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Assalamualaikum wr. Wb.

Good Morning
For all the judges and for all the audiences

My name is Azzahra Linzy Olivia, you can call me Linzy

I am fourth grade of primary and I study at Cheng Hoo elementary school in Surabaya.
I am nine years old and I have a BIG DREAM. I want to be a DOCTOR when I grew up. Why I
want to be a doctor. I would like to tell you a story about my dream.

One day, I went to a bookstore with my mom. And I saw a superhero book. I’m really
interested with superhero character. For me being a superhero was cool, beacuse superhero
can fly and has power to defeat evil and save many people. But, when I said to my mom that I
wanna be a superhero. My mom laughed and said “ Superhero is just a fiction story, that’s not
real story, we cannot fly, Linzy”. And I answered “Yes, mom. I understand”. I knew it. I knew
that I can’t fly but, I wanna be a superhero. So, I decided to be a DOCTOR when I grew up.
because for me a doctor is like a superhero. Doctor save many people’s lives, even though
doctor can’t fly hehe. By becoming a doctor, I also can help poor people to get good medical
care without expecting big money in return.

I said to my mom about my dream and my mom said. “If you have a dream you must study
hard and reach your dream as high as the sky, someday you will be like superhero”

From now I promise to study hard. The important thing to make my dream come true is a
courage to pursue them.

Ok, that’s all my story

Thank you very much for your attention
Wassalamualaikum wr. Wb.

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