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The best way to read Editorial’s for beginners

In recent scenario, English plays a vital role in every part of the field whether it is competitive exam or
workplace where we are working. So it becomes indispensable to learn English language. But problem
here is how to learn English language where a single word has various meanings with different usage. I
have seen many students who just mug up word without knowing the usage of its. Mugging up of word
with help of mnemonics, will help you to know a only specific meaning for a certain period thereafter
you will fail to recall those word. For instance, Might is a modal as well as noun which means strength so
here mnemonics will not work. From exam point of view, Examiner not only test how much you know
English but also how you have command over this language by conducting Descriptive papers in which
student have to write an essay.

From my experience, I will help you to read and understand the most diversifying language. The most
concrete way to learn English is to read newspaper’s editorial where you go through not only with words
but also with idioms and phrases. But the problem is how to make out the appropriate usage of words in
a specific sentence. To cope up with this problem, we provides you editorial PDF on daily basis along
with vocabulary in bold letter, where we find that such words which have a specific meaning in a
respective sentences will be specifically mentioned in the vocabulary section of the PDF. So, the best
way to read Editorial is to superficially read the meaning of word in vocabulary section thereafter read
the editorial. After that if any words you find difficulty to understand the meaning and usage in a
respective sentences then cross checks with words in vocabulary section.

I hope you understand the way to command over English language not only on words but also on usage
of the words in respective sentences.

For more such PDF, join us on our Telegram channel or search in the
name of “The Hindu Editorial and Idioms & Phrase”. Page 1

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