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Good afternoon everyone this is my perception of CTU VMGO

The primary foundation of the university's success is the ctu Vision, Mission, Goals, and

When attending CTU, one must be familiar with the VMGO, because CTU is with us as
we develop, educate, and equip ourselves.

The university has established THE VMGO, which must be understood, internalized,
and applied as a guiding concept throughout our academic experience.

In my opinion, the idea of VMGO was intended to serve as the university's foundation,
allowing us to get to the same goal as our university, which is in the progressive field.

So our vmgo acts as our path towards achieving our goals. That the ctu institution is
here to offer all content information and to improve one's abilities so that one may equip
and prepare for the needs of the real world.

And that our institution is always improving and innovating in order to give the best
education possible for its students to become successful professionals.

CTU's VMGO was established to remind students that the ways in which they contribute
to the achievement of the VMGO clearly include complying with the university's rules
and policies, striving for academic excellence, participating actively in school activities,
becoming a role model, passing the board exams, and conducting research.

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