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Revised Mafia Game

Let the students pick their roles in a bowl

 Detective who seeks revenge for the mafia

 Citizens
 Doctor
 One citizen who will remain awake the entire time (cannot be killed)

The mafia of the game is the teacher.

The teacher will let the “detective” pick the real mafia of the gamebased on his instinct. The students
will close their eyes. The teacher will say mafia awake but he will not kill anyone. Then say, “doctor
awake”, that student points to another student to “save” and then closes their eyes. Tell everyone to
open their eyes, make up a murder story for the person who was “killed”. Make sure to explain to the
detective that they need to scan the faces of the citizens to see who looks guilty and can even ask a few
people for their opinions about what happened. Now, tell everyone to close their eyes again. Finally say,
“detective” awake and that student will point to a student who they think is the mafia.

To end the game, the mafia will kill the detective.

The citizen who remained open his/her eyes will state what he/she witnessed during the game.


Revenge of the detective to the mafia

Friendship of doctor and the citizen

Moral lesson:

The mafia is not a killer but only escapes the hunt. We cannot destroy someone who is powerful .

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