedure


Figure 2.2: Production of the Coconut Milk Conditioner

The researchers had made a bath of 7 cups, 5 of which were given to 5

participants, then 2 remained in their hands. After the Coconut Milk Conditioner was

handed out with having 1 of each participant, the Google Forms are sent to the

participants for the sensory evaluation after a week, data analysis follows.

Data Analysis

With the use of google forms, the researchers used sensory evaluation as their

data collection, which is composed of: Color, Smell, Texture, and Overall Acceptance,

and then used the analysis of the variance (ANOVA) F test as our data analysis.

Regarding our research hypothesis, getting the value of F and comparing it with the F

distribution, the F test will prove or reject our Null hypotheses which state that our

Coconut Milk Conditioner failed to meet our participants’ overall acceptance.

Figure 2.1: F distribution



The table below is the data we collected regarding the sensory evaluation of

our Coconut Milk Conditioner. In total 5 participants answered their given survey

every week until week 5. The hedonic scale arranged was such that: 9 = extremely

pleasant, 8 = moderately pleasant, 7 = pleasant, 6 = slightly pleasant, 5 = neutral, 4 =

slightly unpleasant, 3 = unpleasant, 2 = moderately unpleasant and 1 = extremely

unpleasant. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used in each category of sensory except

taste as it is not related to our project.

Trial 1 9 9 8 7 7

Trial 2 9 9 7 6 6

Trial 3 9 8 6 5 5

Trial 4 9 9 7 7 6

Trial 5 9 9 7 7 5

Table 1.1: Appearance/ Color Sensory Evaluation

Aroma/ Smell
Trial 1 9 9 8 8 6

Trial 2 9 9 8 6 6

Trial 3 8 8 7 5 5

Trial 4 9 9 8 7 6

Trial 5 8 8 7 6 5

Table 1.2: Aroma/ Smell Sensory Evaluation


Trial 1 9 9 8 7 6

Trial 2 9 8 7 7 6

Trial 3 9 8 7 7 6

Trial 4 9 8 7 6 5

Trial 5 9 8 6 5 5

Table 1.3: Texture Sensory Evaluation

Trial 1 9 9 8 8 7

Trial 2 9 9 7 6 5

Trial 3 9 9 8 7 5

Trial 4 9 8 6 5 5

Trial 5 9 9 7 7 6

Table 1.4: Overall acceptance Sensory Evaluation


Category Total Sum Sum of Squares Sum of Squares F Value

of squares Within Groups Between Groups
Appearance/ 50 8.8 41.2 23.4
Aroma/ 45.8 12 33.8 14
Texture 45.2 9.2 36 19.6

Overall 37.2 16.6 20.6 6.2

Table 1.5: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) F Test

The data shows all the participants' answers and evaluations from our

conditioner. The sample size consisted of 5 participants and the experimentation took

5 weeks, the participants were given sensory evaluation questionnaires to test and

evaluate our conditioners every five weeks. Based on the data the researchers

collected, the data shows that the value had a good fit with our data since all of our

respondents had a high score or evaluation on the conditioner.

Our F values from the Sensory evaluation exceeded the needed number in the

F distribution table thus we reject the null hypotheses, thus saying that our Coconut

Milk Conditioner passed our participants’ overall acceptance.




This project aims to experiment and determine the use of lemon and tea on

coconut milk as preservatives to extend its shelf life without affecting the efficacy of

coconut milk. Lemon contains a high amount of sulfite and citric acid that helps the

preservation of coconut milk while giving its freshness and tea gives a fragrance to

the coconut milk. This project also includes the objectives of the project: To

determine that our Coconut Milk Conditioner is a viable alternative to commercial

conditioners, To determine the efficacy of our Coconut Milk Conditioner, To promote

the use of the home remedy conditioner alternative to save money, To determine

whether the coconut milk will last longer after preserving it with lemon juice. The

researchers made 7 batches of coconut milk conditioner and distributed it to 5 chosen

participants and to observe the coconut milk conditioner in 5 weeks and will be given

questionnaires every week from the survey forms containing a sensory evaluation of

appearance/ color, aroma/ smell, Texture and overall acceptance. The remaining two

bottles of coconut milk conditioner will be left with the researchers to test its


In the process of this project, it applied quantitative design. Under this, the

quantitative aspects of the design was to utilize the hedonic scale, preparing

questionnaires and distributing it to the participants. The participants we choose

where Mr. Taraji's mother work colleagues and serve as our participants.


The conclusion of this project, concludes that the preservation of the coconut milk

with lemon and tea shows that it can last until 5 weeks. The data showed that the

coconut milk conditioner had a high score on week 1 and week 2 with its appearance,

smell and texture. Week 3 and 4 had a low score of appearance, smell and texture and

week 5 had a very low score with its appearance, smell and texture. The project

concludes that the coconut milk conditioner can be used until week 4 but not more

than another week since it can be skeptical to be used and the process of making the

conditioners is homemade.


