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Ahisya Nurillah

Local A2
English Departement Student

Reading Tips and Tricks

In my opinion, to be able to do reading problems or

be able to quickly understand reading material, we
must increase our vocabulary. We also have to
improve our vocabulary.

Furthermore, to work on reading problems we have

to do what is called "skimming". So, the trick is to
read the text from beginning to end quickly to
know the big picture of the text (what the text is
about), then read the questions from the problem.
And lastly, we have to do "scanning" by reading the
questions and then re-reading the text to find the
details/answers that are needed and we don't need
to read from beginning to end.

don't forget to identify important nouns or verbs in

a reading text. It can also save time because we
will immediately focus on the intended word. Of
course, to do that we must be able to understand
the meaning of the words in Indonesian. So, to do
all the tips and tricks above we have to increase
and improve our vocabulary to make things easier.

So, that's all I can write down. Thank you

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