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--1)Inner (outer) join -->returns records that exists in both tables

--2)Left join----->returns all records from left and matching values from right
--3)Right join---->returns all records from right and matching values from left
--4)Full join----->returns all records when there is match in either left or right
--5)cross product ---> m rows from left, n rows from right. m*n records you will

--retrieve color,name ListPrice, and model of the products

from Production.Product

from Production.ProductModel

select prm.ProductModelID,pr.Color, pr.ListPrice,prm.Name,pr.Name

from Production.Product pr inner join Production.ProductModel prm
on pr.ProductModelID=prm.ProductModelID

--retrieve products which has models
select prm.ProductModelID,pr.Color, pr.ListPrice,prm.Name,pr.Name
from Production.Product pr inner join Production.ProductModel prm
on pr.ProductModelID=prm.ProductModelID
--retrieve all products,whether they have the model or not.
select pr.Color,pr.ListPrice,pr.Name,pr.ProductModelID prid,prm.ProductModelID
from Production.Product pr left join Production.ProductModel prm
on pr.ProductModelID=prm.ProductModelID

--retrieve all models whether they have product or not
select pr.Color,pr.ListPrice,pr.Name,pr.ProductModelID prid,prm.ProductModelID
from Production.Product pr right join Production.ProductModel prm
on pr.ProductModelID=prm.ProductModelID

select pr.Color,pr.ListPrice,pr.Name,pr.ProductModelID prid,prm.ProductModelID

from Production.Product pr full join Production.ProductModel prm
on pr.ProductModelID=prm.ProductModelID



where column =, in ,>, <, etc.
select column

1) dont forget () in subquery

2)column's data type will same
3)if you have 1 returning vaalue you can use =, if more than 1 use in

--- retrieve all products whose colors will be same as the most expensive product's

select *
from Production.Product
where color =
select TOP 1 Color
from Production.Product
order by ListPrice DESC

select *
from Production.Product
where color in
select TOP 15 Color
from Production.Product
order by ListPrice DESC

--retrieve all products whose ListPrice's are greater than avg ListPrice

from Production.Product
where ListPrice >
select avg(ListPrice)
from Production.Product

--retrie customers such that they have no orders

select *
from Sales.Customer

select *
from Sales.SalesOrderHeader

from Sales.Customer
where CustomerID not in

select CustomerID
from Sales.SalesOrderHeader



---you can ony use select, not insert, update, delete in views

Create VIEW vwProductPrice

select Name, color,ListPrice,
when ListPrice between 0 and 1000 then 'cheap'
when ListPrice between 1001 and 2000 then 'normal'
when ListPrice>2000 then 'expensive'
else 'other'
end Price
from Production.Product

select* from vwProductPrice

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