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Playing tricks on the first day of April is a custom among European peoples. In France the victim
of such practical jokes is called an April fish; in Scotland, a gowk or cuckoo; and in English-
speaking countries, an April fool.

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April Fools’ Day or All Fools' Day, the first day of April. On this day it is customary to play
practical jokes on people, causing them to believe something that isn’t true or to go on a fruitless
errand. Although the origin of the custom is unknown, a common theory is that it developed as
part of ancient spring festivals.

April Fools’ Day jokes are generally amusing but harmless. For example, someone may give a
friend the telephone number of the zoo, telling her to return a call from “Mr. Fox.”

April 1 is recognized as a day for pranks in Germany, France, Great Britain, the United States,
Canada, and elsewhere. In India, the last day of the feast of Huli, March 31, is regarded as a day
for mischief. In France, an April fool’s prank is called a poisson d'Avril (April fish), and in
Scotland it is an April gowk or cuckoo.

Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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