Our Coconut Milk Conditioner is all-natural, so much so that you can add

coconut milk to your meals; though it has a strong lemon touch. Our coconut milk

conditioner must be used not more than Week 4 since, at Week 5, its dips below 6

regarding the overall acceptance rate which others might be skeptical to use. Using a

cup of grated coconut meat should be enough to produce one or two cups which

should be enough to last for no more than a month

Researchers greatly recommend not limiting the independent variable of

preserving the coconut milk with the use of lemon juice, instead, using other small

doses of substances that contain high levels of sulfuric acid to properly preserve the

coconut milk and are not acidic enough to damage the hair cuticles. Substances like

white vinegar, or any fruits that are high in sulfuric acid which are the citrus fruits like

lime, orange, grapefruit, etc.



Bad and harmful hair ingredients to avoid in hair products. (2021, June 23) .




Blagrove, Kadia. (2021, Nov 19). Forget coconut oil, it’s time to start using

coconut milk on your hair. Mane addicts.

Fallon, B. B. B. D. (2017, April 24). Your Shampoo Might Be Causing Your

Hair to Thin—Here’s Why. NewBeauty.

Jin, Jenny. (2020, July 15). Is coconut milk good for your hair? Because These

strands are feeling a bit dry. Pure wow.


Lanjewar, A., Maurya, S., Sharma, D., & Gaur, A. (2020, June 15). Review on

Hair Problem and its Solution. CORE Reader.


Moore, K. (2022, January 27). Everything You Need to Know About Hair

Loss. Healthline.

Moncel. (2021, July 26). Learn About Citric Acid and How It’s Used in Food.

The Spruce Eats.

Desk, I. T. W. (2020, October 27). How to use coconut milk for hair growth.

India Today.

Patil, Benjakul. (2018, July 13). Coconut Milk and Coconut Oil: Their

Manufacture Associated with Protein Functionality. IFT Online Library.

Russell, N. J., & Gould, G. W. (2003). Food Preservatives, Second edition

(2nd ed., Vol. 5). Springer.


Sindhu, Ritu & Khatkar, Bhupendar Singh. (2018, March 3). Preservation and

storage of lemon (Citrus Limon) Juice. International Journal of advanced Engineering

Research and Science (IJAERS).


What You Need to Know About Sulphites - Unlock Food. (2021, November

19). UnlockFood.Ca.



APPENDICES A: Instruments


The hedonic scale arranged was such that: 9 = extremely pleasant, 8 =

moderately pleasant, 7 = pleasant, 6 = slightly pleasant, 5 = neutral, 4 = slightly

unpleasant, 3 = unpleasant, 2 = moderately unpleasant and 1 = extremely unpleasant.


Appendix B: Raw Data


Appendix C: Figures

Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 4:

Week 5:

APPENDICES D: Curriculum Vitae

A. Personal information:

Name: Nacorda, Dan Ashley M.

Date of birth: January 8, 2004

Address: Nabighah Ash Shibani, Umm Al Hamam Al

Sharqi, Riyadh

Cell Phone Number: 050 277 3214


Educational background:

● Kindergarten - Fawaq International School

● Elementary - Elite International School

● Junior Highschool - Elite International School

● Senior High school - Future Generation Philippine International School

Past researches:

● Project proposal: “Almont music” (2019 - 2020)

● Qualitative research: “FuGen's Activities and Contribution to Grade 6 and

7 FuGen Students and the Relationship with their Culture of Language” (2020

- 2021)

● Quantitative research: “A study on the effects of social media addiction to

the academic performance among the senior high school students of Future

Generation Philippine International School” (2021 - 2022)



Personal information:

Name: Taraji, Mohammad Borhan G.

Date of birth: April 8, 2022

Address: Blk. 3 Lot 22 Teacher’s village

Goldenville, Cabaluay Zamboanga City

Cell Phone Number: 0570723684


Educational background:

● Kindergarten - Riyadh International School

● Elementary - Riyadh International School

● Junior Highschool - Elite International School

● Senior High school - Future Generation Philippine International School

Past researches:

● English 10 Thesis: Benefits of promoting musical education for Junior High

School students in Elite International School

● Science 10 Project: Using different methods to reduce oxidation of an apple

● Research 11 Thesis: The Perspective of the Students from the Senior High

School of FGPIS on the Effects of Toxic Femininity and Masculinity in The

Philippines’ Modern Society


● Filipino 11 Thesis: Ang Pananaw ng Mag-aaral sa Senior High School ng

FGPIS sa Epekto ng Toxic Femininity at Masculinity sa Modernong Lipunan

ng Pilipinas

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