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Fire Safety Tips:

 Install smoke alarms on every level of your

home. Test them monthly to make sure they
work and change the batteries every 6 months.

 Create multiple escape plans and practice it twice a

year. Your plans should include escape routes from
different areas of the house, tools for exiting the
building such as escape ladders, items to open, break
out windows and a designated meeting place. It’s very
important to practice fire safety, so be sure to
familiarize the sounds of the alarm(s).

 Keep grills, cookers and fryers at least 3 feet away from your house and shrubs
or bushes.

 Keep space heaters at least 3 feet away from

anything flammable. Always turn off heaters when
leaving the room or going to bed.

 If someone is with you who is deaf or hard of hearing, consider installing an

alarm that combines flashing lights, vibration and sound.

 Store gasoline in a garage or shed in a container approved for gasoline storage.

 Close the lid on all flammable products and put them away after using them.
 Store a fire extinguisher on every level of your
home. They should have an ABC rating, making
them usable for all types of fires.

Do these things to safely escape a fire

1. Get down, get low, get out – smoke is poisonous, get underneath it on your
hands and knees, and crawl to the nearest safe exit.
2. Shut the doors behind you to stop the spread of fire and smoke.
3. Shout Fire! Fire! Fire! to warn others.
4. Ensure everyone is out of the building.
5. Get out and stay out – never go back inside.
6. Go to your safe meeting place – such as your letterbox.
7. Call the Emergency Hotline from a mobile or a neighbour’s phone.
8. Wait for the Fire Service to arrive.
9. Emergency calls
Call 911 Emergency Hotline

 Ask for Fire, Police or Ambulance.

 Stay calm, don’t shout, speak slowly and clearly.
 When asked give the:
o State you live in, street number, street name, suburb, nearest cross street.

Stay focused, stay relevant, stay on the line.


Fire Hazard area because of the aircon outlet that was also used with an extension
wire and sometimes with the series lights.

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