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Name: Rafhael Juannito

Prodi: SI 11


1. Peranan (role) Komputer Dalam Hidup Saya

there are so many uses/role of computer in my life. Example:
for education field and also for business and marketing.
when im kid/child, I used computer for playing games,
drawing, and watch funny movies. And now in college, I use
my computer for study, play music video, video call, work,
watch film or some news and also for job seekers.
The conclusion is computer have so many important role or
use for our daily life, same as it is now, in this pandemic, we
really need computer for study at home because we cant go
to university in this era pandemic.

2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer

a. Sentence of Present Affirmative:
- Multitasking is one of the major advantages of
- Virus is a worm and hacking is simply an unauthorized
access over computer for some illicit purpose
b. Sentence of Present Negative:
- computer is not just a calculating device
- advantage of computer is not only calculations but
also with accuracy.

c. Sentence of Present Tense Interogative:

- Does the virus can hack our access computer?
- Does the computer can make human life faster?

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