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Youth witnessing desiring true Christian character

Rone II O. Ompad
February 13 2022

Opening prayer

Topic: maintaining a close walk with God we keep asking about the
thing happen in us.

Theme song: Can Jesus be seen in me

PR. Raymond Cabardo

- Maintaining a close walk with God

“We’re just so self centered that we keep tellingthe lord that
were in pain. But have you realize everytime you committed sins if
every time your doing sins Jesus is also feeling hurt”.


I didn't realize that every time we sin, God suffers as well. In the
past, I used to blame God for everything; every time I was in agony,
every time I failed, I blamed God. I used to beg God why me, why
what did I do wrong, why am I going through this, why I'm so
unlucky. However, after realizing that God was merely testing my
confidence in him after I asked for pardon, I prayed and prayed for
forgiveness for the offenses I had committed. For our sins, God died
on the cross. God is around us at all times and on all days, waiting
for us to notice him.

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