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Nick Lyles

Joe Turner’s Come and Gone Conflict

 Who is the protagonist? The Main protagonist is Herald Loomis Act 1 Scene 1
Page 19
 Which characters are the protagonist's opposing forces I would say Seth Holly
is Herald Loomis’ biggest opposing force. Like trying to kick him out of the
house. Act 2 Scene 1 page 57
 What is the climax? The climax of the show is Herald Loomis slashing his
chest, becoming the shining man, and finding his song. Act 2 Scene 5 page 86.
 What is the major dramatic question? The major dramatic question is where is
Martha? In Act 1 Scene 1 page 20 we learn that Herald Loomis is looking for
his wife bringing is our conflict and question.
 What is the inciting (introductory) incident- The inciting incident is Herald
Loomis and his daughter Zonia first arriving in the house in act 1 scene 1 page
 What is the moment of engagement- I think the moment of engagement is
Loomis’ outburst in act 1 scene 4 page 50.
 What are major complications prior to the climax- One major complication is
Seth threatening to kick out Loomis and then only letting him stay for the
remainder of the week to Saturday in act 2 scene 1 page 58. As well as
Loomis’ inability to find Martha until the end of the play.
 Do the proposed inciting (introductory) incident, moment of engagement, and
climax support the major dramatic question- Yes they do, throughout each of
these aspects of the play something is introduced that either sets up finding
Martha, or acts as an obstacle for Loomis to find Martha.

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