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Now, it's time for you to give your own example situation that uses the four goals of psychology.
Identify a scenario, behavior, or phenomenon and apply the four goals in psychology.

Give at least 2 scenario. state properly the four goals in psychology

Description, Explanation, Prediction, and Control

1. While you are in a walk with your best friend in a park, you’ve noticed that all of a sudden she’s
hyperventilating, sweating and trembling, you lead her to sit in a bench, you are wondering why it’s
happening but you remembered that your friend was diagnose with Anxiety few years ago, you think that
her anxiety can be worsen to prevent that from happening you asked her what you can do to help her.

"What is going on?" (Describing) - She’s hyperventilating, sweating and trembling

"Why did that happen?" (Explaining) - you remembered that your friend was diagnose with Anxiety few
years ago
"What would happen if the same thing happen?" (Predicting) - you think that her anxiety can be worsen
"What should be done in order to alter the outcome?" (Controlling) - you asked her what you can do to
help her

2. Your parents go on a vacation, you and your baby brother are the only one who left in the house as a
big sister you have to take care of your baby brother, while watching TV you heard your baby brother
crying from the crib, you think that you already fed him and change his diapers but you’ve realize the TV
was too loud so you turn it off, then he stops crying. You overthink that your baby brother might cry
again if you will play something that is too loud for him, instead of doing that you sang a lullaby to make
him feel better.

"What is going on?" (Describing) - your baby brother crying from the crib
"Why did that happen?" (Explaining) – you’ve realize the TV was too loud so you turn it off, then he
stops crying.
"What would happen if the same thing happen?" (Predicting) – You overthink that your baby brother
might cry again if you will play something that is too loud for him
"What should be done in order to alter the outcome?" (Controlling) - you sang a lullaby to make him
feel better.

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